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June 28, 2024

The Morning Report — 6//28/24


Good Morning Kids. Last night's debate, if you could call it that, was an abject isaster for Biden and the Dems. He looked like a reanimated corpse, and between the coughing fits and mumbling, declared that women can be raped by their sisters and that "we beat Medicare" among other incoherent ravings. Trump reacted by declaring and stating the obvious that he couldn't understand what Joe was saying but then again, neither could Joe! Despite Tapper and Bash's best efforts to save Joe from himself and sabotage Trump. they failed. At the end of it all, there was Jill leading the burned out husk off stage and then whisking him off to a Waffle House. Yikes.

The Democrats are in full freak out mode. But there's not much they can do to make him exit if he, or Jill refuse. Of course this presupposes that they are not going to be able to engineer a cheat even more massive than 2020 to drag his rotting corpse over the finish line without making it so obvious that the whole world would see it, as if that would even matter.

As for Trump, he acquitted himself well, mostly by keeping his cool, smiling and then pouncing especially when Biden made the mistake of calling him a convicted felon, to which Trump responded by pinning that label on Hunter. Heck, even Ace was impressed with how Trump did and that says a lot. Not to toot our own horns but our threads were terrific and fun.

I doubt that there will be any more debates before the election, based on this shit-show for the Dems.

It’s a good thing for Joe Biden that the debate wasn’t held in Harlem’s famed Apollo Theater. The audience would have given him the hook and hooted him off the stage.
That’s how bad he was. 
Our president is not fit to serve. Forget concerns about how old and infirm he would be after a second term. 
He’s a basket case now. 

Biden took the debate stage looking like he just escaped from a wax museum and spent much of his speaking time chewing his words before trailing off. Several times he confused millions with billions and ended one incoherent sentence by saying “we finally beat Medicare.”
The leader of the free world doesn’t look well enough to have a driver’s license or dress ­himself. 
Confused old man
For his part, Trump was solid and hit all the main areas where Biden has failed: inflation, the border and the economy. 
In a bid to broaden his appeal, he talked about helping black and Latino citizens and several times focused on how the millions of illegal migrants pose economic threats to the poorest Americans. 
The former president seemed well prepared and, I believe, minimized the danger the abortion issue presents by stressing that each state gets to decide and that whatever limits are imposed, there must be exceptions for the health of the mother. 

Several times Trump looked like he was getting hot over Biden’s insults, but managed to steady himself without saying anything that would scare ­voters. 
That was his main objective and he achieved it despite Biden’s clear goal of trying to get under his skin. 
But ordinary score-keeping does an injustice to what Americans witnessed. In an unprecedented event, a sitting president of the United States looked like a confused old man knocking on death’s door. 
I say that not out of cruelty or with joy. It is simply a matter of fact that the condition of our [spurious] president should alarm all of us. 

Biden’s undeniable decline must also be scaring our allies, who already worry that America is a diminished superpower on a turbulent global stage. 
Whatever concerns they had before last night were certainly magnified by the appearance of a frail, shrunken president.
Indeed, 10 minutes into the debate, an ardent Democrat texted me that the election was over and fumed that Dems should have stopped Biden from running. 

The only question now is how Democrats are going to find a way to usher him off the stage and give the nomination to someone else. That’s their problem. 
The problem for the rest of us is that Biden will likely remain as president until January. Now that every despot in the world has seen how serious his condition is, what happens between now and then? 

Have a good weekend.


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    * * * * *

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    * * * * *

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  • NBC has what it thinks is a terrific idea for daily recaps of Olympic events tailored to subscribers to its Peacock streaming service, and it involves broadcasting legend Al Michaels. No, not the sportscasting great himself, silly. NBC is using an AI-generated version of Michaels’ voice for this daily coverage.
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  • The Bureau of Economic Analysis said that the personal consumption expenditure price index rose at an annual pace of 3.4 percent in the first three months of the year, far faster than the 1.8 percent recorded at the end of last year and up from the 3.3 percent estimated in the prior report issued in May.
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    Debate Reactions

