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June 18, 2024

Afternoon Quickies

I was writing this up for the usual 6:30 slot but it's time to post again and I've got nothing else, so:

House Republicans will probe whether or not the Biden White House retaliated against the IRS whistleblowers who cried foul on the plot to let all of the charges against Hunter Biden expire, or cover them up in a sham "plea agreement."

House Republicans are intensifying their scrutiny over the handling of IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who claimed political interference in the Department of Justice's investigation of Hunter Biden. The whistleblowers assert that they were removed from the case shortly after they reported concerns to Congress, including alleged preferential treatment toward Hunter Biden and potentially false testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The issue has caught the attention of high-ranking Republicans, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, and the chairmen of key committees, who have united in their call for transparency and accountability from the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). They argue that the whistleblowers performed their duties honorably by reporting wrongdoing and making legally protected disclosures, yet they faced retaliation instead of protection.

Twenty-four Republican state Attorneys General are challenging Jack Smith's demand for a gag order on Trump in his political witch-hunt, calling it, understatedly, "presumptively unconstitutional."

Led by Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, the group emphasizes that free and fair elections depend on candidates being able to speak freely about important issues. "Attempts to stop a candidate from speaking out harm more than just the candidate. They also hurt the voters, who are denied access to crucial information, and the States, which are responsible for managing elections," the brief stated.

The request from Special Counsel Smith, filed last month, sought to prohibit Trump from making statements that could pose "a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case." This followed Trump's claims that FBI agents were "locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger." Prosecutors argued that Trump's remarks were "grossly misleading" and referred to standard FBI protocols.

The attorneys general counter that Smith's motion asks the court "to curtail that right by ordering a prior restraint on President Trump's constitutionally protected speech. Such an order is presumptively unconstitutional." They assert that preventing Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, from speaking about his prosecution would undermine the electoral process.

Another judge has blocked Biden's lawless rewrite of Title IX from taking effect, in six more states.

On Monday, U.S. District Judge Danny Reeves blocked the implementation of an expanded Title IX rule in six states. This rule, set to take effect on August 1, 2024, was designed to extend protections to LGBT students by outlawing discrimination based on gender identity. The block affects Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman, which argued that the Department of Education (ED) had exceeded its authority. The complaint highlighted concerns that the ED's new rule unlawfully broadens the scope of Title IX, which was originally enacted in 1972 to prevent sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs.

Judge Reeves supported this viewpoint in his decision, stating that the rule's redefinition of 'sex' to include gender identity contradicts the original text of Title IX and infringes upon government employees' First Amendment rights. He further criticized the rulemaking process as "arbitrary and capricious."

911 Denier, antisemite, Hamas pimp, and Fire Alarm Insurrectionist Jamaal Bowman is facing a difficult primary election on June 25th. He's in trouble with Jewish voters for essentially blessing the Hamas rape raid on Israel.

In 2022, his antisemtism had already become an issue. He called Jewish people in his district that he barely knows to them to send any photos they might have of him standing next to them. To prove, and here I quote this pro-terrorist sub-moron, "that I'm friends with Jewish People."

Matthew Kassel @matthewkassel

New: In late spring 2022, Rep. Jamaal Bowman reached out a local Jewish leader with an unusual request as he faced mounting scrutiny over his record on Israel.

"Do you have pics of us?" he texted. "So I can show the world I'm friends with Jewish People."

Also via Twitchy: AOC continues shrieking that out-of-district money is coming in to support Bowman's opponent, who I think is named Gary Latimer.

But ninety percent of Bowman's money is coming from outside the district.

AOC is complaining about "Wall Street" money supporting Latimer, but what she really means is Jewish Money.

The full court media press of pretending that 1, Biden doesn't need nannying the few times he's out in public and 2, but Trump is the one who really does is now in meltdown mode.

Trump briefly shook his son's hand as he was walking off the stage. A lefty froze the picture and claimed it was someone "leading Trump off the stage."

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 04:24 PM

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