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January 12, 2024
J6 Witness: General Milley Was the Hidden Hand Holding Back the National Guard on January 6th
Surprise! It was another Op.
The colonel and Army lawyer challenging the Army's official narrative of the events and leadership decisions during the Capitol Hill protests on Jan. 6, 2021--a narrative relied upon by the Colorado Supreme Court when it struck President Donald J. Trump from the ballot -- told RedState then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley was the black hand operating outside his legal authority to delay the District of Columbia National Guard from responding the protests that day.
"Milley is the Don Barzini of the Deep State," said Col. Earl G. Matthews, the Harvard Law School graduate, who was the senior legal advisor to Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the D.C. National Guard's commanding general from March 2018 through April 2021.
"He's the most powerful chairman of the joint chiefs in history," Matthews said. "It was Milley all along, and I didn't realize it. Milley was manipulating this entire stuff from point start."
The former Guardsman, now serving in the Army Reserve, said that as the joint chiefs chairman, Milley had no legal role in the chain of command; he was simply the president's senior military advisor. However, Milley leveraged his staff in the Pentagon and exploited his relationships with other generals he mentored and favored for promotion so that he ran the Army as his own feudal possession.
"Milley controlled the Army," Matthews said.
"The problem was not with Donald Trump; it's Mark Milley and the Army leadership in control. They stopped the Guard from coming then lied about it and said the Guard acted at sprint speed," he said.
He alleges that Milley and his loyalists illegally destroyed records to claim that they were never asked to intervene on January 6th:
One prime example is McCarthy's testimony that he tried Jan. 6, 2021, to call Walker to talk to him about mobilizing his Guardsmen at 4:35 and 5 p.m., which was relied upon by Professor William C. Banks in his testimony at the Colorado court proceedings that led to Trump's removal from the state's primary ballot, he said.
Matthews said Walker turned over his phone to prove McCarthy did not call him.
"The Army lied about it. Walker actually pulled the phone calls," he said. "McCarthy didn't have any record of the call, so those calls didn't exist."
More at the link.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
01:30 PM
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