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August 29, 2024

Illegal Alien Gangs of Men, 20+ Strong, Attempted to Board (and Seize?) Two Schoolbuses Loaded with Children in San Diego

Say, Kamala Harris loves school buses.

Is she going to adopt Trump's position of deporting criminal migrants, I wonder?

I doubt it.

More than 20 illegal immigrants in southern California attempted to board school buses on two separate occasions as the buses were on routes transporting children, school district officials said.

Two bus routes in the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District were interrupted by groups of illegal immigrants earlier this week, forcing the school district to warn parents to "stay [vigilant]," Fox 5 San Diego reported. The first incident happened on Tuesday afternoon and involved three men walking in the middle of the road and trying to get the school bus filled with children to stop. Superintendent Liz Bystedt said that the bus had to "go around" the group to continue on its route.

On Wednesday, another bus stopped at a designated pick-up spot near where the bus from Tuesday was forced to drive around illegal immigrants and was met with a group of 20 illegal immigrants who attempted to board the bus. Bystedt said that parents who were at the bus stop waiting with their children ensured that the kids made it onto the bus safely and that no illegal immigrants boarded.

It is unknown if the groups are connected, the Fox report said.

Let's do zero investigation and make sure it remains unknown.

Whatever happens, their motivations must remain a mystery. We don't want to find out anything that might damage the leftwing Marxist narrative.

The superintendent said that the district reported both bus incidents to the U.S. Border Patrol, California Highway Patrol, and San Diego County Sheriff's Department, according to Fox 5.

"The San Diego Sheriff's Office was made aware of this incident today. We are conducting a follow up investigation to determine if a criminal act has occurred. The Sheriff's Office takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and are working with the school district in order to keep the students and our community safe," the sheriff's office said in a statement.

Yeah I'm sure they'll get right on it.

Jamul is just 25 miles from the Mexican border city of Tijuana. The San Diego sector has been a hot spot for illegal border crossing this year, with more than 37,000 arrests made by the U.S. Border Patrol in the area in April, the Associated Press reported.

Is it possible these Military-Aged Men merely mistook the yellow school buses for intercity passenger buses?

Well, Mexico paints its school buses yellow. So Mexicans would recognize these as school buses.

Guatemala, however, buys old US school buses and repurposes them as public transport, so I guess it's possible that these large groups of men were merely attempting to catch a ride on what they thought was a public bus.

Though those "chicken buses" are painted colorfully. They're not yellow.

And I'm not sure how these Newcomers didn't read the word "SCHOOL" on the buses, especially because the Spanish is so similar (escuela).

Unless they're also completely illiterate, not just in English but in Spanish as well.

In that case, of course: we owe them an even bigger, heartier "Buenvenidos, muchachos!"

But whatever. Don't worry about it, peasant. Our Newcomers are Welcome to do as they please. You need to learn their language, culture, customs, but they don't have to learn anything about yours.

Sarah Fields @SarahisCensored

A group of illegal migrants attempted to take control of two school buses carrying elementary and middle school students in San Diego County, California on Highway 94.

The Jamul-Dulzura Union District issued a warning to drivers and parents, stating that if a school bus encounters a group of migrants at a stop, it will not halt, leaving students unsupervised.

District Superintendent Liz Bystedt confirmed that Border Patrol and the Sheriff's Office have been notified.

I don't know about the claims they wished to "hijack" the buses or "seize control."

I'm sure our government civil servants will not tell us what their intentions were, unless they can claim it was a Mostly Peaceful Hijacking.

Oh, and this is happening in "our nation's" capital.

What's Kamala's position on the border, again?

Ah yes:

Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris

An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.
7:38 PM Apr 21, 2017

Kamala Harris
It's ludicrous to say we're going to deport 12 million people. Now how are you going to do that?

Kamala Harris

Apr 21, 2017
Give people a path to citizenship. The vast majority of folks we're talking about are living a lawful life and paying taxes.

Kamala Harris
We are not a society that is going to stand for tearing families apart. We are not going to buy into this administration's fear mongering.
7:39 PM Apr 21, 2017

But she's gonna build the wall, huh? She's gonna "get tough" on the border, huh?

What's stopping her from doing so now? She is the border czar, after all. Or, as pedants now insist on saying -- she was put in charge of Biden's border control efforts.

Thanks to bonhomme for that.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:26 PM

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