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February 20, 2024
CNN: Don't Worry About Biden's Mental Decline, Galaxy-Brained Kamala Harris Is Takin' Charge
I guess a white man finally has positioned Kamala Harris for success-ion.
Robert Spencer sees this as just more evidence that the Democrat-Media Complex is now in full Dump Brandon mode.
CNN published a lengthy exposition on Sunday that could have been entitled "Kamala to the Rescue," for that's what it was all about; the far-left propaganda organ was trying to sell us on the idea that Harris, after showing herself to be abjectly incapable of doing anything beyond spouting preposterous word salads for as long as Old Joe has been showing off his cognitive decline, is now taking charge, calming the jittery rank-and-file apparatchiks and smoothing the Democrats' pathway to inevitable victory in November. Nary a cackle was mentioned in the entire two-thousand-word piece.
"More than two dozen sources" -- wow! Is that like 51 top intelligence professionals? -- "tell CNN that Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the 'bubble' of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she's aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win."
If Biden won't budge, Kamala may be the one to call for the 25th Amendment ejection from office. That's a pretty unfounded speculation but what if Biden is now so mentally incompetent he doesn't even know he's mentally incompetent?
Meanwhile, the Democrat-Media Complex is using Retard Jiu-Jitsu to claim that Trump is rilly the one in cognitive decline, racists.
It's begun. The left is trying to turn the tables and declare that it is Donald Trump who is in cognitive decline.
If it weren't so sad and desperate, it would be funny. A professor at the University of British Columbia claims to have assessed the cognitive functioning of both Biden and Trump. He warns that Trump's mental decline is "more apparent" than Biden's but Biden's "cognitive failure" could be disastrous in a second term.
Professor Paul Quirk is described as a politics professor. He's not a mental health expert or a psychologist. He teaches politics. Yet, he claims to have assessed the situation of the presumed frontrunners in the 2024 presidential election. He is an American citizen, having graduated from Harvard and taught at U.S. universities before he went to Canada.
The professor claims that Trump's decline is more obvious because of his 'slurred speech and gross, repeated errors.' That's a fairly clueless observation, IMHO. Biden is known for his inability to speak without slurring and mumbling and the non-stop lies. Is "repeated errors" code for lies? If so, this guy is just clutching for straws. He's Canadian, so take his hot takes for what they are, just another progressive worried that Trump may be on his way back into the White House.
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:15 PM
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