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May 21, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee: Lizards eat bugs, don't they?


This is a good one, too.

In the Trump case, the "hand-picked" corrupt judge is ruling on the wording of his instructions to the jury. He's basically siding with Alvin Bragg's prosecutor (who is of course straight from the Biden Administration) on every issue.

He claims he wants to make it "as simple for the jury as possible" -- as simple as possible to convict, he means.

The Supreme Court has refused to hear an appeal of Maryland's "assault weapons" ban.

The Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a challenge to a Maryland law that bans the sale of assault weapons such as AR-15s in the state.

The ban also applies to large capacity magazines.

Gun rights groups sued to challenge the ban, arguing that it violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The high court typically does not provide the reasoning for declining a case.

A lower court is still considering the case.

The Supreme Court also refused to consider Maryland's policy of transing children behind parents' backs.

The Supreme Court declined on Monday to hear a case challenging a Maryland public school policy on gender identity as a violation of parental rights.

Part the guidelines includes a "Parental Preclusion Policy," which allows gender identity information to be hidden from parents.

In August, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the parents in Montgomery County, Md. who challenged the policy in the John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery County Board of Education case had lacked legal standing for the lawsuit.

They had no standing to object to a policy explicitly about denying them information about their children. I assume these monsters mean that they don't have standing because the harm is (so far) hypothetical.

So we'll just have to wait for Maryland to trans a child behind her parents' back before we find out if the state is permitted to groom your children into irreversible transgenderism.

A federal judge, assumedly from Hawaii, has tossed a lawsuit that sought to block "gender confused men" from being put into the Sex Penitentiary with actual women.

This is not a ruling on the merits. The 11th Amendment makes states immune to lawsuit in federal courts, unless they choose to allow themselves to be sued. (It's a little f***ed-up.) The judge argues here that the state did not consent to suit.

U.S. District Judge Jennifer Thurston has shocked the female inmates suing the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation concerning a state law that allows men who identify as women in their prisons by dismissing their lawsuit on an argument neither party raised.

"As a state agency, it is a long-established principle that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is immune from suit in federal court under the Eleventh Amendment," the President Biden appointee wrote in her ruling last week.

"While not fully briefed by CDCR, the Court cannot conclude that CDCR has unequivocally waived immunity and consented to federal jurisdiction," Thurston said. "Though CDCR has appeared and defended this action through the filing of a motion to dismiss, these actions do not constitute unequivocally expressing a waiver of immunity or consent to suit."

Bernie Sanders that we must start taking climate change seriously before it kills us all. And here's Bernie Sanders boarding a routine, everyday private jet to save himself a coupe of hours on the train back to Vermont.

I don't know if this is as big as it sounds: a defense filing says that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force against Trump in the stupid, trivial documents op.

I say it might not be as big as it sounds because the defense may be saying that it is typical that FBI employees are authorized to use deadly force in executing a warrant, and so they were putting the president's life at risk in doing this.

That's pretty bad. But it's not as bad as what I assume will be people's first impression, that the FBI specifically told its agents they were free to kill Trump if he interfered.

Trump has reacted to the story in all-caps. I can see being touchy about shoot-to-kill orders.

But I'm not at all convinced that's what this is.

"Stand up, Hersch!" -- snark offered by Scott Johnson of Powerline.

The American military's plan is to "start learning Chinese," a friend says.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM

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