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August 30, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/30/24

Good Morning Kids. Well, to be perfectly fair, when Kamala Harris states, in response to the accusations of her flip-flopping on her positions regarding every issue under the sun, her assertion that her "values have not changed" is indeed 1,000% truthful, honest and accurate. That's because she is a committed Marxist-Leninist whose entire adult life has been devoted to the dismantling of this nation as founded, all in service to that goal as she attains power and influence and a prime position on top of the smoldering ruins.

Like every other Leftist politician, flip-flopping on issues, is merely the stock in trade that they see as necessary to convince us despicable, "DEPLORABLE!" rubes in flyover country who "bitterly cling to our guns and Bibles" to not believe our lying eyes and convince us that they're as American as baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, as opposed to gulags, tree bark soup and drag queen story hour.

Unfortuntately, considering the track records of far too many in the GOP over the course of many election cycles now (even going back to IKE who didn't lift a finger to try and reverse any of the New Deal) who promise the moon if we only vote harder, flip-flopping is not the lone purview of Leftists.

while this pre-canned, pre-digested "interview" of Harris and her emotional support white man was a dumpster fire, the true believers who will still reflexively vote for them and stuff ballot boxes for them will likely not see it that way.

Did you catch Kamala Harris' first "interview" as the Democrat Party nominee for president? It was pretty much everything you'd expect from an interview conducted by CNN. Lots of softball questions, lots of word salad responses. 

CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer.

You knew things were going to be bad when Harris really struggled to give a coherent answer to the cliché question about what she would do on "on day one."

. . . While Dana Bash asked some decent questions of Harris and Walz, she also asked plenty of softball questions that were a complete waste of time. Now, again, this was 18 minutes of actual interview that was aired, reportedly trimmed down from something longer, so it's no shock that so much of the interview was fluff and softball questions, and it's no shock that Dana Bash never called Harris out for blatantly lying. It's also not shocking that Kamala was never presented with clips of her own words endorsing the exact opposite of what she claims to be about now. And Walz wasn't pressured to explain why he lied about his service, his DUI arrest, and about using IVF. Bash just accepted his longwinded and weak response about his "grammar" sometimes being wrong as a legitimate explanation. . .

. . . Trust me, you'll never see Donald Trump get such an easy interview. Not even from Fox News. Kamala was asked about the "iconic" photo of her giving her speech at the DNC, and Walz got a question about his son being so proud of him at the convention.

The nation, that is to say what still remains of it, would have been better served, Had RFK Jr.s running mate Nicole Shanahan been allowed to say her peace:

But she is a traitor to the counter-American revolution and as such is to be eradicated.

Until recently, Shanahan’s political orientation was Democrat. For 20 years, she’s donated to Democrat candidates and funded Democrat issues. However, she’s also suspicious of big-tech and big-pharm medicine. She distrusts IVF for infertility and thinks that women aren’t getting enough sunlight. (This isn’t as crazy as it sounds. As COVID shows, Americans are sorely lacking in Vitamin D, which is a necessary ingredient in our immune systems.) Also, because her daughter is autistic, she’s interested in non-standard approaches. (As this luminous novel reveals, the scientific community has been awful at autism.)

In March 2024, Shanahan joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as his running mate in his independent presidential campaign. By this time, Shanahan had already witnessed the Democrat party freeze Kennedy out of the primaries, and from March forward, she saw Democrats ensure that Kennedy couldn’t get on most state ballots.
Now that the campaign is over and Kennedy has endorsed Trump, Shanahan has done a few press appearances—with conservatives, everyone from Jesse Watters to Adam Carolla. What’s interesting is that this exposure to actual conservatives, rather than to the leftist caricature of conservatives, is that, as she told Dave Smith, she now understands how the media and the Democrat establishment have consistently lied about conservatives and the MAGA movement:

. . . You know, actually, the best part of joining forces with Trump has been seeing MAGA, which I'm learning so much about. I was completely misinformed about what MAGA is. I don't know if you've taken any deep dives into MAGA-world, but I was just under the impression that they were gun-toting radicals who wanted to come to my doorstep and rip my liberal family out of my house, and, I don't know, do horrible things to liberals. And that's how that's how MAGA has been sold to a huge portion of America by the mainstream media.

And I have to say that what I have learned about MAGA is that they're actually their own party. They're their own grassroots organization that chose Donald Trump. They have so much power in deciding where to point their energy and support.

And they are really, really smart, thoughtful, intellectual people within MAGA. I’ve received beautifully written notes from MAGA supporters, and they were...

You know, our base didn't know how to engage with MAGA. Our base was not, you know, MAGA-oriented in the sense of even knowing who and what MAGA was and what their infrastructure was. In many ways, it's an online, viral movement.

An open mind is a terrible thing to waste. Are Shanahan, and RFK Jr. merely outliers, if this is merely sour grapes at the Democrats for screwing them over, then blasting their erstwhile compatriots, and theoretical fellow travelers seems quite counterproductive in long-term political strategy. Or is there a significant percentage of people out there who are having the scales fall from their eyes, to greater or lesser extents about who and what the source of all the ills of this nation really are?

Regardless of what I still disagree on issue-wise with these two, it's vital to build a bridge and find common ground, now that an opportunity exists with two influential people that do have an audience. Compromise where we can and try our best to not just sway them to our side but convince them we indeed are on the same side vis a vis creating a society that elevates liberty and the individual over the state.

Have a good weekend.


  • Robert Telles, a Democrat politician in Las Vegas, Nevada, has been convicted of murdering Jeff German, a 69-year-old investigative journalist reporting on bullying, retaliation, and favoritism in exchange for sexual favors in his office.Telles, described merely as an “ex-politician” or “former Las Vegas official” rather than a Democrat in headlines by the likes of Axios, ABC, AP, and CBS, stabbed German to death outside his home on September 2, 2022. German had been reporting on crime and corruption in Las Vegas for 44 years.
    Vegas Democrat Convicted of Murdering Journalist Who Investigated Him.
  • Daniel Greenfield: The ugly truth that the Biden coup really exposed.
    America is Run By a Movement, Not a Man

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:52 AM

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