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June 02, 2024

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (6/2/24)


OK, maybe not so Kinder & Gentler.


The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

"I'd like to see him put in jail for the rest of his life," Travis Mitchell,brother of criminal

Quote II

“A civil war in this country, I’m sorry to say, becomes a race war. That’s the sad truth about this country,” the host continued, adding “And if they put him in jail, I mean, the first thing his supporters are going to say is, ‘Oh, that’s what it is.’ A Black district attorney. You know, all these people who are the district attorneys, they’re black. The judge was not White. This is what it is. Bill Maher

Project much Bill? The problem with you and your ilk, you look at everything in shades of melanin.


The Comments of The Week

So many comments. So difficult to choose, here they are for this week.

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A sad but true meme.



The inner city culture on full display with this story. There are at least 2 factors driving this, LBJ's damaging social policies and Roe vs. Wade. Babies are disposable. Courtroom Shocked as Mother of Murdered Baby Defends Man Who Killed Her Son

Few things can be worse for a mother than losing a child, but one mother in Ohio shocked everyone by defending the person who was convicted of brutally taking her child from her.

The comments that shocked the court came after Traveon Hughes Sr., 20, was convicted Friday of murder, involuntary manslaughter, and child endangerment in connection with the June 25, 2022, death of his 13-week-old son, according to, the website of the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

The family had moved to Cleveland from Chicago and two days before the boy’s death.

Speaking of inner city values......Caitlin Clark Is Going To Be Seriously Injured If Racial Hostility Continues

At this rate, Caitlin Clark is going to be seriously injured on the basketball court.

For months, the media has told us that Clark is the beneficiary of white and straight privilege. Sunny Hostin of "The View" also recently attributed Clark's popularity to "tall and pretty" privilege.

Notable figures and outlets who've stoked the "privilege" flame include, but are not limited to, Jemele Hill, the other mean girls on "The View," the New York Times, USA Today, Sheryl Swoopes, and Becky Hammon.

"We would all be very naive if we didn’t say race and her sexuality played a role in [Clark's] popularity," Hill bitterly recently told the LA Times.

Already, society preaches to black Americans that white people are their enemies and their oppressors. According to a recent Gallup poll, most black people believe that.

If I really wanted to see a group of homely lesbians I would travel to a gay bar.


Spare the rod, spoil the child?

York boy with eight active warrants in custody after seen in stolen vehicle, sheriff’s office says


We are being governed (And I use that word loosely) by an Utopian clueless group of people. Don't believe me? Check out this headline. "Department of Labor panned for posting advice for how 'menstruators' can 'thrive at work'"

The Department of Labor has been slammed after posting advice on how 'menstruators' can 'thrive at work'.

The government agency has posted on their social media pages to promote Menstrual Hygiene Day.

As part of the post, the department referred to a blog post of theirs on '5 easy actions employers can take to help menstruators thrive at work'.

As the Fabulous would say "Oh FFS"


The DOJ, what can't they do? Well something really fvcking simple such as: DOJ cites AI deepfakes as reason to withhold Hur interview audio

The Department of Justice is withholding the audio from President Joe Biden‘s interview with former special counsel Robert Hur due to fears that it will be altered by artificial intelligence, according to a court filing.

CNN, the Heritage Foundation, and Judicial Watch, among others, have all been denied Freedom of Information Act requests for the audio and have subsequently filed suit against the Justice Department. In response, it issued a court filing Friday night to explain why it won’t release the audio from Hur’s interview with Biden.

I wonder where the DOJ is planting an uprising blaming us MAGA folks? A funny thing about the the Bullshit verdict of Donald Trump. There were no mostly peaceful protests of us Bitter Clingers and Deplorables.

Good news for those "Mostly peaceful protesters"



The ONT Musical Interlude & Sunscreen Emporium



There are a few good kids out there. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Teenage Heroes Dubbed 'Angels' For Saving Man On Train Tracks With Seconds To Spare

Today's good news story comes from South Yorkshire, England.

Two teenagers are being hailed as heroes for saving a man from an oncoming train just seconds before it arrived.


Contentment is a wonderful thing. Going to a 3rd world country for cosmetic surgery is not. Genius Award Winner.

A BRIDE-to-be who got breast surgery in Turkey is left looking like she’s been ‘bitten by a shark’ after her nipple fell off.

Madison Goodwin, 19, ‘impulse booked’ the op in Istanbul, Turkey, after seeing a delighted friend's results at the same clinic.


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Self-propelled lawn mowers.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire, AceCorp, LLC & hopefully the hamsters trapped inside the AceCorp, LLC basement power plant. Complaints? Feel free to contact someone who really, really, really cares. OK

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:27 PM

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