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August 20, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/20/24


Good morning kids. SO, last night at the DNC which should more appropriately should be the "D and C" considering they have mobile vans providing free abortions and vasectomies as party favors.
Well, at the risk of being ghoulish, anything that prevents the continued pollution of an already poisoned American societal gene pool perhaps isn't so bad. You know who else had mobile killing vans?

Meanwhile, indoors, as the Kamala/Kalorama Komintern pushed everything from national reparations

to the full nationalization of healthcare

and outright seizure and transformation of the economy to top down Soviet-styled centralized command and control,

the party put the nail in the coffin of Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants 50 -plus years of venality and corruption by kicking him off of prime time.
A fine how do you do for taking the thankless job of being Obama's political beard posing as a supposed moderate in exchange for spending his sunset years being allowed to grift and graft all he could get his hands on and then serving as a puppet . If anyone watched it, it was about as disastrous as you can imagine

Kamala’s joy may be as fake as a three dollar bill, but Biden’s deranged rants about his opponents as threats to democracy would have tanked the election. And Biden was in fine form, repeating the usual lies and clichés, raging and mumbling his way through the same speech that he’s been giving for four years in which he acts like he’s the last guard of democracy against anyone who disagrees with him while trying to also uphold his legacy as America’s savior. At least this time he left the red lighting and armed soldiers back home. It’s a sad spectacle, sadder still because Biden isn’t really angry at Trump or Republicans. They didn’t oust him. He did it to himself and then his party did it to him. Biden is repeating his democracy shtick to an audience which chose to ignore the 14 million members of his party who voted for him. This isn’t a call for justice, it’s a deranged King Lear threatening everyone while being powerless to do anything because he was weak and trusted the wrong people. And the wrong people are his own party.

Among the lies is one of the most titanic and monstrous in recent memory:

Joe Biden invoked the “very fine people hoax” in his farewell address to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, using a proven lie, once more, that has been repeatedly debunked, to his face.
The hoax claims that President Donald Trump referred to neo-Nazis who rioted in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 as “very fine people.” In fact, as the transcript of his remarks shows, Trump condemned them “totally.”

Remember this is the party that continually rants about threats to our precious democracy.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended herself against speculation that President Biden is frustrated over her role in the mutiny against him.
Declining to confirm whether or not she has spoken with Biden, 81, since he dropped out last month, Pelosi (D-Calif.), 81, contended that she did what was necessary.
“Sometimes you have to take a punch for the children,” she told CNN Monday. “I did what I had to do.”
“My concern was not about the president, it was about his campaign,” she added, before implying that Vice President Kamala Harris ushered in “exuberance” and “excitement.”
She then grew uncomfortable with the line of questioning, blurting out, “Why are we even talking about it?”

“exuberance” and “excitement.” Really?

CNN’s Van Jones on Monday fretted about the presidential race virtually being a tie between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris despite her benefiting from favorable media coverage.
Trump holds a .1% lead over Harris in the seven swing states after holding a 4.3% lead over President Joe Biden when he was still in the race, according to the RealClearPolling average. Jones, on “CNN News Central,” suggested Harris should have a clear lead over Trump because of the media coverage and the alleged mistakes her opponent has made since she launched her campaign, noting she has a chance to surge after the Democratic National Convention (DNC).“We don’t wanna be tied. I don’t like being tied with Donald Trump because we’ve had now 20 plus days of positive press. He’s been falling down the stairs, slipping on banana peels and poking himself in the eyeball. We should not be tied. We want to pull ahead,” Jones said. “That’s our opportunity this week.”

20 plus days of positive press. Manufactured propaganda that even the LIV fools who watch and listen to shysters like Van Jones aren't even swallowing, let alone normal folks who know better. I guess that perhaps this can be taken as a positive sign and further proof of the media losing its stranglehold on the public discourse and dissemination of actual news.

On that thought, have a good day.


  • We are trapped in a Vendée of the spirit. Those in authority—culturally, economically, and politically—want us dead, along with everyone and everything we hold dear.
    The Vendée
  • Barack Obama managed to institute Marxism in America without bothering to organize the proletariat or have a destructive revolution.
    Obama’s Strategy of Socialist Conquest

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:30 AM

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