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May 25, 2024

Gardening and Adventure Thread, May 25

cact 1 may 17.jpg

Happy May! The Horde is coming through with some great photos and information now that almost everyone is through with winter.

First up, the dramatic opening of a night-blooming cactus:

At night opening up . . . Fully open in the morning

Nan in AZ

What gorgeous photos!

cact 2 may 17.jpg

Close up of the center

cact 3 may 17.jpg

Fascinating flower structure! We see some accomplished photography here on the Gardening Thread sometimes.


Edible Gardening/Putting Things By

From a few days ago:

Summer is almost here , as evidenced by the first fried green tomato sandwich of the season.


green mater may 18.jpg

green mater may 18 sam.jpg

For fried green tomatoes, you pick tomatoes while they are really green. They look tasty, but don't eat them raw. The variety 'Lemon Boy Hybrid' is recommended by some people.

There are tomatoes that are green when ripe. They are not picked ripe for green fried tomatoes.

How many in The Horde have had a Green Fried Tomato Sandwich? How do you prefer to make them?

We had someone steal green tomatoes from our plants one year. Think it was for a traditional Mexican dish rather than for sandwiches, though.


Container garden coming along. This is today's haul. Mint and basil also doing well. And I had a helper, which is nice.

See today's Pet Thread for the helper.

mater pepper bt may 18.jpg

I see some peppers among the tomatoes there. What would you do with a harvest like this?

be mater may 18 1.jpg

bt mater may 18 2.jpg

These tomato plants are doing very well, considering that the containers are relatively small for tomato plants. Planting mix may make a difference.

bt mint may 18.jpg

bt basil may 18.jpg

Maybe CBD can take some notes. Basil goes well with home-grown tomatoes.


Community Landscaping

PG&E tree work

NorCal Sierra Foothills Lurker here.

This is hilarious because we live in the woods and this picture is on our property away from anyone even seeing this except us. PG&E subcontractors come out periodically to clear small trees and brush away from poles and power lines. But this is the first time they've ever set up a sign and cones . . . . in the front area of our house!

No one can even see them or get here except for our long driveway, lol!

The sign says, "Tree work ahead". Hahahaaa!

Must . . follow . . rules.

pge treesss.JPG

I'm glad you didn't have to do that landscaping.

They've been in our neighborhood, too. At least to warn people that they will be topping trees near power lines. They didn't show up when they said they would, though.

Our electric bill certainly showed up. The County also placed some insect traps on some of our stone fruit trees to monitor for invasive insects.

*** Somehow, this morning I missed this notice of military appreciation today that she also sent in. A trio of events! Nice for Memorial Day Weekend if you are in Northern California.


Home Landscaping

Found the sniper. . .

Teresa in Fort Worth


Stealthy! Yet charming.

Also wanted to send a picture of my Clematis Jackmanii. When the landscape guys came through in the fall to do some clean-up, they got rid of all of the ivy that was growing up the fence, and the Clematis was also taken out (even though I asked them not to).

Thankfully, it came back this year, even fuller and lusher than last year!

Personally, I am a fan of the ivy in that part of the yard - we have some mesh wiring attached to the fence and it makes a nice vertical display where nothing else will grow. It dies back in the winter, so we don't really have to worry about it rotting the fence.

clemat j fence.jpg

Good to know about the deciduous ivy. In parts of California, evergreen ivy is planted as a tall groundcover in some places. It attracts roof rats.

Glad your clematis survived. It is lovely.



Finding a leprechaun at Silly Mountain

leprechaun silly mountainn.jpg

Tiny folk are everywhere.


Gardens of The Horde

Neal in Israel has sent in an update on spring plants. We are only including a few today. More later.

Hibiscus: Not really a sign of spring, but looking stronger than previous thanks to fertilization and spring weather. Photo 1 with a patriotic background in honor of Independence Day.

Best regards,


The Independence Day reminder fits in with our Memorial Day Weekend post, I think.

HBS1 n flag.jpg

More information on Neal's lobelia and violas later. I think they set off the photo above nicely.


And the Amaryllis which made it through the winter look great, too. More later.

AMR2 24.jpg


Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:

ktinthegarden at g mail dot com

Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.


Previous Gardening Thread

What has changed since our last post? Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, May 11. It was the day before Mother's Day.

Wondering if anyone tried drowning slugs or snails in beer.

Any thoughts or questions?

I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.

digg this
posted by K.T. at 01:06 PM

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