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June 25, 2024

Quick Hits


Fresh news on the "51 former intelligence officials" psyop.

"Intelligence" contractors and staffers need to get their publications pre-cleared by the CIA before they can submit them for publishing.

Former Acting Director of the CIA Mike Morrell-- who went to work for the Hillary Clinton front group Beacon Strategies after covering up and lying about the Benghazi slaughter -- demanded an expedited review for the "hallmarks of Russian disinformation" letter, so he could get it out in time for Biden to repeat the lie in his 2020 debate.

The CIA granted this unusual request for expedited review, in order to aid him in his Big Lie.

Among the people involved in getting this lie out to the public as soon as possible? Trump's CIA Director Gina Haspel, who has always been a Deep State leftwing operative, and one of the main reasons people like me say "Trump is terrible at picking people to appoint to top jobs."

Jeff Carlson

This is insane. Five former CIA Directors colluded to alter the outcome of the 2020 election by falsely claiming Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation.

Now we find the active CIA Director was also involved.

How can this be seen as anything other than a Deep State Coup?

House Judiciary GOP @JudiciaryGOP

MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story


A Muslim group is screaming about a test question about terrorism.

This group claims that branding ISIS a terrorist group is "US and Zionist propaganda" against Muslims.

A New Jersey middle school has apologized for a teacher's exam which referred to The Islamic State, aka ISIS, as a "terrorist organization."

According to The Post Millennial, the Schuyler Colfax Middle School teacher's multiple-choice quiz question (below) stated "It is a terrorist organization that commits acts of violence, destroys cultural artifacts, and encourages loss of life in order to achieve its goal of global rule under strict Sharia law."

Answers included The Shining Path, al Qaeda, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and (the correct response) Islamic State.

The group Teaching While Muslim posted on Instagram that the question was "NOT okay on a million levels" and claimed "We have seen anti Muslim & anti Palestinian sentiments, teachers, and content in our schools over and over again."

So you're claiming that ISIS represents Muslims, so that any statement about them is a smear against Muslims?

Okay then -- I'll take you at your word.

It went to allege the 7th grade teacher's question was "factually inaccurate" and another example of "US and Zionist propaganda."

"[The teacher] has failed his students and must be held accountable for this misinformation," TWM continued. "How many educators are bringing their prejudice and hate into their classrooms?"

The "misinformation" that ISIS is a terrorist organization.


It asked "how are your Muslim students supposed to foster self-worth [...] with educators embodying this level of hate and prejudice?"


The Post Millennial report notes the U.S. State Department has considered ISIS (and its predecessor AQI) a "foreign terrorist organization" for the last 20 years.

This group is now demanding terrorist, I mean Muslim, "represenation" on the school boards so that they can redesign the curriculum and "undo the harm" caused by stating that, factually, ISIS is a terrorist organization.

Get ready for a shock -- USAToday is publishing verifiably false claims about the wonders of transgender butchery.

The opinion section at USA Today published an article titled "I'm the parent of a trans daughter. There's nothing conservative about blocking her care." The author, Sean Madden, claims "I was a registered Republican for decades" and is now a director of GRACE (Gender Research Advisory Council & Education), a non-profit organization that aims to "advocate for and empower the transgender community." Madden begins, "I write . . . to provide some insight into our family's experience with gender-affirming care and hopefully to correct some of the most egregious misinformation about it." As an attempt to refute critics, Madden argues:

"For adolescents approaching the onset of puberty, puberty-blocking medicines may be appropriate for delaying the development of secondary sex characteristics not matching their gender identity, an intervention that is fully reversible."

Yet the article linked as the source does not actually confirm the claim. Here is what the link says:

"Researchers say the results bolster the evidence that short-term use of puberty blockers does not cause permanent damage to the ovaries and uterus. However, they noted that because the study was conducted in rats, additional research would be needed to confirm the findings in humans."

The study in question is a Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the University of Northern Colorado. The student gave gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (colloquially called "puberty blockers") to young female rats for four weeks, or saline to the control group. The study concluded that, weeks after stopping the administration of the hormone agonists, the female rats' reproductive organs showed normal (albeit delayed) development.

There are a few things worth noting about the study. First, the rats received the puberty-blocking drugs for only four weeks, whereas children prescribed such medications in the course of "gender-affirming care" take them for much longer....

