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August 29, 2024

There Will Be An Answer, ONT

Howdy, and welcome to Thursday night! Before we get started, grab yourself a bite to eat, then c'mon in to the ONT.

egg salad.jfif

Tonight's Game

Album game.jpg

I realize that you'll have to post the results on an image site of your own, but give it a try. Some of them don't work at all, naturally. I got this for the Wiki page, this for the quote, and you can see the picture below. I can see this as an actual album.

lbum Cover.jpg

Jesus News

Scientists make startling discovery after analysing cloth 'Jesus was buried in'

A controversial linen shroud - regarded by some to be the one Jesus was buried in - has baffled the world for more than centuries.

When it was first exhibited in the 1350s, the Shroud of Turin was touted as the actual burial shroud used to wrap the mutilated body of Christ after his crucifixion.

Also known as the Holy Shroud, it bears a faint image of the front and back of a bearded man, which many believers is Jesus' body miraculously imprinted onto the fabric

But research in the 1980s appeared to debunk the idea it was real after dating it to the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after Christ's death.

Now, Italian researchers who used a new technique involving x-rays to date the material have confirmed it was manufactured around the time of Jesus about 2,000 years ago.

I always find it interesting how eager humans are to debate “proof” of something that represents an article of faith.


What Kamala Harris Doesn’t Get About Food Costs

Last week in North Carolina, Kamala Harris called for a new federal law to ban “price gouging on food.” Such a law might be popular, but it would have, at best, no impact on grocery prices and might even make the problem worse. That’s especially unfortunate because it distracts from all the federal policy changes that actually could reduce food prices.

The evidence that price gouging was responsible for the post-pandemic spike in food prices is somewhere between thin and nonexistent. A recent report from the New York Federal Reserve found that retail food inflation was mainly driven by “much higher food commodity prices and large increases in wages for grocery store workers,” while profits at grocers and food manufacturers “haven’t been important.” Similarly, a 2023 report from the Kansas City Fed observed that rising food prices were overwhelmingly concentrated in processed foods, the prices of which are more sensitive to (and thus driven by) labor-market tightness and wage increases. Grocery profits did rise briefly during the pandemic, but the increase was the predictable result of increased demand (thanks to government stimulus along with more Americans eating at home) running headfirst into restricted supply (thanks to pandemic-related closures and supply-chain snarls, along with the war in Ukraine, a major food producer). In fact, expanding corporate profits frequently accompany bouts of heightened demand and inflation; the past few years have been no different.

I can't say I'm amazed by the economic ignorance of people setting economic policy anymore, but I am still disappointed that more people don't realize it. If we had an investigative press, maybe things would be different.

On The Election

Where the Race to Save America Is Right Now

There are a lot of doomsayers out there who think it’s all over and we can’t possibly win. Republicans are used to Republicans failing, so it’s not totally unjustified. There’s nothing wrong with a little paranoia, and there’s nothing wrong with being concerned. We should be concerned. Kamala absolutely can win. But the correlation of fundamentals is in favor of Trump. The economy is a disaster. Our foreign policy is putting us all at risk. Our borders are wide open. Criminals are running the streets. Perverts are wiggling their grody whatevers in the faces of our kids. This is all Democrat policy. All this is poison to normal people. 

Look, this can’t be a normal race because there’s no normal media environment. The media is entirely and unrepentantly dedicated to electing Kamala Harris and will do everything it can to make that happen. It will not call her out. It won’t even demand that she talk to them. Instead, it will magnify and expand lies about Trump and JD shamelessly. So, you can’t run a 1996 campaign or a 2000 campaign. That world doesn’t exist. It’s got to be an insurgency campaign; luckily, that’s what Trump’s doing. 

I'm fairly confident that DJT can get beyond the margin of error over the next two months. I'm not confident that he can overcome the margin of fraud in November.

Idiots In The News

People Who 'Raw-Dog' Long Flights Are 'Idiots'

The latest unnecessary hack is called "raw-dogging," and despite the term's sexual origins (Google it), {Note: Do not Google it – WD} it now refers to doing a task without preparation, protection, or anything that would make it easier or go more smoothly.

Raw-dogging is brought to us by Generation Z, the same whiz kids who brought us the Tide Pod challenge, NyQuil Chicken, and the Dunk-Your-Junk-In-Soy-Sauce challenge. And like all these other so-called challenges, this one could kill you as well.

Except it involves doing nothing. Nothing at all.

Let's say you were going on a long flight or even a car trip. If you were an average traveler like me, you would take a book, charge your phone, load a few books on your Kindle, download your favorite podcasts, get a backup book, and then pack two more books, just in case.

But someone who is raw-dogging their trip won't do any of those things. No music, no reading, no podcasts,  no phone, no in-flight entertainment, nothing. They don't do anything to break up the monotony. That also means no food, no water, and no bathroom breaks. They won't even get up and move around.

They sit there, staring straight ahead, watching the flight map on the seatback screen, and claim they're using the "power of the mind" to power through it.

Hey, long flights suck. Whatever gets you through. But the rest of us will point at you and laugh to get ourselves through.

High Cost Of Pranking

Prankster suspended from $20K-a-year school after he drenched boaters with milk in viral stunt

What goes around comes around, and this kid found out quickly.

A young prankster was suspended from his $20,000-a-year school amid a weeks-long investigation after he drenched a group of women with milk during their boat ride on Jan. 27.

The 16-year-old unnamed Australian boy was handed a “combination of suspension and other punitive action, reparation, apologies and counseling,” in the wake of the viral stunt, which has been viewed more than 32.6 million times, according to the Herald Sun.

I despise all of these people who do “pranks” for internet cred, but this one was pretty mild, I've seen people doing truly dangerous stuff like actually pretending to attack people (this seems to happen a lot less frequently in states with liberal concealed carry laws, for some reason). Frankly if someone brandishes a knife at an innocent and gets shot for their trouble, I'm all for it. But at the end of the day, he's only 16 and all he did was dump milk on them. Getting suspended from school is about the right punishment. It should be for the rest of the semester and he should be left behind his classmates. That's pretty stiff punishment for a 16 year old.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by suits:

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posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM

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