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January 12, 2024
The Racial Group Most Concerned About Illegal Immigration Is Now... Hispanics
The "elites" are heedlessly pursuing a policy that no one but them and Klaus Schwab wants.
Hispanics were the most likely racial group to rank immigration as their most pressing matter, according to an Associated Press (AP)-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll published on Wednesday.
A total of 43% of Hispanic adults identified immigration as the number one priority for the government to address, surpassing 36% of white respondents, 29% of Asians and Pacific Islanders and 19% of black respondents sharing the same sentiment, according to the AP. Moreover, 35% of American adults surveyed named immigration as a main issue, consisting of 55% of Republicans and 22% of Democrats, according to the poll.
The 35% total is up from 27% in December 2022.
Fewer than 3% of likely Hispanic voters supported amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to a 2023 poll conducted by Convention of States Action and The Trafalgar Group.
Greg Abbott
Congresswoman from New York explains why she supports illegal immigration:
"I need more people in my district JUST FOR REDISTRICTING PURPOSES."
These Democrats are looking out for themselves, not for America.
Related: Ted Cruz says he supports a House impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas "for openly defying federal law."
Which sounds like an insurrection to me!
Look, I think the House is doing exactly the right thing. I think Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached. I think he should have been impeached two years ago. You got to understand, it's not that Mayorkas is bad at his job; it's that he is openly defying federal law. He is not trying to secure the border.
He is instead trying to accelerate illegal immigration. He is trying to process illegal immigrants faster. We've had over that... Joe Biden's entire tenure 9.6 million illegal immigrants flood into this country. And Mayorkas is ignoring the laws on the books and is subjecting the American people to enormous risk.
We've seen crime, we see children being brutalized, we see women being sexually assaulted. We see over 100,000 drug overdoses last year, the highest in history. Seventy percent of that is Chinese fentanyl flooding across the southern border.
Related: Illegal alien with multiple DUI convictions is allowed to walk free yet again.
And his fourth DUI results in murdering good American citizens.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:03 PM
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