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August 08, 2024

Tonight's ONT Is Democracy Manifest

Hi folks! Welcome to Thursday's ONT. Gonna be a short one, the AC in my office stopped working today, and it's almost 90 degrees in here. I'm not going to sit here to put together a full size ONT. Sorry.


I Think He Was A Genuinely Nice Guy

You never know with celebrities, of course, but I see a lot more stories like this than negative ones.

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Star Says Robin Williams Wrote Letter to Principal After She Got Kicked Out of School During Filming

“As Matt well remembers, we had tutoring, three hours of schoolwork on set every day,” the actress continued. “We were a couple of months into filming, and my school in Canada sent a note saying, ‘This isn’t working for us anymore, don’t come back.’ Yeah, 9th grade. I was devastated. It was just so heartbreaking, because I had this life that was very unusual and that was the one normal thing.” However, Jakub said once Williams, who died in 2014, saw how it impacted her, he took matters into his own hands.

“It was a really difficult thing,” she remembered. “The amazing thing was Robin saw that I was upset — he asked me what was going on. He wrote a letter to my principal saying that he wanted them to rethink this decision and that I was just trying to pursue my education and career at the same time, and could they please support me in this.”

Though she greatly appreciated Williams’ efforts, they were ultimately unsuccessful. “The principal got the letter, framed the letter, put it up in the office, and didn’t ask me to come back,” Jakub added. “Amazing.”

Stolen Valor

Tim Walz launched political career on false claim as combat veteran in the War on Terror

Thanks to some quality reporting, we know that the Minnesota governor — who yesterday officially joined the Kamala Harris campaign for President as its VP on the ticket — quit the military in 2005, after learning that his battalion was about to be sent to Iraq. Walz spent his entire career in the Army National Guard learning to lead people into battle, with training and his lone six month overseas deployment to Italy provided at U.S. taxpayer expense. He then retired when he learned he was going to be leading people into battle in Iraq, leaving Minnesota’s 125th Field Artillery Regiment high and dry for a career in politics.

But that’s not what Tim Walz told the public when he decided to run for public office upon abruptly leaving the military.

Just months after leaving his battalion to go to Iraq without him, he announced a run for Congress, and the dissembling about his serivce record began immediately.

Instead of being honest about his early departure from the military, Walz told the media a much more heroic tale, one that was entirely ficticious.

The guy's a commie scumbag. Sadly, I doubt this will hurt him with anyone who would have voted for him anyway

Kinky Politics

No, JD Vance didn’t fuck a couch. But saying he did is free speech. Here’s why

It’s up to Americans to weigh evidence for themselves and make up their own minds. If false claims weren’t protected by free speech, we’d have to trust the government to decide the truth for us. That’s exactly why the First Amendment gives wide latitude even to lies, misinformation, and disinformation. Check out our handy explainer on misinformation and disinformation to learn more.

If you think it's bad for government bureaucrats to decide whether claims in the rough and tumble of political debate are true (and worthy of protection) or false (and worthy of punishment), just wait until you add in comedy. 

Free speech is an absolute. Even if it is a lie.

It's A Girl Drug!

What is 'tusi', 'pink cocaine'?

Officials say the drug is low in price, but it's even higher in risk since so much is unknown about the drug. 

"'Pink cocaine' is a misnomer. The combination of drugs being used is not just cocaine, but rather a mix of MDMA, ketamine, even opioids such as fentanyl. So it's really a mix, and each one of them carries a significant amount of its own risk," Dr. Yalda Safai , a psychiatrist who focuses on mental health, told FOX 5 NY. 

Personally, I don't do cocaine. I just like the way it smells.

This Thread Is Spot On

Click through and read the whole thing.


The Most Evil Man In Evangelicalism, And Those Who Platformed Him

“Of all the passions, the passion for the Inner Ring is most skillful in making a man who is not yet a very bad man do very bad things.”  -CS Lewis Like all demons, he was obsessed with children. Shedding their blood was preferable. Failing that, he could always cut them up, scalp them, sexualize them, incite them to a sexual frenzy, or castrate them. The possibilities were endless, and exciting. Demonic appetite never ceases, and Mephistopheles was hungry.

To satisfy his lust, he would need a megalomaniac with a Promethean drive; someone appointed in high places and thus able to devour countless children. Who would be his willing vessel? Who would open themselves to such possession? Another Mengele, Ishii, or Zedong would be hard to find. To satiate this kind of bloodlust, his vessel would have to be soulless, unfeeling, very scientific, and more than anything, in love with power. But most importantly, they must claim to be a Christian. 

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you in memory of Jack Karlson, one of the Internet's earliest memes, who is now enjoying a succulent Chinese meal in the hereafter:

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posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM

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