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June 04, 2024

The Soros Zone of Philadelphia Sets Record for Largest Drag Queen Story Hour

Philadelphia Pride is back, baby!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has set a new world record for hosting the largest drag queen story hour event. The event, held at the National Constitution Center, attracted 268 attendees and was officially recognized by a Guinness World Records adjudicator.

The event was sponsored by Visit Philadelphia and organized by Philadelphia Gay News.

Children were read LGBTQI+ themed books by drag queens, including "Twas the Night Before Pride" and "The Family Book".

This is the first time a world record has been awarded for the largest drag queen story hour event.

They think this is going to increase tourism, huh?

Meanwhile, the masculine male who posed as a girl to destroy actual female competitors whined that he was booed after cheating outrageously.

Transgender high school athlete Veronica Garcia, 16, was disappointed that fellow runners didn't cheer when [he] was awarded the gold medal during the state track and field championships last month.

'I guess maybe I expected sportsmanship because I was cheering the rest of them on when they were called. So I guess I expected to get that reciprocated,' Garcia, formerly Antonio Brown, told the Spokesman. 'I didn't get that.'

[He] told the outlet that the jeers she received at the championship meet in Tacoma, Washington last were 'a bit more severe' than usual, and one voice from the crowd even yelled: '[He]'s not a girl!' as Garcia went to collect her medal.

The crowd's reaction, Garcia said was no surprise, but [he] was 'somewhat hurt' by the chilliness from her peers, for whom [he] cheered during and after their races.

As [he] walked up to the podium to pick up her gold, the crowd was silent and her peers would not acknowledge her as they stood with hands clasped behind their backs.

Nice. Congratulations on being brave enough to not applaud a lie. I don't mean that sarcastically; it takes some courage.

Meanwhile, someone asked BMW why it's gaying up its logo in the US but keeping its logo normal and sane for Middle Eastern countries.

They admitted they don't really believe in the virtue that they're signalling.


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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:38 PM

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