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June 12, 2024

Quick Hits

The House barely voted to hold Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to turn over the people's evidence in the Joe Biden documents case. Ten Republicans didn't vote, resulting in a squeaker vote of 208-207.

Correction: Only two Republicans didn't vote, I guess, because the final vote is 216 to 207. Apologies, shouldn't have trusted a single tweet.

A federal judge has rejected Biden's unconstitutional and rewriting of Title IX to change "sex" to "sex and gender identity."

The Guidance Documents' interpretation of "sex" and the accompanying requirement that schools treat "gender identity" the same as sex flouts Title IX. The Department lacks the authority to "rewrite clear statutory terms to suit its own sense of how the statute should operate," particularly in a way that undercuts a statute's purpose. Util. Air Regul. Grp. v. EPA, 573 U.S. 302, 328 (2014). Yet this is exactly what the Guidance Documents do. By interpreting the term "sex" in Title IX to embrace "gender identity"120 as distinct from biological sex, the Guidance Documents are contrary to law and exceed the Department's statutory authority.

Another federal judge, possibly from Hawaii, has struck down Florida's laws against gender-blending children, citing "discrimination."

Don't worry -- the appeals court will not let this stand.

The law, heavily championed by DeSantis, made Florida one of the most restrictive states for transgender care. U.S. District Court Judge Robert L. Hinkle wrote in his opinion, "Transgender opponents are of course free to hold their beliefs. But they are not free to discriminate against transgender individuals just for being transgender. In time, discrimination against transgender individuals will diminish, just as racism and misogyny have diminished. To paraphrase a civil-rights advocate from an earlier time, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

Judge Hinkle further stated, "The State of Florida can regulate as needed but cannot flatly deny transgender individuals safe and effective medical treatment -- treatment with medications routinely provided to others with the state's full approval so long as the purpose is not to support the patient's transgender identity."

This is obviously wrong, and our crazed Marxist ideologue here will soon be told that.

Update: DeSantis: "I am not going to turn over the destiny of this state to liberal judges." He predicts a quick overturning of this lawless ruling. He also embarrasses a stupid reporter.

Thanks to Cheri.

Queens residents rally to get an illegal alien shelter shut down.

Dozens of Queens residents rallied Sunday to demand the closure of an East Elmhurst migrant shelter after a Venezuelan national accused of shooting two NYPD officers was found living there.

Key Details:

About 60 residents and officials gathered outside the converted Courtyard Marriott hotel, now a shelter for asylum seekers, demanding its closure.

The rally followed the arrest of Bernardo Castro Mata, a 19-year-old Venezuelan migrant, charged with the attempted murder of two police officers.

Residents highlighted issues such as increased crime, drug sales, and declining quality of life, with local leaders emphasizing the community's saturation with shelters.

A poll shows Biden leading Trump by 4.

In bright-blue Minnesota, where the Democrat Party is actually the "Democrat-Socialist Party."

Poll: Biden barely leads Trump in deep-blue Minnesota as former president gains ground MXM Exclusive

Quick Hit:

President Joe Biden holds a narrow lead over former President Donald Trump among likely voters in Minnesota, but his supporters are less enthusiastic than the Republicans.

Key Details:

The Star Tribune/MPR News/KARE 11 Minnesota poll found Biden with a 45%-41% lead over Trump ahead of their anticipated general election rematch. Seven percent of respondents said they were undecided, and 6% supported independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Biden's lead is largely driven by a 45-point advantage in Hennepin and Ramsey counties, home to Minneapolis and St. Paul, while Trump leads in other counties of the Twin Cities area by 12 percentage points.

The poll revealed an enthusiasm gap: 63% of Trump supporters are "very enthusiastic" about their candidate compared to only 31% of Biden supporters.

Speaking of Minnesota: the county attorney for Hennepin County -- where Minneapolis and the Cenotaph of St. George the Diabetic is located -- says that there's an effort to make people "scared of crime," if you can believe that, and even to object to young black males who she grudgingly concedes may be "behaving inappropriately."

Below: Hunter Biden is appealing his conviction by using an NRA argument that drug addicts have a right to own guns. Plus, he has his tax case upcoming, and Congress has referred him to the DOJ for perjury.

I'm sure Merrick Garland will get right on that.

Here are details about the House referral on Hunter Biden for pejury:

Catherine Herridge @C__Herridge

NEW Criminal Referrals from leadership @JudiciaryGOP @GOPoversight @WaysandMeansGOP

"The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. sec. 1001 (false statements), and, additionally, for Hunter Biden under 18 U.S.C. sec. 1621 (perjury)."

" As the attached referral shows, Hunter Biden and James Biden made provably false statements to the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry, in what appears to be a conscious effort to hinder the investigation's focus on President Joe Biden."

NOTING: Pages 56 and 57 include transcript excerpts from Hunter and James Biden's congressional testimony about May 2017 meeting with Tony Bobulinski. Seeking comment from legal teams.

"With respect to James Biden, he stated unequivocally during his transcribed interview that Joe Biden did not meet with Mr. Tony Bobulinski, a business associate of James and Hunter Biden, in 2017 while pursuing a deal with a Chinese entity, CEFC China Energy. Specifically, James Biden stated he did not attend a meeting with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski on May 2, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.10 These statements were contradicted not only by Mr. Bobulinski, but Hunter Biden. Mr. Bobulinski also produced text messages that establish the events leading up to and immediately following his meeting with Joe Biden on May 2, 2017. "

If only, Rachel. If only.

"They're going to lock us up in camps for illegal aliens..." Like I said, the left always needs the Next Conspiracy Theory to animate them to vote, which is why the leftwing media never rebuts or even tamps down on leftwing conspiracy theories. They know they're crucial to the Democrat Party.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:13 PM

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