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August 21, 2024
Seductive Dogs Cafe
Roman Empire
Roman water wheel (Noria) and aqueduct at Hama, in modern Syria.
I didn't realize they used wheels to fill the aqueducts. I guess I just assumed they diverted water from a (high elevation) river.
Japanese guy sees one dog standing on another dog, then goes crazy about it like he just saw Gojira.
Dog demands kisses.
Obvious manipulation, don't fall for it!
Parking lot more like barking lot amirite
A gigantic swarm of crows in Texas.
Capybaras, the giant charming rats.
Find someone who looks at you like this dog looks at her master.
This is me the past two days.
Doggos on a merry-go-round.
True fact: Asia has seven suns. Lucky ducks!
This deer eating your flowers will not be shooed away easily.
Poor dumb Australian herding dog puppy doesn't know how to work the stairs.
Dog surfs all the way in.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:42 PM
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