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August 19, 2024
The Human Self-Extinction Movement Shows Its Power at the DNC
A mobile abortion-and-vasectomy unit rolled into Chicago to cull the Democrats' future herd.
While delegates are in Chicago for next week's Democratic National Convention, they will engage in the typical pageantry and traditions: They'll vote for their nominee, pose for photos with elected officials, and show off their state with cool buttons or themed hats.
They will also have the option of getting a free vasectomy or a medication abortion just blocks away.
A mobile health center run by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers, which serves much of Missouri and part of southern Illinois, plans to park itself near the convention and offer those services early next week to anybody who makes an appointment, delegate or not. (There is so much interest in the vasectomy appointments, I'm told, there is already a waiting list.)
They're also parading in the streets dressed as abortion pills.
Demonstrators protesting the Democratic National Convention (DNC) took to the streets of Chicago over the weekend dressed as abortion pills, chanting "f*** the courts, f*** the state."
Key Details:
Protesters, some dressed as abortion pills with "MIFE" and "MISO" written on their outfits, marched through Chicago ahead of the Democratic National Convention that begins Monday, August 19th.
The demonstrators chanted phrases like "F*** the courts, f*** the state, you can't make us procreate" as they expressed their opposition to abortion restrictions, though Illinois, a predominately Democratic state, has lax abortion laws.
The protest also included an acoustic sing-along where participants sang, "My body, my body/My choice, my choice."
More from David Strom.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
01:35 PM
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