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June 20, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee:


Don't believe your eyes: A compilation of old "Cheap Fake/Deep Fake" videos falsely showing Biden inappropriately touching, nuzzling, and sniffing very underaged girls.

Trump has moved to compel the evil Judge Engoron, the insanely biased judge in the "civil fraud" case, to recuse himself.

awyers for former President Donald Trump have filed a new motion in his New York civil fraud case alleging that the judge engaged in "prohibited communications" and should recuse himself.

In a motion filed with the New York State Supreme Court, Trump's lawyers accuse Judge Arthur Engoron of engaging in actions "fundamentally incompatible with the responsibilities attendant to donning the black robe and sitting in judgment."

That action refers to a conversation Engoron allegedly had with New York City real estate attorney Adam Leitman Bailey "regarding the merits of this case, the permissible scope of the New York State Attorney General's and this Court's own authority under Executive Law...and the consequences of this Court's decision on business in the State."

"The New York Code of Judicial Conduct exists to ensure that litigants are afforded a fair and impartial trial. Justice Engoron's communications with Attorney Adam Leitman Bailey regarding the merits of this case, however, directly violate that code and demonstrate that Judge Engoron cannot serve as a fair arbiter. It is clear that Judge Engoron should recuse himself immediately," Alina Habba, spokesperson for Trump said in a statement.

According to the filing, Bailey told ABC in an interview that he had tried to advise Engoron weeks before the judge's decision.

"Although Mr. Bailey claims that President Trump was not mentioned by name in the conversation, when asked whether 'it was obvious that [his] input was related to this case,' Mr. Bailey stated 'well[,] obviously we weren't talking about the Mets,'" the filing says.

Engoron in February found Trump liable for more than $350 million in damages in the civil fraud case brought against him by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

Trump's lawyers are scoffing at Traveling Snizz Dispensary Fani Willis' "Hail Mary" attempt to stay on the Trump prosecution.

Former President Donald Trump's attorneys told an appeals court in Georgia that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis's attempt to toss out their request for her disqualification was a "Hail Mary," according to a court document filed Thursday.

The attorneys' filing comes in response to Willis asking the Georgia Court of Appeals last week to dismiss Trump's request for Willis's disqualification from the election interference case she brought against him.

Trump and eight of his co-defendants in the case had asked the appellate court to reverse a lower court's decision that Willis could remain on the case despite what Judge Scott McAfee found was her "tremendous lapse in judgment" related to her past romantic relationship with a prosecutor on the case.

Willis had argued that higher courts in Georgia have not typically entertained appeals in lower court cases unless a judge, such as McAfee, has made "flatly incorrect" findings in them.

"The trial court's careful and extensive evaluation of the resulting record, and its utter dismissal of the central evidence proffered by the Appellants, forecloses any possibility of reversal," [Fani Willis' team] wrote.

Trump's defense team called Willis's plea to the appellate court a "desperate bid to avoid disqualification of a deeply conflicted District Attorney."

On appeal, judges review matters of law de novo, meaning they give no deference to the trial judge. But on matters of fact -- when a judge makes a fact-ruling like So-and-So did illegally buy a gun, etc. -- those rulings are owed deference, and can only be overruled if "clearly erroneous." That is, even if they seem probably wrong, the courts will not overturn those factual findings.

"The State argues that the trial court's factual findings wer not clearly erroneous. According to the State, then, this Court is powerless to overturn the trial court's order denying the dismissal of the case and the disqualification of District Attorney Willis and her office. Of course, as this Court well knows, that has never been, and is not now, the law," Trump's attorneys wrote.

I don't know which of the asshole judge's rulings are categorized as findings of law as opposed to findings of fact.

I think the facts are all bad for Fani -- the thing being appealed his his judgement that the facts together do not require her recusal. I don't think that's a factual determination, so there wouldn't be deference owed to it. But I don't know.


Trump's attorney Steve Sadow said in a statement provided to the Washington Examiner that Willis's motion to dismiss Trump's appeal was "meritless" and that he was "optimistic" the court would deny it.

The "Republican" Senator who fought to get Biden's Comprehensive Border Amnesty plan passed -- and lied to Republican voters about what it included -- is still "playing footsie" with Biden on immigration, though he's now making very disingenuous noises about the need for border security.

