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December 30, 2023

Classical Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

12 30 coffee.jpg


Good morning Horde. It is hard to believe this is the final Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival thread of 2023.

I wish to thank you for your lurking, opining and/or bloviating away. And I know a number of you are thankful for the Prayer Revival and Annie's hard work.

If I don't see any of you until Monday, Happy New Year. May your 2024 be healthy and prosperous for you.

So before we get into the Prayer Revival just a few housekeeping items (Rulz for those of you in Mosinee, WI) No rules this Saturday. Just remember if you break it, you bought it. And you can pray for forgiveness next week.


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:
12/4 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers as she went to visit a man “M” in the hospital. He’s not a member of her congregation, but is a friend of a friend who was okay with her visiting. He has had one thing after another, and has been in and out of the hospital. Prayers for his healing would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
12/21 Update – Prayers are still needed for “M”. He is in really bad shape now and was released from the hospital because a family member was being very difficult. “M” has been in and out of the hospital since August.

12/5 – Jewells45 sent an update. She spent 5 hours seeing the doctor, waiting, getting the infusion of new drugs, waiting some more…. The news is a mixed bag: some improved, some stable, and some worsened, and new metastases in her lungs and ribcage. The pain is daily, but manageable for now. The good news was that it has not spread.
12/6 Update – Jewells is in tremendous pain since she started on the new drug treatment: headache, chest pain like a heart attack, joints... She can’t eat or function.
12/16 Update – Jewells says she is doing better. She saw the NP and addressed the issues she was having. They are going to tweak a few things next time. It will still probably be bad but hopefully not as bad. She will tough this out until the next CT scan. If she continues to feel as horrible as she did, then she will ask for other options. If there aren’t any, well…..

12/6 – SP sent thanks to God for the prayers answered for Lilibeth, who we prayed for 2 years ago. After months of surgeries and chemo, she was declared tumor free this past week. Thank you all!

12/6 – Vic posted that his computer broke, and he has been in the hospital for 2.5 months with another cancer diagnosis.
12/16 Update – Vic is home but pretty much confined to his recliner.

12/6 – Jordan61 posted and asked for “good vibes”. Her heart rate was going nuts and she was feeling some pressure in her chest so she went to the ER. She’d had one blood draw and was waiting for another to compare with – then she’d know whether she’d have to be admitted to the hospital.
12/9 Update – Jordan61 let me know that her tests at the ER showed no evidence of a heart attack. She will see her regular doctor for a referral to a cardiologist.

12/9 – Eromero asked for prayers for his friend Lauren, as her gall bladder had turned on her.
12/16 Update – Lauren made it through gall bladder removal. They just vacuum it right out. Almost routine except when the gall bladder is attached to someone you care for. Praise God for healing, tender mercies, and blessings all!

12/15 – Washington Nearsider requests prayers. After taking what he believes was a principled stand, he was removed from his job as a federal agent after nearly 20 years of service. Please pray that he can find sufficient employment before his savings are exhausted, and that he can find the grace to provide a joyful Christmas full of gratitude for his two young children.

12/15 – DaveT sent an update. He is the retired gentleman that we prayed for in Oct-Nov, who was going through legal battles to save his home, for himself and his cats. He did receive enough contributions to his GiveSendGo to file a response and counter-claim, and was successful! Thank you to everyone who contributed prayers and donations! He is proceeding with one more necessary battle, which requires $400+ in filing fees, so his GiveSendGo is still open. Please email Annie’s Stew for the link to it, if you wish to contribute.

12/16 – neverenoughcaffiene posted prayers for the day: Berserker lost his BIL; they buried him yesterday. Debby Doberman Schultz lost her brother yesterday. Hadrian and her majesty lost Delilah yesterday.

12/16 – Sugar Plum fairy requested prayers for the family and friends of Katie and Grace, two sisters who died in a horrible car accident on 12/15. They were beautiful happy girls and full of life. They are from a small town where everyone knows each other, and it is a huge blow for the entire town.

12/16 – Legally Sufficient asked for prayers for a dear friend who needs them ASAP. No details yet, but it seems to be a medical event.

12/16 – Kindltot asked for prayers for comfort for her sister-in-law, Lonie, whose husband died of pneumonia and cancer.

12/16 – Paisley13 asked for prayers. The first is for their trainer, going through her 3rd bout of cancer. She is one of a kind. She’s been in the hospital and prayers for her family and her, especially if this is her time to be called home. The second is for dear BIL going through the first rounds of chemo. He and sis have a positive attitude but know there are days where they could use an extra prayer.

12/16 – Jim (in kalifornia) could still use prayers. His wife is in the hospital for a routine procedure to put in liver stents. It didn’t go well. She is on antibiotics. She is in a catch-22: she can’t get chemo until her liver is health enough, but the tumors are also damaging her liver. Jim had an abdominal bug and had to go to the ER, but he’s better.
12/27 Update – The doctor confirmed that his wife is going through liver failure. Her “liver” is huge and 90% composed of metastises. He has no estimate for how long she has.

12/21 – Skip would appreciate prayers for recovery for his mom. She had a mini stroke before Christmas. She got to the hospital and seems fine and no outward side effects. She should be in rehabilitation soon.

12/21 – Nurse Ratched asked for prayers for a rare commenter that she knows, whose mother is dying. She is in her 90s and had a good run. Please pray for peace and calm at her passing. She is at home and on hospice.

12/21 – NaCly Dog asked for prayers for the mother-in-law of his old boss, who went to hospice.

12/21 – PD asked for prayers for Nick, who was recently diagnosed with an inoperable tumor. He will undergo aggressive chemotherapy. Prayers are needed for strength for him and his son.

12/21 – Oddbob asked for prayers that his house in TX sells soon. They had to move to NE on short notice a few months ago, to help care for their granddaughter. They don’t have the resources to pay for rent and also the mortgage for very long.

12/21 – FenelonSpoke asked for prayers again for Baby Lillian. She is back in the hospital with a hemoglobin issue. Baby Lillian is the great-niece of a member of her congregation.

12/26 – Anonosaurus Wrecks and Mrs. Wrecks could use some prayers. They had a terrible Christmas. Mrs. Wrecks took out the trash on Christmas Eve, and fell and broke her leg and her wrist. Then their daughter accidentally overdosed their dog with insulin. They had to take the dog to a super expensive emergency vet, but the dog is okay now. Mrs. Wrecks is still in the hospital because no pharmacies were open, so she couldn’t get any pain meds. She also needs special medical equipment.

12/27 – TecumsehTea requested prayers for a dear friend, Pastor Joe, who has a benign brain tumor that they have been watching. It has grown about ¾ of an inch in the past 6 months and needs to be removed. It’s in a tricky spot, making the surgery risky, but they can’t leave it for much longer. In the past 2 years he ahs dealt with a heart attack and prostate cancer, and now this. He has deep faith and trusts the Lord. His family is understandably anxious. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors, peace and comfort for his family, for continued mercy and healing for Pastor Joe.

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an update.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 08:27 AM

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