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June 26, 2024

Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (6/26/24)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“We knew Trump’s mic would be muted during the debate, but we didn’t know his campaign’s mic would be muted before it. You can go on CNN and lie about Trump, Russia, call Republicans racist, Nazis, but you can’t say Tapper’s biased. If Jake’s not biased, why is he celebrating Trump losing?” Jesse Watters

Quote II

“I have a great deal of confidence they are looking at it very hard and they would not commit to the de-orbit of a spacecraft that was unsafe,” Wayne Hale, the former NASA space shuttle program director

Quote III

“We have succeeded in landing a compromise on a CO2 tax, which lays the groundwork for a restructured food industry -– also on the other side of 2030.” Maria Reumert Gjerding,The Danish Society for Nature Conservation (DSNC)


Breaking news from Bolivia

Bolivia’s Military Breaches Presidential Palace With Troops, Tank—What We Know About The Potential Coup


Nuclear codes? Nah, never heard of them. Where's my ice cream? (Video)


When Donald Trump was still in office on occasion I would watch Hannity on Fox. I recall him saying there were good people in the FBI. And I would ask the following question: Where are these supposed “good guys” in the FBI and DoJ? Nothing has changed since I asked that question.

Think about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Hundreds, if not thousands of people knew the laptop was real. Yet they remained silent as a planned and coordinated lie was used to sway the 2020 election -- to say nothing of ignoring the fact it clearly shows that President Biden is a traitor to this country. Those who remained silent deserve nothing but our complete and total contempt -- for all time.

Our Founding Fathers knowingly confronted the greatest military in the world and pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to each other in their demand for freedom. And they all paid a very high price -- but their honor remained intact and celebrated by some of us to this very day.

What we see today is a sick, sad inversion of this incredible moral courage. Now they sell their sacred honor for a monthly paycheck and retirement benefits. I hope those benefits help assuage their secret pain of their being an insult to the very concept that hundreds of thousands of Americans have willingly given their lives.

It has been observed that both courage and cowardice are highly contagious. Sadly, cowardice is the default position in government and has been for years. Until this ends, I don’t need to hear any more about these mythical government employees who are anything but “honest, hardworking, patriotic Americans.”


Oh no!!!! The rascally Republicans want to kill democracy.

New Jersey lawyer seeks to keep RFK Jr. off November ballot
Democrats nationwide fear Kennedy will siphon votes from Biden

Did I say rascally Republicans. I mean Commie democrats. I bet "They" have enough votes locked up with illegal ballots to overcome any votes for RFK, Jr. But, that's just me.


We have all heard someone using the following phrase, "Go shove it up your ass." Leave it to politicians to put that phrase into actual use.

Maine Is Handing Out Free “Boofing” Kits to Help Fentanyl Addicts Squirt Drugs Up Their Butts
Taxpayer-funded groups and the city of Portland are raising awareness about safe practices for boofing a.k.a. booty dumping


Maybe they should have spent the money on Hip-Hoppers so they could learn at least 3 chords. Don’t Oppress My People With Your White-Ass Folk Music

University of Sheffield researchers handed taxpayer cash to ‘decolonise’ folk singing.
A mere £1,485,400, since you ask. A gnat’s eyelash. For an issue of such fundamental importance to the turning of the world.

The project… has also been granted extra funds on top of this from bodies such as Research England.
Whew. I was getting worried there.

Taking place at the University of Sheffield, researchers “will take an unflinching look at the white-centricity of folk music repertory, performers and audience by conducting fieldwork to shed light on long-standing vernacular singing practices of ethnic minority cultures in England.”


The ONT Musical Interlude & Handy Man Emporium

Born on this day: June 26, 1955 - Mick Jones
Mick Jones, guitarist, singer with The Clash, who had the 1979 UK No. 11 single London Calling and the 1982 US No. 8 single 'Rock The Casbah. Their 1991 UK No.1 single 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go', was first released 1982. And with Big Audio Dynamite had the 1986 UK No.11 single 'e=mc2'. Jones plays with Carbon/Silicon and also toured the world as part of the Gorillaz live band.


Underrated and overlooked, Johnny Copeland.


Mr. must have crappy taste buds. Mrs. is tonight's Genius Award Winner.

Laclede County authorities accuse woman of spiking husband’s Mountain Dew with Roundup


It really is true. Politicians of all stripes shit all over you.

NEW PALESTINE, Ind. — A retiree and board member of a neighborhood HOA is accused of defecating not once, but twice on the side of a neighbor’s house and was denying the act until confronted with video evidence.

Court documents reveal how a homeowner in New Palestine went out to mow his lawn on May 29 only to find a pile of human feces beside his air conditioning unit.


Perhaps not Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day. Schadenboner of The Day.

Nearly half of American EV owners want to switch back to gas-powered vehicle, McKinsey data shows
Major share of US EV owners have buyer's remorse

A significant share of Americans who own an electric vehicle have buyer's remorse, according to new data.

McKinsey & Co.'s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

Just wait until their diet is changed from eating meat to insects.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Ambiguity.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. Active Ingredients: Common sense, frivolity & humor. Not necessarily in that order. Somethings you have to find out for yourself.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:04 PM

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