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June 05, 2024

The Morning Report — 6/5/24


Good Morning Kids.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has sent such beautiful messages of support and prayers as well as for hitting the tip jar. While I still have the energy to be here, I will. In some odd way, I think it helps keep me going.

So, Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants issued some sort of executive order that allegedly addresses the border crisis, which is something of his and really his handlers' own doing. That is, allowing millions of unvetted foreign third world peasants including hardened criminals and even terrorists to flood in completely unchecked and unvetted. In point of fact, all this EO does is authorize several thousand to come here and settle here every month . Since he was installed a little over three years ago we have upwards of 8 million unassimilated individuals draining whatever meager resources we have left and aiding and abetting in the fundamental dissolution of American society that Democrat leftist progressivism did not succeed in destroying for decades if not since the end of the 1860-1865 American civil war.

Since 2020 and even before, there has been much postulation about what a Civil War 2.0 might look like, insofar as coming to the realization that as a completely polarized society we simply cannot continue to co-exist because those on the other side of the divide do not recognize our legitimacy let alone our basic humanity. They cannot simply let us be because our continued existence and thriving would run counter to their ideological belief system and shibboleths about how the world works, which of course could never be allowed. It's a similar kind of pathology in the Islamic world vis a vis infidels and especially Jews. Islamic supremacism is built around such titanic lies and illusions. Islamic societies are retrograde failures on every level. The existence of Israel as a Jewish state, and one that has thrived for centuries, let alone its modern incarnation since 1948 flies in the face of their beliefs about who and what they are. It's not just Israel as a nation state but it's also the past wo millennia of Jewish and Christian history that had advanced humanity to such heights in every field of endeavor. Yes the pitfalls of the human condition and human nature notwithstanding. But the savagery and barbarism of Mohammedanism was and remains part and parcel of that. Islam merely coalesced that savagery under its aegis as a totalitarian movement to subjugate the world. And here it is continuing on its march to conquer the world.

As far as America is concerned, unless and until there is some sort of complete breakdown in the social order, we're not going to be rebuilding anything. The lack of trust in so many of our institutions while troubling is nevertheless a signpost that at some point change will or at least can happen. That the old order that holds the reins of power will not go quietly is a given.

We can never know the future. But for sure it rests with the children and keeping them the hell away from the indoctrinators and pied pipers of utopian socialism.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:45 AM

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