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June 13, 2024

Surprise! Biden Claims He Won't Pardon Hunter, But White House Spokesman Katrine Jean Pierre Refuses to Rule Out Commuting Hunter Biden's Sentence, if Jailed

I kinda don't think this matters, because whatever Biden says, he's lying. His first act after the election will be to pardon Hunter, himself, his corrupt brother James, all the Biden children who received payments from overseas "business partners," and all of his aides who have likewise profited from the graft.

Now that they're being asked about commuting Hunter's (theoretical) sentence, they'll just lie about that.

But this does indicate an intent to deceive.

Which also isn't news, except to the idiots who read paid NeverTrump grifters.

Watch Latrine John-Pissoir refuse to answer, without even offering a Circle Back.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday would not rule out the possibility of President Joe Biden commuting his son Hunter Biden's sentence after he was convicted this week on three felony charges in a federal gun trial.

Speaking to the press aboard Air Force One en route to Italy for a G7 summit, Jean-Pierre declined to definitively answer questions from reporters about whether Joe Biden would commute the sentence.

"I haven't spoken to the president about this since the verdict came out and as we all know, the sentencing hasn't even been scheduled yet," Jean-Pierre said about the possibility of a commutation, according to The Hill.

Last week, Biden said he would not pardon his son and would accept the trial's outcome. Jean-Pierre repeatedly referenced his comments ruling out a pardon while not discussing his position on a commutation, which would allow the president to wipe out a possible prison sentence for his son.

NeverTrump will praise Biden's Love for Hunter, of course. A Father's Love makes any mere promise a trifle.

Meanwhile, the Marxist Media gaslights the public in claiming that this conviction (for charges which have nothing to do with Joe Biden, conveniently enough) proves that the DOJ isn't biased in Hunter Biden's favor.

They're completely memory-holing David Weiss' unprecedented attempt to scam a judge into granting Hunter Biden full immunity for all crimes, including the ones we don't even know about, by slipping that lawless guarantee into a side-agreement without alerting the judge to it.

And he was to be granted this full plenary immunity for all past crimes in exchange for... nothing.

The plea deal fell apart in July 2023 when Judge Maryellen Noreika raised questions about the "atypical" agreement, which included a hidden provision that appeared to grant Hunter Biden blanket immunity from future prosecution over tax crimes.

The collapse of the plea deal also came after whistleblowers in the IRS claimed the Justice Department was pulling punches in its investigation of Hunter Biden. DOJ prosecutor David Weiss planned to close the probe without filing charges, the New York Times reported, but changed course after the whistleblowers divulged details of the investigation, including records indicating Hunter Biden evaded millions of dollars in taxes on foreign income.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:07 PM

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