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December 28, 2023

Again: Now New York City is Unconstitutionally Restricting Immigrant-Carrying Buses

I say this is unconstitutional because the Constitution guarantees free travel in the United States. Petty local jurisdictions cannot harass "undesirable" travelers with restrictions intended to dissuade them from coming.

The left still shrieks about "sundown towns," where travelers weren't allowed to stay past sundown.

And yet here they are, intentionally making it difficult for illegal immigrants, who they still claim to welcome with open arms, creating weird and hard-to-obey regulations about when and where buses can enter the city and discharge passengers.

Chicago's woke mayor Brandon Johnson began this practice, and has now escalated to impounding buses from Texas.

The illegal aliens who are looking for a way to travel to wherever they hope is their final destination receive free transportation to a choice of six cities -- New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Denver. They are provided with clothing, food, water, and other basic supplies. The buses are chartered using Texas taxpayer money.

Last month Chicago implemented new rules. Buses must arrive during business hours in designated areas Monday through Friday. Two buses have been impounded so far. There have been 110 citations issued. "Yes, we had to impound a couple of busses thus far. The whole impetus behind this, as you know, is to create some calm and some structure around this operation," Mayor Johnson said.

The unqualified woke mayor continues railing about Governor Abbott's "raggedy" and "reckless" policies of busing illegals to Chicago -- but can't find any words to mention Joe Biden, the author of this crisis.

I did offer the obvious warning that if this were allowed to continue, blue cities would all begin stopping Texas (and Florida) buses from coming.

Now NYC's weakling mayor Adams is implementing Chicago's unconstutional policies.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday announced new restrictions on charter buses from Texas bringing migrants to the "sanctuary" city in an effort to curb the numbers of migrants that have hit the city since last year.

Adams announced an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to provide 32 hours' notice in advance of their arrival in New York City. The order also requires buses to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. between Monday and Friday. Such buses are also required to drop off at one particular spot.

If buses do not comply, it would result in a class B misdemeanor, with penalties including three months' imprisonment and up to a $500 fine for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Buses could also be impounded by the NYPD.


Gov. Abbott's office, which recently began flying migrants to Chicago and New York City in addition to the buses, accused the Democratic mayor of hypocrisy -- and pledged to continue the transportation of migrants.

"The hypocrisy of Mayor Adams is astounding. Mayor Adams had touted New York City's self-declared sanctuary city status, then sent his own buses of migrants out to small towns in New York. Texas has only transported about 32,000 migrants to New York City, while President Biden has been flying planeloads of migrants all around the country and oftentimes in the cover of night," spokesperson Renae Eze said.
Migrants are 'seeing the truth' of the Biden administration:

"With millions of residents, New York is only dealing with a fraction of what our small border communities deal with on a day-to-day basis," she said. "Until President Biden steps up and does his job to secure the border, Texas will continue busing migrants to sanctuary cities to help our local partners respond to this Biden-made crisis."

Meanwhile, the border itself continues to see record numbers. Fox News reported this week that during the four-day Christmas weekend, there were more than 35,000 migrant encounters, and since Dec. 1, there have been over 250,000 migrant encounters at the southern border -- meaning December could break the monthly record for encounters set in September (269,735).

Below, the woke mayor and reigning Prince of Murder Brandon Johnson complains that his city of millions just isn't capable of dealing with the illegal alien crisis.

And which towns are so capable?, Viva Frei asks. Oh, you mean the Red state border towns of 20,000 people, huh?

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:14 PM

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