Yeah, I remember when John McCain put out an ad saying "Build the danged wall," too. So folksy! So corruptly mendacious.

Miranda Divine: Biden's dishonest con game on the border is disgusting.

You knew the minute the words came out of Joe Biden's mouth that his mass-amnesty announcement for illegal aliens was pure politics.

"Folks, I'm not interested in playing politics with the border or with immigration, he said.

"I'm interested in fixing it."

As usual from this president, that's the opposite of the truth.

All he has done from Day One is play politics with immigration, ever since he walked into the Oval Office and rescinded Donald Trump's border-protection measures with the stroke of a pen: 94 executive actions in the first 100 days.

He killed Trump's border wall and "Remain in Mexico" policy, stopped deportations and started secretly flying illegal aliens all over the country on charter flights in the middle of the night.

The Post reported at length on Biden's secret flights into Westchester and the whited-out charter buses waiting at the airport to sprinkle illegal aliens around the tri-state area, night after night.


New Dem voters

He's now giving green cards and a three-year path to citizenship to at least half a million illegals who happen to be married to US citizens, just in time to vote Democrat in 2028.


The mystery has always been why any president would want to destroy his country -- and his electoral appeal -- by throwing open the border to millions of unvetted people from around the world.

If Republicans dared suggest it was to create a new captive voting bloc for the Democratic Party, they were accused of peddling racist conspiracy theories.


Now Biden has proved the theory was true.

She notes that the same day Biden announced his new illegal tyrant's order to usher in hundreds of thousands of newly-minted voter cards to illegals, the Ecuadorian murderer he let into the country was arrested for the kidnapping of two children and the rape of a 13-year-old girl.

Bill Melugin @BillMelugin_

BREAKING: In a statement to @FoxNews, ICE confirms the Salvadoran illegal alien charged with the rape and murder of Rachel Morin entered the U.S. as a gotaway "on or around February 13th, 2023" near El Paso, TX.

Prior to that, he was caught by Border Patrol three separate times in a matter of days, and was expelled to Mexico via Title 42 each time.

Once on 1/19/23 when he tried to cross near Santa Teresa, NM.

A second time on 1/31/23 near El Paso, TX.

A third time on 2/6/23 near Santa Teresa, NM again.

Then, on his fourth try about a week later, he was able to slip into the U.S. near El Paso without apprehension.

Biden, of course, instructed all the world's killers and rapists to "surge to the border" so that he could grant them US residency and work visas and eligibility for welfare.

Unlike Biden, who refuses to contact the family of the Maryland mother murdered by one his Border Surgers, Trump did call the family to express his condolences.

Oversharing is the Kardashian brand, but I think the latest might be a Personal Record even for a Kardashian. "Kourtney" (whatever) really wanted to have her baby on Halloween, and resorted to pump-priming to get things moving.

"We have been in this hospital room overnight and nothing is happening," she says on the morning of Oct. 30. "I was three centimeters dilated up until 4 a.m. and nothing progressed. And so we're just here bouncing on a ball trying to get things moving."

While Kourtney insists she wants her son to come when he's ready, it's clear that she and Travis are vying for that Halloween baby. And they come very close to getting one after they decide to go home from the hospital and wait it out a little bit longer.

But they don't just go home and take a nap after a long night of waiting for Baby Rocky. Instead, they take matters into their own hands the only way they know how.

"We went home, ate at Crossroads, showered, slept in our bed, and then we have sex to get things going -- see if that helps. That can help sometimes," Kourtney says.

The Streisand Effect:


We have video of one of the barbarians who vandalized Stonehenge.

Surprise! It's Hermoine Granger from Hogwart's.

Via Twitchy. One commenter notes, "You look exactly like I'd imagined you'd look."

From a few days ago: Fire Alarm Insurrectionist and black radical extremist Jamaal Bowman is gently reminded he has other constituents in his district besides the "black and brown" ones, the only ones he ever talks about.


A new ad campaign for Chili's.


Just kidding, it's the Bee.

To be fair, it's not the worst "modern art" I've seen.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:33 PM

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