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August 22, 2024

The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition


The destruction of "Woman" as a social, cultural, and biological concept continues apace. In Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, she writes about women occupying a secondary position in culture, being relegated to the position of "other."

That was 1949.

Today? Women are no longer "other," they are being pushed to extinction. A secondary position is no longer acceptable to the cultural arsonists of the left, whose only purpose in life is to destroy society, so the socialist paradigm of a "New Soviet Man" can be achieved. And if they have to use the current lunacy of transgenderism as a hammer with which to break society? Then so be it.

But the cultural battlefield is strewn with the casualties of trans lunacy. Awkward and confused teenagers are now being pushed by the medical-political-educational complex to chop off their genitalia, take powerful and destructive drugs, and go beat up some girls on the soccer field or basketball court.

Activist Judge Allows Biological Males to Compete Against NH High School Girls

Do you even need a quotation? You know exactly what it says...a sociopathic judge has subverted the will of the people and taken that progressive hammer to our culture. And if a bunch of teen-aged girls who just want to play soccer are hurt? Eh, the radical redesign of our society is more important than the individual!

The reality...the biological that it is impossible to transmutate a man into a woman or a woman into a man. From the moment of conception the structure of a man's body is radically different than a woman's. Broad shoulders, narrow hips, the angle of those hips in relation to the legs, muscle mass, and a thousand other structural and physiological differences are set just a few months after conception. And then it gets really serious! The ratios and quantities of the many hormones that control growth are radically different in girls and boys, and no amount of ghoulish manipulation of those chemicals by evil social engineers will reverse that.

But it's even worse than that. Merely "identifying" as a girl is sufficient in many places! And the message implicit in that insanity is that "Woman" is a nonsense construct that can be cast aside. Never mind that in traditional -- correct-- societies, women are placed at the pinnacle of those societies because they do the single most important, wonderful, magical thing: they bear and raise children. Everything else pales in comparison. Accepting the premise that anyone can be a "woman" trivializes that singular ability, and demeans the real women in our culture.

In a few generations we have moved from woman as "other," to woman as "nothing."

The only way we can recover from this insanity is to reject the premise in its entirety. Humoring a lunatic man who claims to be a woman is accepting the destruction of our culture. Allowing men into women's sports is allowing the destruction of our culture. Demand acceptance of the biological imperative. Never let your daughters step onto a field on which a man is pretending to be a woman. Never accept the destruction of our language...pronouns are not a choice!

And most of all, fight to return women...real their place at the pinnacle of our culture.

[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]

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posted by CBD at 11:00 AM

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