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June 11, 2024

Nancy Pelosi Caught on Videotape Admitting She Had Full Responsiblity for January 6th

Isn't it terribly strange we haven't seen this video for three and a half years? It was part of her Nepo Baby daughter's "documentary" which was being filmed the Day Our Precious Democracy Was Stabbed in the Back by RUSSIAN Agents.

In newly released footage, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seen admitting "responsibility" for security lapses during the Jan. 6th Capitol riot. The video, recorded by Pelosi's daughter, contradicts Pelosi's own long-standing narrative that former President Donald Trump and his followers were solely to blame for the security failures.

Key Details:

The video, recorded by Pelosi's daughter Alexandra for an HBO documentary, captures Pelosi moments after being evacuated from the Capitol. She admits, "I take responsibility" for the security failures on Jan. 6th, 2021.

House Republicans released the video on Monday, arguing it undermines the narrative that Trump and his followers were solely responsible for the security lapses on that day.

In the footage, Pelosi is heard expressing frustration over the inadequate security measures, questioning why the National Guard was not present from the beginning and admitting the lack of preparedness.


In the video, Pelosi is seen speaking with her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, as their vehicle sped through an underground parking garage. "We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have," Pelosi says. She adds, "This is ridiculous," expressing frustration over the situation.

Pelosi also questions the absence of the National Guard, saying, "You're going to ask me -- in the middle of the thing when they've already breached the inaugural stuff -- 'should we call the Capitol Police, I mean the National Guard?' Why weren't the National Guard there to begin with?" McCullough responds that security officials thought they had sufficient resources, to which Pelosi retorts, "No, that's not a question of how they had... they don't know. They clearly didn't know. And I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more."

House Republicans have argued that this footage contradicts the Democrat-led narrative over the past three years that places the blame for the security failures solely on former President Donald Trump and his followers. The footage was released by the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee after being obtained from HBO.

Oh, so the Democrats hid it until the House subpeonaed the footage from HBO.

Of course.

Nancy Pelosi claims that the tape of her own words is just "revisionist history," and we should all take her very seriously, because she is the most gifted, super-genius Stock Trader in human history.

Pelosi claimed former President Donald Trump and his "toadies" were trying to do "revisionist history."

"We cannot let us be dragged into there again," she said, sounding incoherent and tripping over her own words.

"False imperishing [sic] of what happened that day. They know what happened that day," Pelosi said. She seemed to be doing a "Biden," even down to the left eye being almost closed, in addition to the incoherence and the slurring.

We need to get these decrepit corrupt politicians out of office.

Then the man who was the Chief of the Capitol Police at the time, Steven Sund, also weighed in, and he didn't hold back on Pelosi's comment.
Pelosi was surprised we didn't have National Guard on Jan6?? I was denied National Guard support multiple times before January 6, and repeatedly for 71 minutes ON January 6.MY STORY HASN'T CHANGED!
digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:13 PM

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