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May 13, 2024

The Morning Report — 5/13/24


Good morning, kids. Hope you all had a very nice Mother's Day. Speaking of mothers (neither the biological nor the "Of Invention" varieties) the ideologically-driven incompetence and vice versa that is the hallmark of the Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants junta and its minions is on full display across various battlefronts we are engaged in. The result is an absolute vortex of incoherence of message that puts the concept of "Splunge" to shame.

As we discussed on the latest episode of the podcast, the greatest example of this dissonance is with the state of Israel and its continuing war with Hamas post the latter's barbaric surprise attack and commission of the greatest mass butchery of Jews since the end of the Second World War. Because of naked political calculus in fear of losing both the Muslim and Marxist youth blocs this coming election season, as well as the innate Jew-hatred of both Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants and Foggy Bottom, both have embargoed critical stockpiles of munitions and now we have learned, even more critical intel that could end the fighting virtually overnight.

It looks like Joe Biden's betrayal of Israel is worse than we thought. According to a new report, Joe Biden has been withholding intelligence from Israel regarding the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their underground command tunnels.

"The Biden [junta], working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels, according to four people familiar with the U.S. offers," reports the Washington Post. 

[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden and his senior aides have been making such offers over the last several weeks in hopes they will persuade Israel to conduct a more limited and targeted operation in the southern Gaza city, where some 1.3 million Palestinians are sheltering after fleeing there from other parts of Gaza under Israeli orders. Israel has vowed to go into Rafah with “extreme force,” and this week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a number of steps that raised fears at the White House that the long-promised invasion could be materializing.

When you read between the lines, it's quite clear that the Biden [junta] is protecting Hamas, is actively withholding information that could bring this war to an end, and is now using vital intelligence as leverage to prevent Israel from conducting an operation Biden doesn't want them to conduct.

Any intelligence that can help pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders or uncover their terror tunnels should have been promptly shared with Israel. Holding back such critical information is unacceptable, puts Israeli lives at risk, and prolongs the war. Why wasn't this information immediately shared with Israel when it was first uncovered? Why would Joe Biden protect Hamas terrorists at the expense of our ally, Israel?

Well, the answer is quite simply that Israel is no longer our ally. That is "we" are no longer Israel's ally. By "we" and "our" I of course mean the illegitimate junta that stole the 2020 election and controls the instrumentalities of the US government. The bitter irony here is that in taking the Hamas line that Israel is committing mass war crimes by supposed indiscriminate bombing of civilians/non-combatants (which in this case are as fictional as the concept of "Palestine" itself), by withholding of smart weapons that have the ability take out targets while avoiding collateral damage, they force the Israelis to both use dumb bombs and artillery that will no doubt cause collateral damage and casualties while at the same time putting unnecessary risks on the IDF to go out of their way to try and avoid said damages. Of course, both of those things are bonuses to the Junta and the Muslims.

And ditto by withholding intel on capturing or taking out the Hamas leadership. The aim is to preserve Hamas and in doing so, further the goal of supplanting Israel with Hamas' real leaders, Iran, as the main powerbroker in the region.

Whatever one thinks of Netanyahu as Israel's PM, vis a vis his tenure before 10/7 and perhaps his military's failures in preventing or mitigating the initial assault on that day, the one thing Biden and company have done by their actions is to have to the greatest extent in many years united the disparate factions in Israel to rally around Bibi and demand that Hamas be wiped out, regardless of international opinion. No doubt, this is exactly what will be done, regardless of embargoes of arms, materiel and intel. And with the US election looming and public opinion against the on-campus pogroms against American Jews turning off large swathes of the electorate, Biden might be backtracking or likely trying to give the appearance of backtracking.

As the link indicates, per WaPo the intel about the location of Hamas leadership was contingent on Israel scaling back or even stopping short of the final assault on Rafah. Well, what would be the point of that? It's ludicrous as the Israelis know full well. My only hope is that when, not if, Israel can wipe out the last vestiges of Hamas that it takes over total control of every aspect of life in that shit hole, especially the schools, media and if possible the mosques.

