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June 10, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee on America's Sweetheart:


The Bee, again:


Do you think they rewatched Taken just to count the number of terrorists and human traffickers Liam Neeson killed in his rescue mission?

ICYMI: Liam Neeson also kills at comedy improvisation.

From Hot Air, the WSJ reports that the indecent left is arguing for a Right to Keep Jews as Hostages.

Blaming Israel for Rescuing Its People

The non-surprise is that professional anti-Israel voices, United Nations officials and the European Union foreign-policy chief rushed to attack Israel. Egypt condemned the operation "in the strongest terms." How dare Israel rescue its own citizens. Didn't it know there would be casualties? The BBC asked whether Israel gave a warning that the rescue raid was coming. Seriously? A tip-off to terrorists? Perhaps read them Miranda rights too.

"BREAKING: Gaza's Health Ministry says 274 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli operation," reports the Associated Press, only 48 hours after it had exposed how the Hamas ministry's daily death tolls are "at odds with underlying data." When will the media stop taking the kidnappers at their word?

Haters of Israel will blame it and excuse Hamas every time, and the media are easily manipulated into playing along.

Why did the Israelis shoot innocent "Palestinian civilians"? I don't know but it might have something to do with those "innocent Palestinian civilians" firing machine guns at them as they extracted the hostages held in terrorist captivity for 245 days.

Foreign colonizers are setting up No Go Zones for Jews and California's traitorous political class is empowering them to do so.

In the lawsuit, Frankel v. The Regents of the University of California, the plaintiffs claim that pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protesters set up barricades on the Los Angeles campus, effectively creating a "Jewish Exclusion Zone." Beckett Law states that after creating the encampment, protesters not only constructed barriers but also linked arms to prevent Jewish students from accessing the most popular areas on campus. They also imposed an ideological test, and those whose views were deemed to be sufficiently anti-Israel were issued wristbands and allowed to pass unmolested through the "checkpoints."

By contrast, Beckett law says that Jewish students were harassed and even assaulted. Law student Yitzchok Frankel was forced to find other ways to reach his classes because his route was blocked by the exclusion zone. Sophomore Joshua Ghayoum could not attend classes or study sessions because of the zone and the antisemitic activities on campus. Additionally, he was forced to listen to chants of "death to the Jews" and "death to Israel." Eden Shemuelian had trouble getting to her final exams because of the zones and had to listen to the vitriol from the encampment as she tried to study. These, said Beckett Law, are just three examples of the problems faced by Jewish students at UCLA.

Checkpoints for Jews -- all supported by the Regime.

You'll never believe this -- a respected Palestinian journalist was brutally murdered by Israeli thugs in his home!

I mean, sure, this journalist was a bit more open than Jake Tapper about his disgusting pro-terrorist agenda, holding Israelis hostage in his home, but apart from that -- completely innocent!

Three of four hostages rescued by special forces from the central Gaza Strip over the weekend were being held at the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a Palestinian journalist and member of the Hamas terror group, the Israeli military confirmed on Sunday.

Rumors had circulated on social media after Ramy Abdu, head of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, said in a post on X that soldiers had climbed into the Aljamals' home during the raid in Nuseirat on Saturday, killing several members of the family, including Abdallah and his father, Dr. Ahmed Aljamal.

Abdu published an image ostensibly from the Aljamals' home alongside his post, though he made no mention of the possibility that hostages were held there.

He was a Gentle Giant who was just turning his life around. He hoped to record a rap album and enroll at CUNY.


My only crime was kidnapping! With a splash of international terrorism!

The hostage Noa reuinted with her father. The left wants Western governments to pressure Israel to allow the other hostages to remain in captivity:


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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:10 PM

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