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May 16, 2024

The Morning Report — 5/16/24


Good morning, kids. Somewhere out there, Ronna Romney McDaniel is saying, and rightly so in this instance, "Don't look at me!" I'm not going to dwell on this because what's the point really? Why would Donald Trump, who literally invented the term "fake news" ever agree to going into a XiNN studio, without an audience (though to be sure, like the juries and judges in his kangaroo court show trials, those would be populated by shills and confederates) to "debate" Jake Tapper and Dana Bash? Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants merely playing the role of potted plant.

Michael Whatley and Lara Trump now run the RNC, but ultimately, Donald Trump himself could have easily demanded the debate take place at Sooner Stadium with Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin as moderators. Better yet, Lincoln-Douglass style with no moderators. And yet, this unforced error. I'd like to hear from the full-throated Trump defenders how this is brilliant 11-dimensional chess on his part, but I'm not seeing it. And I support him to the hilt. I'm just not going to pretend that when he shoots himself in the foot, like this, it's brilliance that I just don't see.

In any case, moving on from that distraction, did anyone notice this incident over in Europe?

In Europe's first major assault on a state leader since the assassination of Olaf Palme in Sweden in the 1980s, a socialist opened fire and injured Slovakia's conservative prime minister, Robert Fico Wednesday.

He held a lot of controversial views and stances on causes dear to the globalist crowd, but there is no clear motive thus far. Still, there has been interesting speculation as to what it might mean. . .

. . . Could it have been someone opposed to his Ukraine stance? The Czech Republic is said to be thinking about following its neighbor, which could lead to a chain reaction, even as U.S. credibility comes under duress . . .

. . . The attempt to take out Fico by either pro-Ukraine or pro-globalist forces, then, could be a scenario worth watching, given that so much is at stake and they've all played dirty in the past. This one may well be something that goes beyond local politics and could be well worth watching.

Whatever one thinks about Vladimir Putin, the rush by Junta-Controlled America and much of Europe to escalate what is a local/regional conflict between two unsavory states that has zero impact on our own national security is insanity. First and foremost, Ukraine and Russia have had a troubled relationship going back centuries. Second, with the fall of the Soviet Union, Foggy Bottom's influence over the Bush and Clinton administrations insofar as guaranteeing Ukrainian security in exchange for handing over Soviet nukes back to Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and assurances to them that NATO would not expand eastward towards its border – assurances that were worthless as we now can see, just like Putin – is what lit the fuse on this crisis.

Obviously, for whatever reasons, the globalist cabal wants Putin and Russia neutralized. The military industrial complex plus the Biden crime family grift involving Ukraine (which includes many other crooked American pols beside Biden and his bastard-breeding bastard) must be preserved. In this Venn Diagram of madness, Trump intersects insofar as he exposed Burisma and the Bidens. Hence the Russia Collusion hoax and everything that came after it.

UPDATE: Per commenter"Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey" someone just tried to take out Irish Republican European MEP candidate Malachy Steenson. He happens to be vocally against the mass immigration that globalists are foisting on everyone.

And speaking of attempted assassination, should Trump somehow survive the bevy of Stalinist show trials, as well as overcome the cheat machine that is still in place from 2020, there is no way in hell the powers that be will allow him to take office. Not after years of declaring him and all of us as "literally Hitler." Given all we have witnessed these last hellacious years, every option to take him out has got to be considered on the table. After all, these are individuals who are so warped and twisted as to believe their own propaganda about preserving "our precious democracy." Despite not believing in His existence, God is after all on there side!

And then there's Gaza. And beyond, as Daniel Greenfield yet again squares the circle:

Rafah isn’t just the last stand for Hamas, but for an entire foreign policy establishment.

The desperate effort to keep Israeli soldiers from going into the last Gaza stronghold of the Islamic terrorist organization is about more than the sum of the geopolitical parts.

After nation building failed in Afghanistan and Iraq, and everywhere else it’s been tried, the radioactive ‘Palestinian’ nation building experiment from over 30 years ago is its last hope. . .

. . . When Iraq and Afghanistan went bad, America could just leave, Israelis did not have that luxury. Sharon forcibly expelled the Jews living in Gaza to the other side of a border wall, but despite all the sob stories that the terrorists were living in an “open air concentration camp” with five-star hotels and mansions, walls weren’t that hard to get through even before Oct 7.

Israel has been stuck living next door to a failed 30-year nation-building experiment gone bad. And everyone in the international community is worried that the Oct 7 war will see it taken apart.

Lately the nation building experts have taken to warning that Israel is doing it the wrong way. Former CIA Director David Petraeus who also oversaw American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been arguing that Israel needs to pivot to a “counterinsurgency” model. And then we’re back to “winning hearts and minds” instead of actually trying to win a war.

The Biden [junta] has never stopped insisting that Israel needs a “day after” plan for rebuilding Gaza under a PLO government and some “moderate” terrorists from Hamas. Three generations after it became the norm, fighting a war without nation building as an endgame is so impossible that warfare experts can’t even understand what they’re seeing in Israel. . .

. . . American foreign policy believes that no people or group are good or bad, they just lack sufficient representation or the ability to participate in democratic elections. And that any governments that suppress any group, no matter how evil, are inherently illegitimate.

Comedy gold! And it rings a bell right here at home! Back to the action:

That’s why Truman insisted on ending Chiang Kai-Shek’s repression of Communists in China, why Carter bailed out the Islamists in Iran, and why, based on this stunning track record, we decided that the only way to stop terrorism in Israel was to give the terrorists their own state. . .

. . . “Truly winning this war would require creating some sort of government in Gaza that could gain the support of the people and prevent Hamas from returning after Israeli soldiers pull out,” ex-neo con Max Boot argues in his Washington Post column.

But what if killing Jews is what the ‘people’ in Gaza really want? Just as what the Shiites in Iraq really wanted was to step on the Sunnis and the Kurds, what the Sunnis in Iraq really wanted was to kill the Shiites and rape the Yazidis, and what the Kurds wanted was their own country. And just as a whole lot of Afghans really wanted to lock up women and mandate beards again.

Nation building’s faulty premise is that people everywhere want what Americans want. . . The Israelis have grown tired of trying to win the hearts and minds of rapists, kidnappers and killers. They’ve grown tired of giving them what we think they want and are giving them what they deserve. Maybe we could learn something from their experiment in ‘un-nation building’.

My day after plan for Gaza? Martial law and absolute surrender. And deprogram the children; the adults are a hopeless cause, like trying to defuse a ticking nuke with a hammer and chisel. Muslims understand one thing only; violence. The problem is there are 1.5 billion of them still living in the 12th century while the rest of the world is living in denial.

Can't wait for Jake Tapper and Dana Bash to handle this topic.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:27 AM

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