  • The debate was widely seen as a make-or-break moment for Biden amid voter concern about his mental fitness — concerns that grew more acute Thursday night. “Abysmal,” one Democratic source told The Post. “If I knew nothing about Donald Trump before that debate and judged him solely on that performance, I’d vote for him.”
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  • Daniel Greenfield: "You can't debate if you can't think. Biden can talk, but he can't think."
    What The Hell Happened
  • End of an Error
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  • He added that “reporters keep asking each other if they have seen any of them.”
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  • “Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral, and the idea that she was murdered by, by-by an immigrant coming in — they talk about that,” Biden said during the debate, before going on a bizarre rant, seemingly downplaying the reality of illegal immigrant crime by asserting that women are also targeted by their own family members, including in-laws, spouses, brothers, and sisters.
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  • “We would be able to wipe out his debt, we’d be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do, childcare, eldercare, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we are able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I have been able to do with the Covid – excuse me, dealing with everything we have to do with,” the president continued before pausing and looking down. Biden paused for several moments before saying, “look, we finally beat Medicare,” before Tapper cut him off and moved on.
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  • Trump, who is known for usually being hyper and combative, appeared to benefit significantly from CNN’s debate format in which there was no audience for him to feed off of and microphones were turned off, which stopped him from interrupting Biden. Biden was forced to stumble around his own mind in a quiet, empty room as he searched for answers. Trump largely was able to stand there and smile and Biden wilted numerous times under pressure.Former Left-wing CNN blogger Chris Cillizza posted: “Look. This debate was a total and complete disaster for Biden. He looked old. His answers trailed off repeatedly. He was hard to understand. He would stop in mid sentence and move on to something else. I NEVER thought he would be this bad. Stunning. Truly.”
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  • CNN commentators did not think the first 2024 debate went well for [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden, with Van Jones saying the octogenarian's performance was "painful." The Democrat Party, Jones said, has time "to figure out a different way forward." "I love that guy," Jones said. "But he had a test to meet tonight to restore confidence of the country and of the base, and he failed to do that."
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  • "Here's the most important election of our lifetimes; you're telling me that democracy is on the line, and you're going to put on a guy who can't even talk? Who can't even sit there and look normal? This thing's a bloodbath. He's gonna get annihilated. ... Now the Democrats have to decide, are they happy to lose? Are they willing to lose because this is a guaranteed loss?"
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  • “Bowman lost because he failed to grasp what politics is about.”
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  • Gustavo Petro, who took office in August 2022 and became the first leftist president in Colombia’s history, has spent almost half of his term unsuccessfully attempting to introduce leftist reforms to Colombia’s health, economic, political, labor, and social systems, none of which have passed in Congress. The reforms are unpopular – 60 percent of respondents in Invamer’s latest poll expressed disagreement with Petro’s reforms.
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  • Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has been appointed the next Secretary-General of NATO. NATO ambassadors confirmed the decision at a meeting held at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Rutte will assume office on October 1, succeeding Jens Stoltenberg, who has held the position for ten years.“Mr. Rutte will assume his functions as Secretary-General from October 1, 2024, when Mr. Stoltenberg’s term expires after ten years at the helm of the Alliance,” NATO officials said in a statement following the announcement of the Dutch leader’s appointment.
    NATO’s New Secretary General? Another FAILED European Globalist.


  • The Supreme Court held Thursday that when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is seeking civil penalties against a defendant, the agency’s use of in-house judges violates the right to a jury trial guaranteed in the Constitution. When Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010, it gave the agency the option to adjudicate enforcement actions in-house using its own administrative law judges (ALJ), rather than in the federal courts. George R. Jarkesy, who became tied up in the SEC’s in-house proceedings after he was charged in 2013 with fraud relating to his investment activities, challenged this practice.
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  • This ruling against the use of administrative law judges has a direct bearing on SpaceX’s own lawsuit [pdf] against the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). ... Rather than fight that complaint directly, SpaceX’s response was to file a lawsuit challenging the very legal structure of the NLRB itself, including its use of administrative law judges.
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  • One wonders it this action was done simply out of normal caution, or if NASA officials did it to show their confidence in using Starliner as a lifeboat and thus help stem some of the bad publicity the agency is getting for the repeated delays in returning Starliner and its crew back to Earth.
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  • All this plan does is create a gigantic public works project that will
    almost certainly go over budget, fail to meet its schedule, and increase
    the cost of goods for both the companies and the public. But boy, it
    sure is going to employ a lot of government workers to supervise
    construction and operations!
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  • PEACHY KEENAN: Jeremy Carl’s new book unmasks the pervasiveness of anti-white racism across all levels of American society.
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  • The Forbes Real-Time Billionaires List today shows Musk in the number-one spot at about $220 billion and Bezos not far behind at $212 billion. If it weren't for Bezos's questionable investments in kitschy cowboy hats and AVN Awards attire for his girlfriend, Lauren Sánchez, he'd probably be up somewhere around $240 billion. 
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  • Officials with the city have said that no cause has been determined, however the pieces were sent to Bear Robotics to be analyzed. The company's robots have been quite popular across the world, with partners including United, Microsoft, Four Seasons, Denny's, and a number of governments in Asia.
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ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:41 AM

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