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May 23, 2024

Headless Visibility Day Cafe

Stone village in Switzerland
and kind of an alley
by @ronald_soethje

Headless sunbather.

Headless swells out for a promenade.

Orcas popping up and saying "'sup dog?'"

Doggo is super-excited to get on the doggy bus.

EXXXTREME Hammock-napping.

Positive Energy Westie.

The World's Most Dangerous Elephant is a hero of India.

The instinct to seize and pounce is as irresistible to a cat as it is to a Republican.

Some days are just crocodile days.

Cute golden doodle knocks on the neighbor's door every day to see her dog best friend.

Sea turtle seduction.

Ducking traffic!

Pure white whale.

The atmospheric phenomenon of columns of light in the sky.

This lion picked on the wrong cape buffalo to munch on.

The Return of Steve Inman:

Pizza man sees something, does something.

I'm very sick of the "social experiment" pranksters. These are antisocial, possibly psychopathic individuals who break into people's homes or steal drinks out of their hands as a "social experiment," to see what people will do. Then they post their sociopathy on social media and make money off it. Well, this asshole did a "prank" in which he ran from a building, as if he was a thief. He gets a bigger reaction than he was expecting.

Another thing I hate: Thieves. They should be beaten as close to death as the law will allow.

Brazilian motorbike robbers come up against a victim who's willing to fight and then, even worse, come up against a bystander who's willing to air them out with a gun.

More the same here, except he carries around his "decapitated head."

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 07:30 PM

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