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August 09, 2024

Wokeness Intensifies

From the New York Times: The coordinated attack on the French train system that left the country paralyzed on the eve of the Olympic Games was committed by antifa-type anarchist wokies.

One potential clue being examined by investigators is an anonymous email which was sent a day after the attack to The New York Times and other media organizations and which celebrated the sabotage. It claimed that the attacks were intended to disrupt the Olympics, which the email called a "celebration of nationalism" and a "testing ground" for mass policing that shows how states "subjugate populations."

The email, which was signed "an unexpected delegation," in a reference to the Olympics, was sent from an anonymous email address created on Riseup, a platform that "provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change," according to its website.

The text of the email criticized France's weapons export industry, condemned police brutality, castigated French companies like Total or Alstom for wreaking social and environmental havoc and took a dim view of France's high-speed train system.

"Railroads are not an innocuous infrastructure," the email said. "They have always been a means of colonizing new territories, a prerequisite for their devastation, and a ready-made path for the extension of capitalism and state control."

"Far right thugs" are rioting in the UK, protesting what they claim is a "two-tier policing system," wherein, if you can believe this, Muslims and leftists like BLM are permitted to riot and attack passers-by with impunity, but anyone sharing a social media post about this gets arrested.

As you can see, this is plainly a racist far-right conspiracy theory. Obviously. Diversity is our strength x30.

But this far-right racist conspiracy theorist at Spiked says that the British left was just justifying and even praising leftwing riots a couple of years ago.

Britain's political and media elites have rightly condemned the riots that have caused such destruction and distress across towns and cities in England and Northern Ireland over the past week. Prime minister Keir Starmer has said that this 'violent thuggery' has 'no place on our streets'. Liberal broadsheets have denounced the disorder as 'an assault on the rule of law'. Pundits have fallen over themselves to express their disgust, especially with the riots' racist dimension.

These are strong words and welcome sentiments. But they're strong words and welcome sentiments that ring more than a little hollow. After all, many of those now outraged by the sight of violent crowds chucking bricks at cops, attacking public buildings and looting shops have spent much of the past couple of decades justifying and even extolling the virtues of rioting mobs.

Think back to the London riots in August 2011. On Saturday 6 August, a crowd gathered outside Tottenham police station, in protest over the fatal police shooting of Mark Duggan, a young black man. By the evening, what had begun as an angry demonstration against the police had morphed into a dark carnival of destruction. Homes were torched, local businesses looted and the police pelted with bricks and firebombs. Over the next few days, as the police retreated, the rioting spread through inner and outer London and into other towns and cities across England. Crowds of largely young people raided shops, set fire to cars and turned buildings into flaming tributes to nothing very much.

After five days of rioting, the tragic scale of the destruction soon became apparent. Over 200 emergency workers and members of the public were injured, five people lost their lives and dozens were left homeless. One fatality, a 68-year-old man, was attacked while attempting to put out a litter-bin fire in Ealing. The authorities put the financial cost of the riots at £500million.

Many in authority certainly condemned the riots. Then prime minister David Cameron branded it 'criminality, pure and simple'. Yet, at the same time, there was another rather more disturbing take emerging among Britain's liberal, leftish elites. They seemed determined to see something else, something almost positive, in the emptied- and burnt-out shops and homes. A message in the rubble. A progressive meaning to wanton destruction....

Sympathetic bordering on justification, this response marked a significant shift in the way in which large swathes of the liberal-left elites might once have responded to violent displays of anti-social behaviour....

This decadent elite posing is certainly not the primary cause of the horrific rioting of the past week. But it has slowly but surely sent an undeniable message -- that laying waste to your own neighbourhood, setting fire to your own town centre, shitting on your own doorstep, is sometimes okay.

It's all very well seeing politicians and pundits now busily condemning the sickening scenes of the past week. But until they reckon with their own role in approving and even celebrating other equally sickening scenes of street violence in recent years, very few will take them seriously.

I denounce this white supremacist conspiracy theorizing. Someone please call a cop. I have hate speech to report.

The "Adults Are Back in Charge" at the White House, as your Marxist Media has told you many times. To prove that the adults are back in charge, the Harris-Biden administration is considering gutting a key national security program to free up the money for DEI hires and "environmental justice."

The Biden-Harris administration is quietly floating a funding cut for a national security initiative that protects America's underwater infrastructure. At the same time, it's asking Congress for millions of dollars for equity and "environmental justice" initiatives, the Washington Free Beacon has learned. FreeBeacon

The administration recently informed Congress that it wants to strip $10 million in annual funding for the Maritime Administration's (MARAD) Cable Security Fleet (CSF), which protects the underwater infrastructure powering America's connection to the internet. Hostile nations like Russia and China have repeatedly attempted to sabotage these networks, plunging the American government and military into darkness.

A sizable portion of this funding is being diverted into equity programs as part of the Biden-Harris administration's push to promote progressive cultural priorities, according to Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas). This includes more than $1 million to hire 11 full-time staffers dedicated to "diversity and equity priorities" at the Transportation Department. An additional $6 million is allocated to programs that will "address environmental issues and 'mitigat[e] the impact of climate change.'" Another $10 million is slated for the U.S. Marine Highway Program to support "environmental justice," Cruz disclosed.

