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« Witness Tampering? Joe Biden Drops In For Surprise Visit on Beau Biden's Ex-Wife and Hunter's Former Slam-Piece Hallie Biden, Just Before Trial In Which She Will be a Key Witness | Main | Enchantment Under the Sea Cafe »
May 28, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee:


Trump ripped the sham trial as "election hunting" and accused the judge of corruption.

As closing arguments begin in the trial over Donald Trump's alleged "hush-money" payments to Stormy Daniels, the former president has ripped the proceedings as "election hunting". Trump, who has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records, argues that the verdict could be a "dangerous day for America".

His lawyers ripped Michael Cohen as "The MVP of liars."

Meanwhile, prosecutors illegally used David Pecker's out-of-court hearsay statements to claim that Trump knew all about the payments to Stormy Daniels.

A James Biden "associate" has pleaded guilty to a $51 million fraud scheme.

Keaton Langston, a former business associate of James Biden, has pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud Medicare of $51 million through a lab-testing scheme linked to the president's brother. Langston, 39, confessed to using pharmacies, durable medical equipment (DME) companies, and a laboratory in which he had a financial interest to bill for unnecessary tests and medical orders, according to the Justice Department.

Speaking of the Biden family and their white trash escapades, the woman Hunter Biden impregnated is going to release a book about her experiences on August 20th, the second day of the Democrat convention.

A Fauci flunky admitted, in emails, that he deletes any emails that might be sought in a FOIA.

While being questioned by Rep. James Comer, R-Ky.), Morens stammered like Joe Biden at a Girl Scout meeting. He clearly knew Congress had done its homework.

Morens was busted in a big fat felonious lie. Several actually.

"He denied discussing EcoHealth and the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology) with Dr. Fauci, but in his emails, he did. He denied conducting official NIAID or NIH (National Institute of Health) business over his personal emails. He did," committee Chairman Brad Wenstrup, (R-Ohio) quipped to the Washington Examiner.

Morens advised his "best friend" on how to get his Wuhan grant back after Trump canceled it in 2020. He also sought help from the "FOIA lady" on how to not get busted.

"I learned from our FOIA lady on how to make emails disappear," Morens emailed to NIH officials.

You can watch the painful testimony below. Feel his pain as Congress reads his emails aloud with his braggadocious quips about how the "FOIA lady" taught him to cover his tracks.

Watch him squirm as Comer reminds him that deleting federal forms is a crime, and laugh as Morens pretends he doesn't know what a federal form is (HINT: it's any email regarding his work).

Laugh with glee as Comer reads Morens' email claiming that "Tony [Fauci] is too smart" to use his NIH email for things he doesn't want to go public.

When pushed as to whether he conducted business on his private email, Morens quaffs, pivots, and panics. My favorite part is when he sheepishly admits some of his emails "looks pretty incriminating."

He shamefully blames "feedback" for not being able to hear questions he desperately wants to avoid.

The juiciest part for me is when Marjorie Taylor-Greene reads his email about how he and Fauci deleted their emails regarding the origins of COVID. And then she mentions kickbacks from EcoHealth Alliance that Morens wrote about in an email.

The evidence is damning. Morens is clearly covering for Fauci.

As mentioned in the previous post, Biden uses this illegal means to keep his own corruption un-searchable.

Former Vice President Joe Biden reportedly received sensitive information and briefings from security advisers via a personal pseudonym email. The National Archives has tens of thousands of such emails from three Biden personal pseudonym accounts used during his vice presidency.

Key Details:

Joe Biden received sensitive communications via his private email accounts created under a fictitious identity, including foreign policy discussions with his national security adviser, schedules of meetings with Cabinet secretaries and a summary of at least one intelligence briefing to President Barack Obama.

Several of the emails included sensitive information transmitted over an insecure Google email account that could be of value to foreign powers and hostile spy agencies.

Biden has not offered any explanation why his private email account was used and the emails were apparently not forwarded to secure government servers.

Despite Biden's impeachable efforts to defeat the FOIA law, documents reveal that he set up a meeting with Hunter, supposedly about the Sandy Creek shootings, to meet with Hunter's Chinese "business" partners.

Hunter Biden allegedly used a Sandy Hook memorial event to arrange a meeting between his father, Joe Biden, and a Chinese business partner, Liu Yadong. This revelation comes from newly released texts by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Key Details:

Hunter Biden messaged Liu Yadong, an executive at CEFC, on December 12, 2017, to arrange a meeting with his father, Joe Biden.

The meeting was to take place during a Sandy Hook memorial event in New York, which Joe Biden was attending.

The texts were obtained by IRS investigators and released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Meanwhile, a top Biden donor is exposed as a Pakistani government official.

Do you think he donated to Biden because he's just passionate about "a woman's right to choose?"

Right before Election Day, Biden finally released the names of his 'bundlers': the big money fundraisers who backed his 2020 campaign. The David Horowitz Freedom Center's investigative arm did some last minute sleuthing and found some interesting names on that list.

One of them was 'Muhammad' Tahir Javed: a Biden surrogate, Democratic National Committee deputy finance chair, and future Pakistani cabinet member.

Javed bragged that he had "raised over $2M for the Biden Harris transition team" and "recruited 30+ donors to the transition team and general campaign, four of whom were recognized along with myself... to have raised over $100,000 personally." These donors would have likely come through Javed's roles in various Islamic and Pakistani groups operating inside America..

The Congressional Pakistan Caucus Foundation, founded by Javed, was announced at an event with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (who was later caught having relations with a Chinese Communist spy) and Rep. Henry Cuellar (currently indicted for bribery) with the expectation that another 37 members of Congress would also join.a Pakistani 'caucus'. Javed had donated around $15,000 to Rep. Jackson Lee, and around $9,000 to Swalwell and Cuellar.

"Overseas Pakistanis are more loyal to their homeland," Javed had stated as a caucus official.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who called Osama bin Laden a "martyr", declared, "Tahir Javed has been instrumental in setting up a Pakistan Congress Foundation that has played a key role in revival and activation of Congressional Pakistan Caucus at the 116th Congress".

Hey remember when the Enemy of the People media tried to spin Trump closing his eyes during the fake trial as proof that he was more demented than Biden?

The Bee again:


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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:35 PM

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