Second, although the female rats' reproductive organs recovered after they stopped receiving the puberty blockers, there were still consequences on their fertility; they had significantly smaller litters. The study notes that one rat on puberty blockers did not achieve pregnancy, which "suggests some individual variation in fertility after GnRHa withdrawal" and "an increased sample size may have detected a significant impact of the puberty blocker on future fertility," and this "raises some fertility concerns that should be considered by transgender individuals." Aside from fertility, the rats who received puberty blockers showed reduced voluntary running on a wheel and increased body mass.

So this is a lie. No child takes "puberty blockers " for four weeks, so any claims about the non-damaging nature of these experimental drugs must be limited by the caveat, "if you only take them for four weeks." And even then, children will suffer irreversible damage.

And also: Children are not rats, though the Frankenstein left does like performing experiments on them, from seeing how they'll react to puberty blockers to seeing what masking them up for a couple of years might do to their long-term socialization and speaking abilities.

Oh no! Hunter Biden's law license has been suspended in Washington, DC!

How can he continue providing foreign oligarchs with the great (checks notes) energy business advice that he's famous for?

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has had his law license suspended in Washington, D.C. following his recent conviction on firearm charges in Delaware. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals announced the suspension on Tuesday, emphasizing the immediate effect of the decision.

The court's ruling states that Biden "is suspended immediately from the practice of law in the District of Columbia pending resolution of this matter." The court has directed the Board on Professional Responsibility to initiate a formal proceeding. This proceeding will determine whether Biden's offense involves moral turpitude, a crucial factor under D.C. Code 11-2503(a), which could influence the final outcome regarding his ability to practice law in the district.


The suspension of Biden's law license in D.C. marks a significant development in his legal and personal struggles. It remains to be seen how the Board on Professional Responsibility will rule on the matter and what the long-term consequences will be for Biden's legal career.

LOL, are you being snarky?

The only thing that is going to put a dent in Hunter Biden's earnings is the eviction of his demented pervert father from the White House.

Hunter Biden is again trying to get his gun conviction dismissed.

Hunter Biden's attorneys are once again requesting a dismissal of his conviction on federal gun charges in Delaware and a new trial. This has turned into something of a soap opera at this point because his lawyers already made this request once, before turning around and withdrawing the appeal less than an hour later. This time, Hunter's team isn't even attempting to claim that he was incorrectly convicted and was actually innocent. They are filing the appeal based on what they claim was a procedural error by the court. They originally filed an appeal with the 3rd US Circuit Court challenging his prosecution. The court rejected the appeal before the trial began, but Hunter's attorneys are saying that the court failed to issue a standard mandate returning the case to the lower court in a timely fashion.

His lawyers claim that the trial court did not have jurisdiction over his case because of appeals that he had filed challenging his prosecution. The defense team says that the conviction must be wiped away because, even though the appeals court had rejected the appeals by the time the trial started, it had not issued what's known as a "mandate" -- the procedural maneuver that effectively notifies a lower court of ruling made by a higher court in an appeal.

Biden's lawyers are pointing to the absence of a mandate sending the case back to the trial court after the 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals handed down rulings rejecting two of his appeals in late May.

This sounds like a rather silly objection at first glance. Hunter Biden was not denied his opportunity to challenge his prosecution on these charges. The appeals were filed and they were considered by the 3rd Circuit and rejected. But the defense team may unfortunately still have a chance of prevailing here. The state is supposed to dot all of the i's and cross all of the t's when ensuring that citizens have every opportunity to defend themselves against prosecution. This was obviously just a procedural error that didn't affect the outcome, but it was still an error nonetheless.

Yeah, I don't know about that. The problem is that Hunter Biden didn't make this objection previously -- you know, when the court could have corrected its minor procedural error. I don't know the term for it but courts tend to dismiss claims when the party has not acted in a timely matter. Here, Biden let this error sit and stood for trial, and only brings it now after the trial, after millions of dollars have been spent on the trial.

That sounds a lot like sandbagging -- holding back a Secret Objection to a procedural error as an emergency hatch in case the trial goes against you. Whether or not this error was minor (and it seems minor), I think his appeal will be rejected for failure to bring the matter up when the courts could have corrected it by a simple, free change of paperwork.

I think I'm thinking of the doctrine of laches, or estoppel by laches:

Laches is a doctrine in equity whereby courts can deny relief to a claimant with an otherwise valid claim when the party bringing the claim unreasonably delayed asserting the claim to the detriment of the opposing party. The doctrine is also commonly referred to as estoppel by laches.

