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May 14, 2024

The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition


After arch-racist and KKK supporter Woodrow Wilson ("Segregation is not humiliating, but a benefit...") segregated much of America's government, including some of the armed forces, it took decades to repair the damage. But our military has been conspicuously integrated for many years, and there is a legitimate argument to be made that it is the most colorblind part of our society. The aphorism "There are no atheists in foxholes" can be easily changed to "There are no racists in foxholes."

But not any more!

DEI Hits the VA: Biden's Veterans Affairs Department Offers Race-Based Training Programs That Exclude White Vets

President Joe Biden's Department of Veterans Affairs is offering race-based training programs and workshops that exclude white veterans—programs that one legal expert says are "of dubious constitutionality and legality."

The programs are taking place in at least four states, a Washington Free Beacon review of online offerings found.

In Battle Creek, Mich., for example, the VA offers a "BIPOC Support Group," an "8-week curriculum designed to provide support for Veterans that identify as people of color/BIPOC, or as multiracial or biracial," according to a program description. The Battle Creek VA also offers a "Race-Based Stress/Trauma and Empowerment" program, a "weekly group, tailored to our Veterans of color, to address race-based stress and trauma in a safe and validating environment."

It's the same drum they have been beating for generations...the politics of victim-hood! No longer does the concept of equality of opportunity exist in our federal government. In fact, equality itself is being carefully rejected as an antiquated and destructive ideal.

That quaint and anachronistic Declaration Of Independence is no longer the governing document of our desires as a a a country.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The savage, humanity-destroying principles of the left demand that Man must be beaten down into his* constituent parts: his race; his religion; his class; his sex. Only then can he be rebuilt as the New Soviet American! Of course, love of country and pride in a shared culture are destroyed, and the country is ripe for the picking by any expansionist movement that has a shared culture, ideals and goals. You Islam.

So while we build a country filled with drones, dedicated only to themselves as a pressure group or government charity recipient, our borders are being overrun with a far more focused political philosophy; one that is dedicated to our destruction.

* Oh dear! I have violated the sacred pronoun rules!
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]

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posted by CBD at 11:00 AM

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