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December 21, 2023

The Democrat Socialists of America Have Infiltrated and Taken Over K-12 Education

Yes, of course.

The Long March Through the Institutions continues, and we're all too afraid to stop them.

Members of the Democratic Socialists of America have quietly gained leadership posts in K-12 education to push anti-capitalist and anti-Israel views on youngsters across the US, according to a parental rights watchdog group.

Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization that backs the "restoration" of non-political schooling, has identified dozens of DSA members who have landed or sought top school board and teachers union positions in at least 15 states -- from California to Kentucky and from New York to Texas.

"The Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, has long had the goal of using the K-12 system as a way to proselytize to a captive audience of other people's children," Parents Defending Education outreach director Erika Sanzi told The Post.

"Their anti-Jewish and anti-Israel messages in the K-12 context are not at all new but many more people have become aware of them since October 7th," she added. "The DSA is poison in schools."

The DSA became infamous after boosting a hate-filled pro-Palestinian rally in Times Square a day after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, which killed an estimated 1,200 people -- including 33 Americans.


Over the past decade, at least 26 DSA members have either won or sought school board posts -- and at least six of those have held leadership positions, according to Parents Defending Education, which notes that its list is not "exhaustive."


"[DSA members] advocate for dismantling capitalism, pushing for the Green New Deal, defunding law enforcement, implementing critical race theory, and supporting minors seeking gender surgery without their parents' consent. Their goal is to push these topics on children as young as 5 years old," the report says.


In Colorado, teacher and DSA member Bryan Lindstrom submitted a resolution to the Colorado Education Association, the largest union of educators in the state....

In June 2021, Lindstrom ripped conservative uproar over the teaching of critical race theory, calling it "the new Red Scare" and vowing to espouse such teachings in his classroom.

"I'm going on record now," he wrote. "At the end of the day, it's just my students and me in our classroom and we will be discussing race, class, and gender in my history classes, regardless of what laws and policies people want to pass. Critical race theory is a component of everything I do."

The Long March Through the Institutions has succeeded in brainwashing the feral younger generations: half of them want Israel "ended" and turned over to the terrorists of Hamas.

Fifty-one percent of voters aged 18-24 prefer Israel to be "ended" and turned over to the terror group and the Palestinians, according to a poll of 2,034 registered voters from Harvard University and the Harris Poll. That was compared with 32 percent who wanted a two-state solution and 17 percent who wanted surrounding Arab states to "absorb the Palestinians." Additionally, 67 percent of voters in that age group favored an unconditional ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war without any requirement that all hostages be released or Hamas give up power.

Sixty-six percent of young voters in the poll said they believed Hamas's Oct. 7 attacks were "genocidal in nature," and 58 percent said Hamas would like to commit genocide against Israeli Jews. Sixty percent, however, said Hamas's Oct. 7 attack that killed 1,200 Israelis "can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians." Young voters were also split down the middle in terms of whether they supported Israel or Hamas in the war.

So the atrocities perpetrated against Jews were in fact "genocidal," but nevertheless "justified" based on the Racial Ranking Ideology favored by the young. Hmm, I seem to remember a political movement in central Europe with a very similar program.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:30 PM

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