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August 12, 2024
A White Feminist "Professor of Culture" Competed in the Olympics Breakdancing Competition to Destroy the Patriarchy and the Patriarchy Hasn't Stopped Laughing Since
Her big move was "The Funky T-Rex."
Sarah Fields
She got zero points.
But we're not allowed to criticize her because it makes her cry. Perhaps if her family and friends had been honest with her, she would not have globally humiliated herself.

Criticizing her for being completely unskilled at an event she somehow bluffed her way into competing in at the Olympics is "sexism," and that's the only possible explanation.
Her defender, below, says that "eight years ago she was locked in a room crying being involved in a male-dominated sport as the only woman."
So she was just put on the team to boost her self-esteem? As a balm for her head-case problems?
The defender also objects to "judgment" being shown towards "Raygun's" Olympic performance. Spoiler alert: Judgement is the whole point of a competition which is scored by, get this, judges.
Below: She's as bad as academic research as she is at breakdancing. She wrote a paper on "Deterritorializing Gender in the Breakdancing Community."
"Deterritorializing Gender?" That's worse than her T-Rex and Kangaroo Hop moves.
There are women breakdancers in Australia, and they're all better than this SJW Feminist Crusader and Closet-Weeper. She was picked for the team for political reasons.
So how did this happen? This account claims it has the story.
Autism Capital 🧩
The story of how the Australian women's breakdancer, Rachael "Raygun" Gunn, who scored a literal 0 in the Olympics is fascinating. How did she get there?
TLDR: The Olympics outsourced the breakdancing qualifications to a third party called the WorldDance Sport Federation who didn't know anything about breakdancing, they wanted to do Ballroom Dancing. The Olympics said NO to Ballroom, so WorldDance said FINE we'll oversee Breakdancing instead.
WorldDance didn't know anything about Breakdancing so THEY outsourced to other smaller orgs local to the country, in the case of Australia, an organization called the Australian Breaking Association which was FOUNDED by Raygun and her husband. Who advised them to partner with this org? Rachael Gunn.
Starting to see it?
The Australian Breaking Association (AusBreak) runs a competition every year that only has 10-15 women show up, and obviously Rachael "wins" this and her husband becomes the team coach.
Basically, Rachael elects herself as the Australian Olympic breakdancing rep, and the rest history.
A nice fat 0 for the history books.
He means: She scored zero points in all three of her breakdance competitions.
"Raygun's" bizarro Interpretive Dance version of "Breakdancing" has spurred a lot of parodies.
"Raygun" has inspired women to follow her brave example:

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
02:12 PM
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