That last sentence is also highly significant for the situation here in this country. But I digress.

UPDATE: Interesting and actually alarming observation from commenter People's Hippo Voice:

The only way the US could have better intelligence than Israel on the location of the tunnels and the leaders of Hamas is if we have agents cooperating and aiding Hamas. High level members of Hamas.

The revelation was bigger than withholding vital intel: It revealed our State Department is directly paying salaries of known, admitted terrorists.
People who have killed innocent Israelis.

Think on that for a bit.
Until you follow the conclusion:
Our State Department knew 10/7 was coming.
Because: Our State Department gave Hamas agents the vital intelligence necessary to plan and execute the attack.

On a completely different front, that is the persecution by prosecution of Donald Trump, this hideous effrontery and debasement of the concepts of equal justice under a just and stable law has done the exact opposite of what was intended. Every second the name Trump is mentioned or his picture appears on the screen of the propaganda house organs is in effect an in-kind contribution to his re-election campaign.

When Joe Biden flew to San Francisco on Thursday for some fancy fundraisers, reporters noted that all the televisions on Air Force One were tuned to MSNBC, where the chyron read: “Stormy Daniels wraps 7-plus hours of testimony in Trump hush money trial.”

The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] might be enjoying the wall-to-wall coverage of his opponent stuck in a Manhattan courtroom, but it probably is not the electoral gift Biden imagines.

Ever the showman, Donald Trump has flipped the adversity of his lawfare travails into a triumph of free media hits worth almost $2 billion, according to data provided exclusively by his campaign.

With cameras banned inside the courtroom, the former president makes his own news when he turns up at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse at Centre Street each day. . .

. . . You get the feeling Trump revels in the fact he is getting more publicity in the courthouse than he would from standing in an Ohio cornfield. It is reminiscent of 2016 when he was financially outgunned by his adversaries but ended up with more media coverage.

His Wildwood rally went ahead Saturday in front of a whopping crowd of more than 100,000 attendees, according to official estimates, and proved to be an extended version of his courtroom diatribes, with bonus impersonations of Biden.

Of course, the big crowds and the earned media bonanza reflect the fact that Trump is a consummate entertainer who puts on a free show.

But 2020 showed that crowd numbers are no guarantee of electoral victory. The hard work is still to be done in the swing states. Overshadowing the unexpected upside of his courtroom travails is the fact that, while the media spotlight is fixed on Trump in New York, Democratic governors in the crucial battlegrounds of Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Pennsylvania are quietly using their powers to tilt the playing field in favor of Biden.

The estimable Miranda Devine certainly puts things in proper perspective with that last statement. Of course, there is a critical difference between now and four years ago. We have all had to endure among the worst three years of our history perhaps since the Great Depression and even the Civil War. We've seen our economy, way of life, sense of security and safety, sense of normalcy and sanity evaporate, and the threat of global war and terrorism hitting us where we live brought to life from where they were kept sequestered for the most part, relegated only to our worst nightmares.

If this election is indeed stolen as it was in 2020, those who either were unaware of the theft or perhaps even secretly or not so secretly cheered it are whistling a very different tune today. Quite a large number of those who may not still vote for Trump will sit this one out. And there might be a significant portion who do in fact pull the lever for Trump or in this case against Biden. A theft which given everything going on would have to be even more massive and in your face will be obvious.

It might not mean anything in terms of typical electoral politics going forward, but I assert that that no longer exists since the republic and the societal glue and culture that we had in common has all but been erased. What happens after that is anyone's guess. Civil war, unrest, strife, national divorce?

Or some kind of national revival with another iteration of the American experiment? That would mean the complete vanquishing of the party, people and systems that took 100 or so years to bring us to this point. And if that happens, it's not going to be pretty.

* * * * * * * * * *

TIP JAR: Thanks to all of you for your continued generous support. It's appreciated more than you know.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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TIP JAR : Your support helps keep the lights on and is truly appreciated. Note: We are on Stripe, not PayPal.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:30 AM

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