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December 27, 2023

Biden's State Department Is Paying a Soros-Funded Muslim Organization in India to Promote "Queer" Artists
Biden Is Also Paying a Leftwing Hamas-Supporting Group to Promote "Climate Justice"

I'm sure this will reduce tensions between Islam and the decadent west.

The State Department is providing financial support to a "queer" Muslim organization in India so it can provide "LGBTQI" people in the regions with a platform to write, according to a grant listing.

The grant was disbursed in September to Creating Resources for Empowerment and Action, a Soros-funded feminist group that advances "the sexual rights of all people," and went on to fund the Queer Muslim Project, which is an "online platform for queer, Muslim and allied voices" based in India. The grant, which amounts to $15,000, purports to "support the achievement of U.S. foreign policy goals and objectives, advance national interests, and enhance national security."

Soros is a corrupt Marxist billionaire. Why can't he fund this himself, like he funds pro-murder District Attorneys?


President Joe Biden made it the policy of the United States to advance "LGBTQI+" rights around the world after he took office in 2021.

Moreover, this isn't the first time the State Department has partnered with the Queer Muslim Project.

The U.S. Consulate General Mumbai partnered with the Queer Muslim Project beginning in March to hold a 10-week "creative incubator" for young LGBTQIA+ writers called the "Queer Writer's Room." The consulate called the initiative a "narrative change program."

This is a slush fund for non-Indian "queer" writers:

The organization publishes short pieces of writing from LGBTQIA+ Muslims on its Facebook page.

One such post discussed "a pre-1948 Palestine where queerness and transness were perceived differently" while in another the author discussed being "bombarded with white gay culture" in Norway after leaving Iraq. Another post features a "non-binary Palestinian-Chicana Muslim."

The Daily Caller linked this earlier piece from October: Biden to pour millions of taxpayer dollars into "gender studies" in the middle east.

The State Department is prepared to spend $15 million to create "gender scholars" at American universities in Egypt and Lebanon by promoting gender studies at those institutions, according to a public grants database.

The State Department is offering to spend up to $15 million over five years as part of its "Tomorrow's Leaders Gender Scholars Program" which will "support students to advance and deepen their engagement in gender studies" and "increase their participation in gender studies." As part of the program, students who enroll in at least one gender studies course per semester will have their tuition paid by U.S. taxpayers.

Via Hot Air, Biden is also paying Hamas supporters to promote "climate justice," but what that means in reality is "the eradication of all Jewish 'occupiers.'"

In the aftermath of Hamas's Oct. 7 terror attack against Israel, left-wing nonprofit Climate Justice Alliance expressed "unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle" and blamed the attack on Israeli "settler-colonialism." Now, the Biden administration is entrusting the group to distribute $50 million in taxpayer funds.

$50 million for his leftwing political operative frenz.

President Joe Biden's Environmental Protection Agency announced the move in a Wednesday press release, which named Climate Justice Alliance as one of several "national grantmakers" tasked with doling out $50 million to local organizations in the name of "environmental justice." In order to receive the taxpayer funds, those organizations will primarily work with the alliance, not the Biden administration. As a "grantmaker," the left-wing nonprofit is tasked with awarding "subgrants"--which range from $150,000 to $350,000 each--and implementing "tracking and reporting systems."

The left just never runs out of ways to have the government fund political operations directed at the American populace. This should all be illegal.

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