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June 17, 2024

Claim: Biden Is Attempting to Change the Rules So He Can Sit Down During the Debate

Washington Reporter @DC_Reporter

SCOOP: Per two sources, including one at CNN, the Biden Campaign is trying to renegotiate the debate rules to allow Biden to be seated.

This would be a major format change from what was agreed to.

This won't be the last change he demands, either. The plan is to demand so many changes that Trump objects, and then cancel the debate, blaming Trump.

Update: Former CNN "analyst" and leftwing hack Chris Cillizza -- a thumb -- admits the debate rules are already #rigged for Biden.

Cillizza started off by saying the muted microphones will obviously benefit Biden. CNN has not explicitly stated whether Tapper and Bash will be in charge of the muting, but the network did state that moderators "will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure civilized discussion."

"I don't love it from a debate perspective, but from a who does this benefit perspective, it clearly benefits Biden," he said. "Because if you go back and look at the debates they had, they had two in 2020 between Biden and Trump. Trump just talks and talks and talks and talks, and that's true in 2016 too. Like he just over and over and over and over again just talks. He interrupts, he bullies. You know, in 2020 Biden said, 'Hey man, why don't you just shut up?'"


The former CNN analyst said the two commercial breaks during the debate will also benefit the president.

"This is different than what we've seen in the past," he said. "So in the past, a group called the Commission on Presidential Debates managed these things. It's a bipartisan group made up of former like party officials. There were no commercial breaks in there. It was 2 hours. It was straight. It was questioning, right? There was no room to sort of take a breath. Again, I think this probably benefits Biden a little bit just because he gets a little time to regroup, right?"

"He is older, I know it's only three and a half years older, but I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind of things than does Trump," Cillizza continued. "So you can't interact with your campaign or advisers in any way during the breaks, but you can just sort of ... I'm not on live TV at this second and I don't need to watch what I'm saying every second. I can kind of regroup, figure out what my message should be, how have I done? So I think that's a good thing for Biden. I think he benefits from a little breather within. So that's two rules and two good things for Biden."

Cillizza said the lack of a studio audience also benefits Biden because Trump supporters are more vocal.

"I do think this probably benefits Biden. Trump supporters are loud," he said. "They are more likely to not follow the debate rules. Like, at every debate they're like, 'please don't clap, please don't cheer, please don't express any sentiment towards either candidate until the end of the debate.' And people just don't follow the rules. I think the Trump people would be less likely to follow the rules just given what I know about them. So you'd have a lot of cheering ... a lot of booing, that sort of thing, which I think might sort of impact how people perceive the debate. Okay, so that's three rules and three good things for Biden."

Lastly, Cillizza said the fact that the candidates will be prevented from having pre-written notes during the debates benefits Trump.

Are you kidding?

When's the last time Biden answered a question or gave shhhpeachhh (the Biden equivalent of a speech) without reading right off his script? End line, new paragraph.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:11 PM

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