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August 16, 2024
George Soros "Remains in the Driver Seat" After Getting His Marxist Prosecutors Elected, Telling Them What to Prosecute and What Not to Prosecute
As with any story about George Soros, I have to offer an Anti-Semitism Warning because the non-Jewish atheist George Soros instructs all the media operations he controls to smear any critic of him as an antisemite. By reading this, you are officially antisemtitic.
According to George Soros and the many vile operators on his payroll.
Luke Rosiak at the Daily Wire reports that Soros remains in contact with Soros prosecutors after the elections, and "controls" them throughout their terms.
Documents Reveal How George Soros Controls Prosecutors
The Soros network 'remains in the driver seat' after getting prosecutors elected, according to the Media Research Center
George Soros and his son, Alex, have spent at least $117 million since 2016 to reshape America's justice system. They've been successful: three in 10 Americans now live under a Soros prosecutor.
But the Soroses' influence doesn't end on Election Day. After Soros-backed prosecutors take office, the family's apparatus tells them what to do, documents show.
The Media Research Center obtained nearly 8,000 pages of internal documents through public records laws that show how a Soros-funded group called Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP) "directed Soros prosecutors to manipulate the rule of law concerning illegal immigration, drugs, abortion, election integrity, capital punishment and laws against childhood sex changes."
MRC's yearlong investigation suggests that Soros maintained influence over his chosen candidates after their elections were over. FJP had the Soros-backed attorneys sign 33 pledges to not enforce certain laws -- including election integrity measures and immigration laws -- and attend more than 50 meetings or "convenings," some of which were "mandatory." FJP pressed prosecutors to let criminals off the hook if they are black, having them pledge to "reduc[e] racial disparities in case outcomes by at least 20%."
FJP's influence can be seen on some of the most high-profile Soros prosecutors. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg sought to indict former President Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 protests after the group said it wanted to hold Trump "accountable." Since-ousted San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin was in contact with FJP on a daily basis. On 20 occasions, FJP sent prosecutors "templates" of press releases they should send out, as well as social media posts to "adapt."
"Being a Soros prosecutor means extensive, free access to expert political consulting firms, complete with detailed polling and field-tested messaging strategies," the MRC's report found. "FJP remains in the driver seat, though, even going so far as to draft social media posts for its prosecutors so they can better coordinate their messaging."
At the meetings, Soros prosecutors got talking points and marching orders. At one meeting, political consultants told the assembled prosecutors to frame ignoring property crime as "reprioritizing resources" to "solve more murders." The consultants cited polling that showed this messaging was more popular than simply acknowledging that prosecutors were not prosecuting lesser crime.
The Soros operation also pushed prosecutors to use mental or physical health specialists instead of police by sharing polling that showed that the idea was popular.
Soros has poured the kind of money normally reserved for statewide campaigns low-profile local prosecutor races. The Hungarian billionaire generally targets primary elections in blue areas, funding radical progressives in their races against more moderate Democrats. Once in office, these "progressive prosecutors" often decline to enforce laws they find objectionable.
Read the whole thing. But do be aware, you're committing an antisemitism by reading about a deranged Nazi-collaborator Marxist intent on subverting our system of laws and even democracy itself.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
03:30 PM
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