"The Biden administration's decision to defund undersea cable security while increasing spending on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) undermines the strategic defense posture of the United States against our adversaries, like Russia and China, in favor of radically liberal and unpopular social policies," Cruz wrote in an investigatory letter sent Thursday to the Department of Transportation and obtained by the Free Beacon.

You're not going to believe this, but the billion dollars of our money that Harris/Biden spent on "solar energy panels" has resulted in virtually no solar energy panels.

The Biden-Harris administration has, for years, vowed to deploy thousands of solar panels to stabilize Puerto Rico's power grid amid regular blackouts, government mismanagement, and ever-increasing residential electricity rates. But, years after making that promise, a $1 billion program central to that effort yielded only a tiny handful of solar panels, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.

"We're talking about energy and solar. That's where the power is, right there," Vice President Kamala Harris said during a speech in Puerto Rico earlier this year.

During her remarks, Harris touted the so-called Puerto Rico Energy Resilience Fund, a $1 billion fund managed by the Department of Energy and designed by Democrats in 2022 to quickly address Puerto Rico's electrical grid vulnerabilities via the installation of tens of thousands of rooftop solar and battery storage systems across the island. That fund has taken a central role in the administration's plans to, as President Biden said in October 2022, "transform the entire" Puerto Rican grid.

While the Department of Energy declined to tell the Free Beacon how many solar panels have been installed using program funds, Sunnova Energy--one of two U.S. solar firms awarded funding to oversee implementation of the program--acknowledged that just "a small, initial batch" of installations have been completed across the entire island so far. The other firm, Generac Holdings, declined to comment.

I'm getting strong Solyndra vibes. The Democrat Party are like a conquering savage army, subjugating the people of the United States and stealing their wealth.

Judge rules that lawsuit against Harvard, alleging they permitted antisemitic attacks on campus, may go forward.

Harvard University must face a lawsuit by Jewish students who accused the Ivy League school of letting its campus become a bastion of rampant antisemitism, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday.

U.S. District Judge Richard Stearns in Boston found plausible accusations that Harvard was deliberately indifferent toward Jewish and Israeli students who said they feared for their safety after facing severe and pervasive harassment.

The judge also said he was "dubious" that Harvard could claim that some of the pro-Palestinian or anti-Jewish activities was protected by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.

"To conclude that the (complaint) has not plausibly alleged deliberate indifference would reward Harvard for virtuous public declarations that for the most part, according to the (complaint), proved hollow," Stearns wrote.

"The facts as pled show that Harvard failed its Jewish students," the judge added. He did not rule on the merits.

Students sought an injunction to stop Harvard's alleged violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars federal funds recipients from allowing discrimination based on race, religion and national origin.

Harvard and its lawyers did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Harvard filed a motion to dismiss. This 12 (1)(b) motion claims that even if everything the plaintiffs allege were true, it would not give rise to any recognizable legal claim. The judge ruled that the facts alleged, if true, would indeed constitute a valid legal claim.

So this is not any kind of ruling that the lawsuit is meritorious, just that it could be meritorious, if the evidence supports the facts alleged. (Which, let's face it, it probably will.)

I think we may have discovered KAREN ZERO, the original vector of AWFLism.

Toby Rogers @uTobian

A bat flies into a lady's house in North Carolina (@BelleBoggs). After a short time the bat flies away.

Crazy lady and her husband then:

* Consult the CDC website

* Call their health care after-hours line

* Call the county animal control center that sends an officer out in 10 minutes to inspect the house (officer finds nothing and writes a report to the county public health department)



* Pay "$600 E.R. copays with heftier hospital bills to come" 😳😳😳


Crazy lady then:

* Writes an Op Ed for the @nytimes on how Donald Trump would destroy the administrative state (that makes her beloved hypochondria possible).

* Concludes the Op Ed by saying that she's supporting Kamala Harris because "I live in the United States of America -- land of bats, land of doctors, land of public health -- and that's worth fighting for." 😆

* The geniuses at the @nytimes then publish her piece in the Sunday Opinion Section read by millions. 🤡

My reflections on this piece:

* Vaccines in general and Covid in particular broke the brains of progressives.

* These people are now completely insane.

* You do not need a rabies shot if you happen to see a bat.

* Hypochondria is a serious mental illness; @BelleBoggs needs psychological counseling not rabies shots.

* Articles like this convince of the urgent need to abolish the administrative state.

* The grifters in public health need to stop taking advantage of crazy Democrats who are not thinking straight.

Taylor Lorenz commented: "Oooh, Besties!"

The UK is now a Muslim tyranny: A 56-year-old woman has been arrested for posting "inaccurate information" about the identity of the Southport Child Butcher. She may have said he was a migrant, as many people guessed when the courts and media hid his identity for a week.

Peace activist calls for people to "cut all the throats" of anti-immigration Englishmen. He was not arrested, of course.

There is no two-tiered system of justice, you far right bigot.

Yet another Nobel Prize Laureate is on social media, claiming, WITHOUT EVIDENCE, that the phrase "Good morning" was created to mock slaves who had been beaten all night.

Of course this isn't being banned as dangerous race-baiting disinformation.

There is no two-tiered system of censorship, you white supremacist Good-Morning-Saying colonizer.

I don't know if this evil mentally-ill Karen really did this or if she's lying for likes, but if it's the latter: How far gone do you have to be to think that this makes you look good? She's bragging about ruining a mother's gender reveal party.

Childless cat ladies are bitter and resentful.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM

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