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August 15, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/15/24


Good morning kids. Has it really been three years since Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants and/or whoever is pulling his strings decided it was a good thing to just unilaterally, and spontaneously bug out from Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars in advanced lethal weaponry behind to rearm the dark age savages who directly, indirectly or just by virtue of Islam are allied with those who executed the 9/11 attacks. Also left behind were American citizens and whatever number of Afghans who were friends. Not to mention the blood and treasure wasted over there in the wake of 9/11.

Another direct legacy of the bugout are the erupting hotspots in the Middle East and elsewhere that because of this demonstration of ideologically driven incompetence and/or incompetent ideology that potentially could become much larger regional or even global conflagrations.

And now, insult meet injury:

The Taliban terrorist organization celebrated the third anniversary of President Joe Biden facilitating its return to power in Afghanistan on Wednesday, hosting a large military parade on the former U.S. air base site at Bagram featuring U.S.-made equipment and welcoming envoys from Iran and China.

August 15 will mark three years since the fundamentalist Taliban terror group stormed Kabul, the nation’s capital, while then-President Ashraf Ghani fled in a helicopter. The Afghan military had collapsed by then, leading to a nearly bloodless takeover of the government for the Taliban. The Taliban remains at press time the uncontested government of Afghanistan, though no country recognizes it as such in an official capacity.

The fall of Kabul was preceded by Biden announcing that he would break an agreement the United States, in its 20th year present in the Afghan war theater, with the Taliban to leave the country by May 1, 2021, in exchange for the Taliban not attacking Americans and cutting ties with terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda. Biden replacing the deal, brokered by predecessor Donald Trump, with an extension of the war into September 2021 that never happened, as the Taliban had disintegrated the official Afghan government by then. . .

. . . According to the Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Taliban made the parade an international occasion by inviting unnamed “Chinese and Iranian diplomats.” While neither country officially recognizes the Taliban as a government entity, both maintain friendly ties to the Taliban. China became the first country to accept a Taliban ambassador to Beijing in December.

Along with being used against us and perhaps being sent to Hamas and Hezbollah to be used against Israel, and winding up in the hands of other terror groups in the region, no doubt some of the more advanced equipment found its way to the Chi-Coms, Russians and Iranians in order to be studied as to discover their flaws to be countered in any future combat.

This on top of the fact that the kamala-kalorama axis of evil along with the bottom dwellers of Foggy Bottom have been itching to replace Israel with Iran as the dominant power in the Middle East. While the Iranians were having a great old time with the Chi-Coms, look at this:

The Biden-Harris regime is all about holding and increasing its power, and Israel is in the way of that aspiration right now. In pursuit of votes in Michigan and Minnesota, Kamala Harris just chose Tim Walz as her running mate over a stronger candidate, Josh Shapiro, because Shapiro is Jewish. It has sent billions to the bankroller of Hamas and Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and hundreds of millions to Gaza, which means to Hamas. It has withheld arms shipments to Israel. And now it is being accused of a betrayal so immense that it makes those others look like friendship.

Amir Fakhravar, a former political prisoner of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) inside Iran and the Senate chairman of the National Iranian Congress, states that shortly after the assassination of Hamas top dog Ismail Haniyeh and a key Hizballah operative, Fuad Shukr, the Biden-Harris regime swung into action. To warn the Iranians that if they attacked Israel, they would suffer serious consequences? That’s what many have assumed. In an opinion piece at Fox News on Monday, Fakhravar revealed that “Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper, citing an unnamed source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council, reported that a high-level American security delegation, brokered by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran.” That doesn’t sound so bad in itself. But it gets much, much worse. 

The mission of this high-level delegation, according to Fakhravar, was not to deter the Iranians from striking against Israel by informing them that America was fully prepared to defend its ally. Instead, the delegation’s job was to “deliver a ‘calming and cautionary’ message to deescalate the situation and ensure the supreme leader of Iran understood that the Biden-Harris administration was ‘kept in the dark’ by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the killing of two major terrorist leaders last week.”

That’s right: the American delegation, if the Kuwaiti report is correct, did not go to Tehran to demonstrate America’s strength; rather, it went there in order to show America’s weakness. The delegation was intent not on warning Iran not to attack Israel, but to insist that America hadn’t had anything to do with the killings of Haniyeh and Shukr, for those nasty Israelis had not taken them into their confidence.

Even worse, these cowardly appeasers reportedly went to the Iranians bearing gifts. Fakhravar states: “The detailed report stated that the American delegation, arriving on a private plane from Turkey, landed at Payam-e-Khorram Airport in Karaj on Thursday and held a two-hour meeting with Iranian officials before returning to Ankara.” At this meeting, the greatest betrayal of all was consummated: "the delegation presented a list containing the names of ten Mossad agents inside Iran, whom the Americans believe were involved in the assassination, directly or indirectly.” 

And speaking of assassinations, only in the last week or so there were revelations of a supposed investigation that Iran was plotting to try and take out Donald Trump, this on top of confirmed reports that Iranian agents had hacked his campaign.

Also at that victory parade where representatives of the Chi-Coms. Meh, evidently that's what Tampon Timmy A-Walz appears to be:

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a conflicted individual. Influenced at a young age through a Harvard-sponsored China teaching-tourism program, Walz maintains a lifelong dedication to China fueled by fun experiences in his youth. His early dreams for China’s liberation from communist rule have not worked out, yet he has plodded along through the last 30 years in deference to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in his business and political dealings. In other words, he is the perfect VP pick to produce an America-last, doublethinking, emotionally invested, China-forward agenda.

Already a member of the Army National Guard, Walz sought and was one of the first-ever to receive a year-long WorldTeach job in China in 1989. He felt that “China was coming.” Somehow, the Army National Guard permitted this extended trip to a non-allied country during Walz’ contract, and did not recall him even after the Tiananmen Square massacre in the months leading to Desert Shield.

Walz was bought off with trinkets. He noted of his initial time in China as a school teacher that “they gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience,” blithely unaware that he was in the process of being groomed and won over. “No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again,” Walz noted eerily about the overseas stint during a time of historic unrest. . .

. . . Walz is proud of his China ties, citing his experience as credentials for dealing with the CCP. In an extended video shared by Michael Sobolik on X, Walz says of the CCP that “if we’re on the same sheet of music, two of the world’s great super-powers... there’s many collaborative things we can do together.” Walz uses CCP-friendly rhetoric by lumping the US and China together as “two great super-powers.” As well, Walz in this remark has abandoned his rejection of the CCP 35 years ago, and feels that it is possible to be on the “same sheet of music” with the same CCP now.

Becoming a useful idiot in one's younger days is one thing, not that that is really an excuse, but his record and current connections to the Chi-Coms are dangerously criminal, as are Kamala's and others tied to her and to Obama. See the links in the Defense and Security section.

Have a good day.

A bit of housekeeping first. the Cutjibnewsletter website is down, due to some glitch on the part of the web-host, but we do hope to have it back up ASAP.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:12 AM

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