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June 19, 2024

The Morning Report — 6//19/24


Good Morning Kids. So, millions of unvetted foreigners, among them hardened violent criminals as well as Islamic terrorists itching to slaughter us by the thousands, and the problem is not the bloodbath they have unleashed but that we dare speak the truth about it:

While discussing Democrats and Hispanics who support mass deportations, Reid said, “[T]his is one of the reasons that people have this sort of thinking: Here’s the three cable networks’ reporting of this. Our banner said, ‘Soon: Biden Announces Legal Protections for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens.’ CNN’s banner said, ‘Biden Announc[ing] New Protections for Some Undocumented Spouses.’ Here was Fox’s banner, ‘Migrant Arrested for Raping 13-Year-Old New York City Girl.’ And so, I think that’s part of the problem, right? Is that you have a lot of fearmongering.”

Jayapal responded, “Exactly, that’s part of the problem. Exactly. And we know that when people have economic insecurity, when they’re facing high childcare costs, when they’re facing high housing costs, they are concerned for themselves. And so, anybody who comes into a space of that economic insecurity and says, hey, why are these people getting something that you’re not getting? It does turn people against those people, whether they agree or don’t agree that they have — that they’re helping the country. The economics of immigration are absolutely, you can’t argue with it. We have brought in so much money through immigration, and the surge in immigration has already brought in so much money and will continue to do so.”

I'm surprised this filthy frog-mouthed commie didn't just declare all reports about illegal aliens murdering and raping their way north from the Rio Grande as Misinformation, disinformation or Israeli propaganda. Typical in that she and her ilk unleash hell on earth then blame the victims for daring to notice it. And its her and her fellow Democrat core constituencies that have had it up to here with it just like the rest of us normal Americans, and its not going to help them come November. Along with the disaster that is the crashing economy they too took a hammer and sickle to.

On a completely different note, I note with a great deal of sadness the passing of Wille Mays, a legendary baseball player and a truly great American, someone who was the embodiment of the American dream. I will always admire and love him for returning to NYC to join my miracle Mets during their improbable run 51 years ago at the pennant and then falling short in the series against the Oakland A's.

When you compare and contrast his attitude and character with far too many of today's pro athletes, the latter can't hold a candle. And in today's hyper politicized culture wars that have destroyed any joy in life, especially sports where the ideals of excellence and hard work have been derided as racist relics of an illegitimate nation and society, the passing of Mays into history is even more poignant as a reminder of what else has been lost and on the verge of being lost perhaps forever.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:53 AM

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