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August 19, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/19/24


Good morning kids. Well the Einsatz-groupies of the Democrat Party have kicked off the festivities early. And by festivities, I mean reminding those at the top of the ticket that unless more Jewish heads roll in Israel and here in the states, that it'll be their's that roll, figuratively speaking if not ultimately quite literally.

Fiery anti-Israel protests got underway Sunday on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, with demonstrators disrupting a delegate party and one warning, “Welcome to hell week.”
Protesters couldn’t wait to confront prominent Democrats over the war in Gaza as hundreds flooded the streets and vowed to “bring the war home,” according to footage across social media.
Demonstrations are expected to happen throughout the week as national Dems celebrate the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, 60.
At one point, protesters targeted a delegate party at Navy Pier where one rabble-rouser reached the stage, grabbed the microphone and accused the crowd of “funding a genocide,” according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“The Harris-Biden administration keeps sending money to Israel,” the protester said before getting dragged off stage, according to a video posted by an anti-Israel group. “Free Palestine!”

Others rallied outside the event and reportedly warned of a “week of justice.”
One organizer, who only gave her name as Jinan, said disruptors were there to confront the Democratic Party over Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.
“Welcome to hell week,” she said, according to the Sun-Times.
“DNC go home,” demonstrators waving Palestinian flags chanted, according to a reporter for the Blaze. “Or we’re gonna bring the war home.”
Others that joined protests on Sunday also called for stronger abortion and LGBTG rights, according to reports.
“She’s not going to take a legitimate stance, so until we can have Kamala Harris actually come to the table and make a legitimate concession actually make a legitimate push to get the Arab and Muslim vote,” said protester Nael, according to ABC 7 Chicago.

Have these Muslims not considered that Kamala's lip service on Israel – pun fully intended – is just taqqiya in action so she can yet retain financial and political support from the self-gassing Jews in name only? And all the others protesting for abortion and the alphabet soup of perversion can all go to Tehran for their free rooftop flying lesson.

Meanwhile, there's this little item, but I don't necessarily think it means the taqqiya is on the other foot:

Vice President Kamala Harris has spent the last 6 months pandering to Hamas supporters and there’s no sign that she’s about to stop. Instead all signs point to matters getting worse. The DNC convention is expected to include an anti-Israel activist as a speaker along with a family of a hostage (presumably a carefully chosen one opposed to Israel continuing the war on Hamas).
And Kamala reportedly met in private with the mayor of America’s Jihad Capital. . .

Kamala appeared open to an arms embargo in a private exchange but her campaign quickly backpedaled. Biden had initiated a partial embargo on his own already.

The more revealing slip here is that Kamala met with Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud. After the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7, Dearborn Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud had addressed a pro-Hamas rally declaring that Dearborn was “the city of resistance”

Bring the war home, indeed. The war is already home, and has been for decades, as the lat vestiges of America as founded are on the verge of being dismantled forever, in the wake of a decades long counter-American revolution to fundamentally transform us into yet another tyrannical hell on earth.

In that regard, what better example can there be but of Chicago itself:

If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago” then run for the hills.

After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens. 

Chicago is the murder capital of America — with someone shot every two hours and someone killed every 17 hours. So far this year, 353 victims, most of them black, have been murdered in Chicago. The homicide rate is five times higher than New York’s. 

“Democrats wanted to hold the convention somewhere safer, but Beirut wasn’t available,” quipped one wag. . .

. . . Despite education spending double the national average, at almost $30,000 per student annually, less than one-quarter of Chicago’s students can read at grade level and fewer than one in five are proficient a math — and it’s worse for black students, with just 17% able to read and 8% proficient in math.
Taking her cue from Johnson, Chicago Teachers Union president Stacy Davis Gates blames standardized testing, which she says is “junk science rooted in white supremacy [and] born out of the eugenics movement [which] has always sought to see black people as inferior.”
As a reward for their betrayal of Chicago’s children, the union is demanding pay rises and other perks for its members, totaling another $50 billion that would boost the average teacher’s salary by 50 percent to nearly $145,000.
To pay for it all, Brandon wants to raise taxes. “Seventy percent of large corporations in the state of Illinois did not pay a corporate tax,” he said last year. “And it’s that kind of restraint on our budget that has  . . . led to poverty, of course, that has led to violence.”
. . . So, when Kamala Harris and Tim Walz take the stage in Chicago this week, they will feel right at home. 

The deep blue city is a showpiece for the policies they want to impose on the rest of the country.

Munchausen's by Progressivism. Create the problem, exacerbate the problem, blame it on others and demand others be held responsible. At least when you're being mugged, you theoretically have the option of "your money or your life." With the Democrat left, it's "your money AND your life." Only then will justice be served and paradise on earth established.

Have a good day.


  • Miranda Devine: If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago” then run for the hills. After nearly 100 years of Democratic rule, the Windy City is a basket case. Soaring crime, high taxes, crippling debt, crumbling infrastructure, and a declining population are just some of the miseries inflicted on its citizens. 
    Crime-filled Chicago displays all that’s wrong with Democrats in one failing city

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:34 AM

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