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December 26, 2023
Surprise! The Biden Junta Wanted to Cover Up the Chinese Spy Balloon Incident, Hide It From the US Public
And of course -- inadvertently! -- aid and abet the hostile foreign communist nation that had been pouring money into his family's greedy pockets for a generation.
The balloon hovered over sensitive military sites. Biden wanted to shoot down the balloon, though he was persuaded not to do so by the brass due to falling debris. Yet, we know that wasn't the first option. The Biden administration wanted to hide its existence and subsequent penetration of US airspace (via NBC News):
Administration officials at first hoped to conceal the balloon's existence from the public, and from Congress, according to multiple former and current administration and congressional officials.
"Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it," said a former senior U.S. official briefed on the balloon incident.
A senior Biden administration denied that there was an effort to keep the balloon secret. "To the extent any of this was kept quiet at all, that was in large part to protect intel equities related to finding and tracking them," the official said, referring to intelligence gathering. "There was no intention to keep this from Congress at any point."
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
01:40 PM
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