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June 18, 2024

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (6/18/24)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"The Gag Order wrongfully silences the leading candidate for President of the United States, President Trump, at the height of his campaign. The Gag Order applies only to President Trump and not to any of his political opponents, critics, or even Crooked Joe Biden," Steven Cheung, Trump campaign spokesman

Quote II

"There was some sort of mechanical error, and we had to come up through the emergency capsule, so me and the kids came up, and we are still waiting for my husband," Brynn Cicippio.


Well said. Best Tweet of The Day.

I have been criticized by some for sharing these
Biden videos which appear almost every day. I have read numerous articles which somehow suggest that the camera angle, the duration of the clip or some form of right wing manipulation explains Biden’s behavior on camera......



It will take more than tax deductions to create a market for EVs.

EV startup Fisker has filed for bankruptcy as the Ocean SUV flounders
The company warned investors months ago that it might run out of cash this year

After several months on life support, electric vehicle startup Fisker has officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.


No word if FBI and/or Secret Service Special Agents involved. Oh lighten up, I kid. I kid.

Man accidentally shoots self in Kroger parking lot, then parolee friend flees with gun

BANGOR TWP, MI — A parolee has been jailed following a shooting in the parking lot of a Bay County grocery store. Not because the man pulled the trigger, as the wounded man did that himself, but because he allegedly took the gun and ran off with it.

“There were a lot of bad decisions made in a short amount of time,” Bay County Sheriff Troy R. Cunningham said of the situation.

That was almost a Quote of The Day there Sheriff Troy R. Cunningham.


The ONT Musical Interlude & The Sweet Corn Emporium

On this day: June 18, 1993 - A&M
A&M Records chairman Jerry Moss and vice-chairman Herb Alpert announced they were leaving the company they founded more than 30 years earlier. They had sold A&M in 1990 to Polygram for $500 million. Moss and Alpert started the label in the garage of Alpert's Los Angeles home in 1962. The label was the home to such acts as The Police, Bryan Adams, Joan Baez, Flying Burrito Brothers, The Carpenters, Joe Cocker, Supertramp and Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass. via


Born on this day: June 18, 1942 - Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney, The Beatles Wings, solo. The most successful rock composer of all time. McCartney first met John Lennon on July 6th 1957, who was impressed that Paul could tune a guitar. With The Beatles he scored 21 US No.1 & 17 UK No.1 singles plus McCartney has scored over 30 US & UK solo Top 40 hit singles. He has written and co-written 188 charted records, of which 91 reached the Top 10 and 33 made it to No.1 totalling 1,662 weeks on the chart. via


You mean there is a switch to mute it? Asked our Genius Award Winner.

Fugitive's Phone Betrays His Hideout

In a twist of fate that seems straight out of a comedic caper, a wanted man's attempt at eluding law enforcement was foiled by his own cell phone. The Polk County Sheriff's Office in Florida encountered what could have been a challenging search, had it not been for the fugitive's ringing phone that led them directly to his unusual hiding spot.

The individual, who had been evading capture due to outstanding warrants, chose an unconventional place to hide: the ceiling of his workplace. It's unclear how long he planned to stay holed up there, but destiny—and his cell phone—had other plans. As deputies scoured the premises, the unmistakable sound of a ringing phone pierced through the silence, acting as an unwitting beacon that guided them straight to him.


Florida Men are Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Today's good news story comes from Boca Raton, Florida.

A dramatic water rescue was captured on camera as three good Samaritans leaped into action to save a struggling teen at the Boca Raton Inlet.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Lax Helmet Laws.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. Legal representation by the esteemed firm of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe, S.C. Wardrobe provided St. Vincent De Paul. Beverages provided by The Kwik Trip.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:01 PM

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