"Laches" derives from what is sometimes called "Law French." The Normans changed the old Anglo-Saxon law to their French norms.

late Middle English (in the sense 'slackness, negligence'): from Old French laschesse, from lasche 'loose, lax', based on Latin laxus . The current sense dates from the late 16th century.

Lache currently means "coward" in French, but I bet it was originally in the old sense of "coward" -- one who uses underhanded means in a fight.

Under pressure from the left -- Jimmy Dore, for example, is always talking about this -- Biden has struck a deal with Julian Assange.

Assange has been held in a British jail for five years. This deal was only struck now to appease lefties who are skeptical or hostile towards Biden.

Assange got out of prison due to Biden's poor polling in Michigan.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is set to plead guilty to a felony charge in a deal with the U.S. Justice Department. This agreement will free him from prison and resolve the prolonged legal battle over the publication of classified documents.

Key Details:

Assange, who has been imprisoned in the UK for the past five years, left a British prison on Monday and is expected to plead guilty in a U.S. federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands on Wednesday.

The deal involves Assange admitting to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defense information.

WikiLeaks celebrated the deal, expressing gratitude to supporters and emphasizing Assange's commitment to exposing government corruption and human rights abuses.

According to Tim Pool, CNN is threatening people that if they simulcast the debate on YouTube or X, they'll bring legal action.

Elon Musk says that commentary is transformative so he won't allow DMCA strikes against simulcasters:

Phew! I just realized -- I don't have CNN (and good riddance). I need some way to watch this clusterfudge.

Gov. Doug Burgum says that Biden is in fact a dictator, and also helps set expectations for Biden's debate performance a little higher, by reminding CNN shill Kaitlin Collins that Biden's debate lie about the laptop being Russian disinformation was believed by millions.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who is reportedly on former President Donald Trump's vice president short list, maintained his position on Sunday that President Joe Biden is acting like a dictator.

During Burgum's appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the network that will host the presidential debate on Thursday, the interview started out on a charged note.

Biden has shown he has debating prowess by convincing "America that that laptop was fake," Burgum began. The subsequent result during the 2020 election was a social and televised media blackout of mentioning Hunter Biden's laptop, as revealed in the Twitter files.

But in the short moment of mentioning the laptop, CNN's Kaitlan Collins segued away from the topic, showing Burgum in series of clips calling President Biden a dictator. Collins then prompted and framed the North Dakota governor's view of the president as simply a policy dispute on "immigration or student loans."

"I understand you don't like President Biden's policies on immigration or student loans. But, respectfully, I mean, you're calling the democratically elected president a dictator?"

Burgum responded that Biden has bypassed the legislative and judicial branches of government with executive orders.

"You don't like his executive orders and you don't like his policies," Collins replied. "I understand that. I don't think anyone expects the Republican governor to agree with President Biden on that. But that's not a dictatorship."

Burgum pressed that his description of the Biden administration acting as a dictatorship stems from three issues: the southern border, inflation, and the media's obstinance to covering Trump and President Biden fairly.

"Well, I think again, part of where this word has come from has been a nonstop media attack on President Trump saying that, Oh, that he might use executive orders when he takes office."

We'll see if the Marxist Propaganda Front Group of CNN objects when Trump resorts to governing by Presidential Fiat.

Oh wait! I meant if does that, not "when"! My mistake, CNN!

And yes, you should all have a bug-out bag ready to go.

Adam Carolla is finally leaving California.

Supposedly. He's been threatening this for years. But I think he's a Lifer.

Comedian and podcast host Adam Carolla announced he will leave California due to frustration with Governor Gavin Newsom's policies, describing Newsom as a "narcissistic douchebag."

Key Details:

Carolla plans to leave after his twins graduate high school, citing California's decline.

He criticized Newsom for handling COVID-19 restrictions and business shutdowns.

Carolla accused Newsom of being a "slippery eel of nothingness" and failing to address the state's issues.


Carolla, who grew up in Los Angeles and made his comedy roots in the city, expressed his dismay at the current state of California. "I have twins, and they're in their senior year of high school, and I didn't want to pick up and tear up their roots," Carolla said. "So people always go, 'When are you leaving?' And I go, I will be attending their high school graduation in a U-Haul."

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:32 PM

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