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June 25, 2024

Overnight Open Thread - 06/25/2024
[Roger Ball]


Cautiously delving into the non-aviation world of things, I risk scorn from the HORDE by straying out of my lane. But I think it’s important for the HORDE to know that I am at least somewhat multi-dimensional.

Somewhat. For example, I always enjoy the Power Line blog “The Week In Pictures” memefest that Steven Hayward publishes on Saturdays. Thus, the banner picture above.

It is an axiom that the left can’t meme, but we learned this week that the left can’t grill, either. Hard to believe they really take Pride in these phony spectacles, but they are the same kind of people who think Star Wars is in desperate need of autologous space witches. Meanwhile, the climate cult hit Stonehenge this week. Ian Faith hardest hit. (IYKYK*.)

(*If You Know You Know> I had to look it up.)
At least a staffer put grilled hot dogs in the picture, although there doesn't seem to be any real fire going, except maybe in Chuckles' head. The other thing about this picture is that Chuckie (aka "The Lizard") is far too arrogant and egotistical to be embarrassed by this cheap fake.

I will say this meme triggered my infertile brain:


We should be so lucky. I've always thought our nation's diet under demokkkrat/Progressive/Communist Party rule, assisted by their able-bodied RINO co-conspirators would be more like Certified,

Also, this one is kind of fun:


Having finally watched "OPPENHEIMER" (in a couple of shifts), I had to explore the interwebs to see if there was any correlation. There was! Creative marketing, "when we were a proper country":

Twenty-First Century Bourbon Whiskey, c. 1963

"In reality, it is an empty plastic container with a battery powered motor inside that causes the bottle to shake violently when it is picked up."

If you are a word junkie and you haven’t explored Substack yet, you are missing a cornucopia of words. There’s even an app for it. (Of course there is.)
I can't remember how I subscribed to Noah Smith, but he is one of those prolific Substack writers. He's pretty good at verbal illustration, although I question some of his premises. He publishes At least five interesting things for your weekend, this being number 41 apparently.

The five things in this post are: Soviet America (or not); the energy revolution; Trump's tax cuts; the Build-Nothing Country; macro data mysteries.

The first item hooked me as Noah rebuts Niall Ferguson's "We're all Soviets Now".
I'm not sure where Noah is on the political scale, but I infer that he leans slightly left of center. And he's optimistic, which is refreshing. For example, he tries to make this point:

"Ferguson is quick to label Trump’s indictment in New York as “Soviet justice”. Again, he doesn’t compare to other countries. In fact, indictment of former leaders is pretty common in democracies."

I admit that I have not researched all 78 cases of leaders being tried for crimes, but I'm guessing at least some of them committed an actual crime of some sort. Noah doesn't seem to understand that Trump's trials are political hit jobs manufactured to facilitate election interference. The NY DA "Twinkies" Bragg creating 34 felonies out of one expired misdemeanor seems pretty high on the Soviet justice scale IMHO. Lavrenty Beria smiles from below.

Also, Noah doesn't seem to remember anything about this:

"These newly released internal files by AFL show the Biden regime classifies someone as a person likely to commit “domestic violent extremist” attacks. But instead of focusing on actual threats like Antifa and pro-Hamas supporters, they have declared Trump supporters as enemies of the state instead."

This scheme was disbanded shortly after it was discovered, but the fact that Biden's admin even tried to do something like this appears pretty Soviet to me.

Oh, heck. Maybe multi-dimensional is a little optimistic. How about at least bi-dimensional? I’ll close it out with a musical interlude. But I bet most of the HORDE will not share my taste in music though. But give a listen anyway. You might like it and become a little more multi-dimensional. Keep the blue side up!

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posted by Open Blogger at 10:00 PM

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