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June 07, 2024

John Tierny: More and More People Understand that DEI Stands for "Didn't Earn It"

At City Journal.

"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" [is] a textbook example of doublespeak, the term inspired by Orwell's 1984 dystopia in which the Newspeak language enables citizens to engage in "doublethink"--simultaneously holding two contradictory beliefs. The words in DEI sound like admirable goals, but the officials mouthing them are working to do just the opposite, as Florida governor Ron DeSantis observed when he banned DEI initiatives at public universities. What DEI really stands for, DeSantis said, is "Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination."

That formulation hasn't caught on, but another one has: "Didn't Earn It." It went viral this spring after Ian Miles Cheong, a conservative journalist, and Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, tweeted it to their 2 million followers on X. Adams, who had fearlessly predicted in 2015--six months before the first Republican primary--that Donald Trump would be elected president because of his skill as a "master persuader," tweeted another forecast: "Whoever came up with 'Didn't Earn It' as the description of DEI might have saved the world. Normally, the clever alternative names people use to mock the other side's policy are nothing but grin-worthy. This one could collapse the whole racist system. It's that strong."

Sure enough, "Didn't Earn It" has become an Internet meme, a buzz phrase on social media, and a conservative talking point on cable television, radio, and podcasts. It appears in posts linking to Kamala Harris, the plagiarism accusations against DEI officers at Harvard and MIT, the 50 percent failure rate on tests of medical students at UCLA, and the sentencing of a DEI executive for stealing $5 million during her work at Facebook and Nike. In the surest sign of its success, "Didn't Earn It" has been solemnly denounced by DEI executives, progressive pundits, and the left-wing watchdogs at Media Matters, which was so alarmed that it published a report documenting the phrase's popularity and--inevitably--labeling it "racist."

There's nothing racist about expecting people to earn what they get, which is why the phrase is so powerful....

This pretense inspired ludicrous doublespeak, as when Harvard and the University of Texas at Austin told the Supreme Court that their consideration of race would improve the chances of some applicants but never negatively affect other applicants--a claim that "defies the law of mathematics," as Justice Samuel Alito observed. DEI executives like to say that they're defending women against "systemic sexism," but hundreds of studies in the past two decades have shown that female applicants for jobs in academia and other industries are now favored over similarly qualified males.

However widespread racism and sexism were in the past, Americans have now experienced a half century of programs and policies promoting reverse discrimination. They're sick of pretending that it's not happening.

Related: See the sidebar for the firing of Brihana Joy Gray.

Konstantin Kisin adds this:

Konstantin Kisin @KonstantinKisin

DEI Barbie is upset.

Imagine participating in a debate about Israel and Palestine.

Imagine answering literally zero of the questions you were asked.

Imagine talking over everyone else and being disrespectful to fellow panellists and the moderator.

Imagine storming off stage afterwards, screaming that everyone is racist, telling the moderator "I'm never doing this again" and throwing the microphone at the debate organiser.

Imagine then complaining online that your abject failure is the fault of the organisers, moderator and crowd.

DEI Barbie. Wow.

Dee you bitch.

Via andycanuck, a white liberal would-be academic complains about not being able to find a job because all jobs are reserved for blacks.

Then he cancels himself for thinking Unapproved Thoughts.

More here.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:40 PM

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