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August 02, 2024
Unemployment Surges, Economists Warn of the "Border Czar Kamala Harris Recession"
Happy Friday, the greatest day of the week. Do you have plans? I am planning exciting stuff: cleaning, organizing, and starting to think about planning the initial steps of the opening stages of Sh3lving Phas3 Thr33, "PROJ3CT GR3YWOLF."
The Harris-Biden economy is a disaster, a bloodbath, the worst economy in history, people can't even believe how bad it is.
It stinks!
The latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals troubling signs for the Harris-Biden economy, with unemployment blowing past expectations to 4.3% in July, the highest since October 2021.
"Expectations," economic jargon for "a list of shit that ain't gonna happen."
July saw the unemployment rate jump to 4.3%, blowing past expectations and marking the highest level in nearly three years.
Over the past year, 1.2 million native-born Americans have lost jobs, while 1.3 million foreign-born workers gained employment.
A friend said that any society with any thumos -- Greek for spirit, breath, blood, heart -- left in it would revolt over the last fact alone.
Since July 2023, 311,000 more people are working multiple jobs, and 558,000 additional Americans are now forced to take part-time jobs due to economic pressures.
Diving Deeper:
The latest jobs report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics casts a grim light on the Harris-Biden economy, with unemployment blowing past expectations to 4.3% last month, the highest rate since October 2021. This unexpected rise has spurred fears of a looming recession. Economist John Lonski expressed his concerns to Fox Business, stating, "I'm beginning to smell a recession coming into view...this jump by the unemployment rate, my goodness, 4.3%, this is up sharply from not long ago."
The higher-than-expected unemployment rate caused markets to react negatively on Friday morning, with fears of a recession becoming more pronounced. Despite these worrying trends, Vice President Kamala Harris has maintained that "Bidenomics is working."
Kamalanomics, you mean.
It's now been 13 days since Biden withdrew and declared Kamala Harris his protege and successor. Harris has refused to sit for a press conference or any kind of questioning, even by friendly press.
She is attempting to run the Biden Basement Strategy, despite not having Biden's excuse for it. (That he's ancient and might die of covid if he speaks to another person.)
Is the press really going to permit her to get away with this? Are they really going to keep pushing her as the New Obama even after she shows that she has no confidence in her own smarts and abilities?
Answers: Yes, and Yes.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:00 PM
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