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June 04, 2024

Quick Hits


The Democrat/Chinese Communist Party propaganda sheet the Washington Post lost $77 million last year alone, and has seen its readership fall by 50%.

LivePDDave @LivePDDave1

JUST IN: The Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post is staring down a catastrophic collapse, with Publisher and CEO William Lewis admitting a jaw-dropping 50% nosedive in readership and staggering financial losses that soared over $70 million in 2023 alone. Such dire straits serve as cold, hard proof of the self-inflicted wounds resulting from the newspaper's unapologetic stance as a propaganda outlet for Democrats.

Washington Post leftwing layabouts -- I mean, "staffers" -- complained of the actions being taken to make the paper turn a profit lose less money.

The new CEO told them he was done "sugarcoating" it for these pussies.

"We are losing large amounts of money," Lewis disclosed in a recent meeting with Washington Post staffers, pulling the curtain back on the extent of the damage. "Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. I can't sugarcoat it anymore."

Determined to stop the bleeding, Lewis put forth a desperate restructuring of the newsroom into three divisions (reporting, opinion and service/social), hoping against hope to salvage what remains by somehow boosting reader engagement. But these are mere band-aids on the gaping wound inflicted by years of alienating a significant portion of the American populace through its editorial choices.

I read that they're attempting to wall off their most extremist leftwing propagandists into one section of the paper. I don't know if that's the opinion section or "service/social."

Why not just fire them?

Oh right, firing people who can't do their jobs competently is racist, sexist, transphobic, or Islamophobic, as needed.

This stark scenario underscores not merely a financial or readership crisis but a profound credibility crisis. The Washington Post, by doubling down on a path that many Americans perceive as rife with bias, has alienated itself from half the country. The current predicament isn't just a failure of adaptation to the digital media landscape; it's a stark manifestation of the consequences when a media institution loses sight of journalistic balance, tilting so far in one direction that it topples over.

Below, a "former president of Pro Publica" says the "worst signs" for the future of the WaPo is that the new CEO says "I" and "you" too much, and not enough "we."

If that sounds like gay communist touchy-feeley hibbity-jibbity to you, even leftwing media reporter Dylan Byers agrees. He thinks the "worst signs" are the parts about losing half of all readers and losing $77 million last year alone.


David Strom has more of the liberal shrieking at being held accountable for a persistent and remorseless record of failure at every level.

As I wrote yesterday, the Post has fired its editor Sally Buzbee and is hiring a new team to right the ship--if righting the ship is even possible. The publisher met with the newsroom and was quite blunt about why the former editor departed and announced the changes he was making.

"Reporters" didn't like the changes."

[Vanity Fair:]

When Washington Post publisher Will Lewis and new interim executive editor Matt Murray met with staff Monday, the newsroom was still coming to terms with the abrupt exit of Sally Buzbee, who had led the paper since May 2021.

"Everyone was pretty shocked with your email last night," one reporter said at the meeting, according to a source present. The reporter suggested that "the most cynical interpretation sort of feels like you chose two of your buddies to come in and help run the Post, and we now have four white men running three newsrooms," and expressed surprise at this development given Lewis's prior commitments to diversity.

Muh Diversity!

I don't care that the paper is gushing blood out of its neck, I just want to keep muh phoney-baloney DEI diversity "job"!

Later in the meeting, another reporter asked Lewis whether "any women or people of color were interviewed and seriously considered for either of these positions," a question that prompted applause.

Sally Buzbee, who ran the paper into the ground over the past three years, was just fired. Is the CEO job now guaranteed to be occupied by An Diversity forever?

More at the link, including Jonathan Turley's experience as a columnist at the paper as it went into full leftwing advocacy mode.

Biden: Israel may have committed war crimes, and Netanyahu is only continuing the war to retain power.

Biden says this as he adopts a pro-Hamas policy to keep Dearborn, Michigan voting for him.

Asked if Israeli forces have committed war crimes in Gaza, Biden says, "It's uncertain." From the start, the Administration knew Israel was pushing the limits of legal warfare, the Washington Post and others have reported. The conflict is driving a wedge between the U.S. and its allies. On May 31, Biden laid out a phased cease-fire plan that would end the war and secure the release of hostages. He has continued to pursue the complicated regional deal with Saudi Arabia. Some close to Biden say the only holdout to the broader pact is Netanyahu. The President declines to say as much, but when asked by TIME if Netanyahu is prolonging the war for his own political reasons, Biden admits, "There is every reason for people to draw that conclusion."

Democrats are planning to boycott the Netanyahu speech at the Capitol:

Matthew Foldi @MatthewFoldi

I asked @SpeakerJohnson about Democrats boycotting @netanyahu's speech

"So be it," Johnson said. If Democrats want to side with terrorists, that's their prerogative.

"No Republicans will skip it," he says

White Trash Family remains white trash, even after -- especially after --they've gotten rich on millions from Russian gangsters and Chinese intelligence officers:

Via RedState, useless Christine Todd liberal Republican Jodi Ernst says that Biden is responsible for the border crisis, and then lets out this pearl of wisdom on a hot mic: "Bottom line, never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals."

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:40 PM

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