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June 28, 2024
Water Hazards Cafe

An osprey catching a meal
I chomp you!
Gonna guess this is scenic Australia.
Orcas playing with their food.
Orcas just swimming towards a human, not meaning no harm...
Orcas have been ramming and sinking boats lately.
On Sunday (May 12), an unknown number of orcas (Orcinus orca) attacked the 49-foot-long (15 meters) sailing yacht named the Alboran Cognac in the Strait of Gibraltar -- a narrow body of water between southern Spain and North Africa that separates the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. During the attack, which began at around 9 a.m. local time, the killer whales repeatedly rammed the boat's hull and rudder, Reuters reported.
The yacht's two-person crew radioed for help and was rescued by a passing oil tanker. But the vessel's hull sustained serious damage during the attack and the yacht began to take on water, which eventually caused it to sink, Reuters reported.
The attack was likely carried out by a growing number of individuals from the Iberian subpopulation of orcas -- a group of around 40 killer whales that live off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar -- that have been attacking boats across their range since 2020.
Most of the attacks occur between May and August each year in and around the Strait of Gibraltar. However, earlier this year, some of the highly social apex predators were spotted circling a boat in northern Spain, suggesting they have spread out much further and earlier than normal.
They've sunk five yachts in three years.
Can we get them to take an interest in Jeff Bezos...? Maybe douse him with tuna water.
Major water hazard.
A shark stalking through the tall grass.
I must eat you.
The dark and menacing sea.
Baby crocs, doo-doo-do-do-do-do, baby crock! Sound on. They have a strange vocalization. Sounds like Star Wars blasters.
This jellyfish is probably dangerous.
Which of these sea creatures will successfully make off with the food? The answer will surprise you!!!
So I was swimming with some alligators, no big whoop, mindin' my own, and then one of these gators decides to get fresh! Why I never!
A glass octopus.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man at a diner trying to send back soup.
Why don't you come with me, little girl, on a Magic Carpet Ride...?

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:30 PM
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