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August 13, 2024
It's Been Ten Years Since the Start of the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Lie That Has Caused Riots and Murders, But the Media Says Nothing About This Dangerous Racial-Violence-Inspiring Disinformation
Dangerous disinformation is excusable if it excites the Democrat base and helps advance the Race Marxist agenda.
I've written a lot about the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, 2014. Dozens of posts, one of which on June 4, 2020, caused some people at Cornell Law School to lose their minds.
As much as I've written, I don't track the date of his death, but I was reminded of it by this post on X today from someone named Nina Turner, who apparently is some sort of Democrat political type. In the post she claimed that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up.
A decade ago, a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown Jr., an unarmed Black teenager with his hands up in Ferguson, Missouri.
This is an incendiary lie. Michael Brown beat Officer Wilson through the window of his car, and was wrestling away Wilson's gun when Wilson got hold of it and shot the "Gentle Giant."
Where are the media scolds? Jake Tapper-- have anything to say, scumbag?
And the lie continues inspiring violence. A cop is "fighting for his life" with a "severe brain injury" in a hospital after the latest Ferguson Mostly Peaceful Protest.
[A]s often seems to happen with BLM marches, what started off peaceful march turned into "mostly peaceful" as the night wore on. A group of activists went to the police station and blocked the streets. Police posted a car to ensure no traffic would lead to an injury. Then the activists started shaking a security fence which had been erected outside the station.
Initially, police decided not to respond to this, but once the activists had broken part of the fence an arrest team was sent outside to make arrests of those responsible. And that's where things took a very bad turn. One activist named Elijah Gantt who'd been seen breaking the fence tried running from police when he was told he was being arrested.
[St Louis Today:]
The officer then wrote that he watched body camera footage of the officers ordering Gantt to stop because he was being arrested, but Gantt walked away from the officers, who chased him.
Gantt ran behind a car, Amos wrote, and shortly after that he saw Brown attempt to block Gantt's path and arrest him.
"I then later observed the defendant run into (Brown) without stopping or attempting to change his direction, knocking (Brown) over, and causing (Brown) to strike his head on the ground," Amos wrote.
Gantt kicked two more police officers before he was finally arrested. In addition, four other people were arrested, one of whom was just appointed to a Civilian Oversight Board by the mayor.
One of the activists on the scene was quick to claim that the injured officer, Travis Brown, slipped and fell.
And then they wonder why we don't take their word for it when they allege yet another preposterous "cops are hunting black teens on the streets" lie.
Brian Stelter? Do you have any comment on the constant use of this lie to stir up violent cross-racial attacks, or nah?
Do any of the media hall-monitors or "Disinformation Experts" have anything to say?
Anyone at all?

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
06:33 PM
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