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December 19, 2023

Quick Hits

From andycanuck:

Chuck Callesto @ChuckCallesto

BREAKING REPORT: Biden busted trying to SNEAK HUNTER into DC on Marine One transport.

"Peter Doocy noticed someone hop off the chopper who was not on the passenger list. Hunter Biden is here at the White House after defying the Congressional subpoena."

That video here.

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper

BREAKING: Fox News reports that Hunter Biden is currently at the White House after being spotted exiting Marine One. Hunter was not on the White House's passenger manifest, Fox report says

The left isn't just reading 1984 as an instruction book. It's also reading Harrison Bergeron as How to Destroy Civilization for Dummies Guide.

In that Kurt Vonnegut story, schools in the future are obsessed with equality, so if one student is particularly pretty, they make her wear a prosthetic hump to appear less attractive. If a student is smart, he's only given pieces of his textbooks to reduce his advantage. If a student is fast, he's made to race in leaden shoes to keep things fair in track events.

The left is just absolutely determined to destroy gifted and talented programs and magnet schools that select based on performance. Hell, they even want to end the system of "tracking," which is just dividing a class into 2-3 levels of ability so that different groups can work at different speeds, and you can give the slow kids the remedial teaching they need but which the other kids do not.

They find tracking violates principles of "equity" and is "racist." Of course.

And Chicago's Brandon Johnson just bowed to the Radical Racists and scrapped all gifted schools. Not enough blacks get into those programs, so, obviously, the problem is racism. I can think of no other reasons for the disparity, and neither can you, otherwise you will be fired and de-banked.

Anyone think that performance of black students is going to improve now that Chicago is acting to hamstring white and Asian student?

Choice, selective schools perpetuate 'inequity,' says Chicago mayor, school board

"Equality in misery" is the new plan for Chicago Public Schools, writes Paul Vallas, who lost the race for mayor to Brandon Johnson, a former teachers' union organizer. "Chain students to a failing school system by ending the state private school scholarship program & dismantling public charter & magnet high schools," writes Vallas, former CEO of the district, on X. "Poor families will suffer most."

Chicago's high-performing selective-admissions high schools, magnet schools and other forms of choice reinforce "cycles of inequity" and must be replaced with "anti-racist processes and initiatives that eliminate all forms of racial oppression," the Chicago Public Schools board has resolved.

Oh. We're going to replace actual education with more post-George-Floyd "anti-racist processes," also known as Straight-Up Hardcore Racism.

Jonathan Turley:

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Chicago Board of Education are following the lead of other major cities and eliminating gifted school programs in the name of achieving greater racial and social "equity." Eleven "high-achieving selective-enrollment schools" will be eliminated, according to Chicago Board of Education CEO Pedro Martinez, to reduce "stratification and inequity."

As we have previously discussed, major cities with failing public education programs are erasing performance gaps in their schools by decapitating the top performers rather than elevating the performance overall.

Other schools have also eliminated or lowered proficiency standards to achieve higher passage rates.According to the Daily Mail, the Board will vote today on the Mayor's plan with the support of the president.

The Chicago Tribune blasted Johnson in an editorial for reneging on a campaign promise not to abolish the selective schools.

Oh a leftwing Democrat lied to get elected? Good thing I was sitting down when I read that.

As previously discussed, school boards and teacher unions have long treated parents as unwelcome interlopers in their children’s education.

That view was captured in the comment of Iowa school board member Rachel Wall, who said: "The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client is not the parent, but the community."

State Rep. Lee Snodgrass (D-Wis.) tweeted: "If parents want to 'have a say' in their child's education, they should home school or pay for private school tuition out of their family budget."

Parents who question unpopular policies are often treated as extremists.

Michelle Leete, vice president of training at the Virginia PTA and vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA, said parents would not force them to reverse their agenda: "Let them die. Don't let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward."

Chairman Mao was most impressed by your revolutionary fervor, Comrade!

Teachers and boards are killing the institution of public education by treating children and parents more like captives than consumers. They are force-feeding social and political priorities, including passes for engaging in approved protests.

As I've mentioned before, these kind of magnet schools keep parents who have good middle class incomes in the city. If you take away these schools, you force them to flee the city completely, because while they have solid incomes and help the city tax base, they are not wealthy enough to both pay the sky-high Blue Taxes and also send their kids to private schools.

More and more middle income white and Asian people are fleeing the cities. "White flight," the will call it, portraying these people as racist.

No, you motherfucking civilizational razers: You went to war against their fucking children for the sake of your sick ideology and that was one sacrifice to the Gods of the Left they were unwilling to make.

Once the cities have deliberately hollowed out their entire tax base (except for some billionaires who keep pied-a-terres in the city), don't worry, all the big blue cities will put their hands out to demand that you subsidize them some more. They won't like losing the ability to tax the White Supremacists (including Asian White Supremacists) who fled their hell-holes, so they'll call on the US government to tax its citizens to continue propping up their catastrophic civilizational destruction.

Carole Hooven was a researcher at Harvard who was bullied into leaving the school by DEI officials who ginned up a hate mob against her.

Hooven is a WHITE woman and biologist who came to the heretical conclusion that there are two genders and the differences between them are real.

Claudina Gay oversaw this purge.

Carole Hooven @hoovlet

Eloquent and heartbreaking. From Harvard Law Professor Mark Ramseyer's email to a Harvard list (with permission). I came for my PhD in '99, he came as a prof in '98. We were each publicly attacked for our views in '21.

"Harvard is a vastly less tolerant place than it was when I arrived in 1998. The intolerance is a function of an increasingly large fraction of our colleagues. And we -- the rest of us on the Harvard faculty -- let it happen. The cancelling, the punishments, the DEI bureaucracy, the DEI statements, the endless list that we could all recite -- all this happened on our watch. We saw it happen, but we did nothing. We were too busy. We were scared to speak up. We -- we on the faculty -- let Harvard become what it is. The Harvard that we have is the result of our own collective moral failure.

The alumni who are furious are not trying to turn Harvard into something we do not want. They are trying to rescue Harvard from what we let it become.

We as a faculty failed. That is why the alumni are speaking up. That is why we formed the Council on Academic Freedom in the first place." @cafharvard @sapinker

Alec Baldwin got into a shouting match with Hamas sympathizing protesters because they both come from Cultures of Public Shouting.

"Protesters" have once again taken over swaths of a city in order to delay, inconvenience, bully, and threaten citizens, and the corrupt Regime allows them to do this.

Alec Baldwin was berated by anti-Israel protesters on Monday evening after hundreds of agitators flooded into Penn Station and Grand Central Station during a fiery demonstration where they told Israel to "go to hell."

The irate "30 Rock" star jawed out the protesters who told him he has "no f--king shame" and belittled his "tanking" career while hundreds descended on the major Big Apple transit hubs during the protest opposing Israel's military campaign in Gaza against Hamas.

Baldwin was walking by the demonstration near West 29th Street when protesters spotted him and darted toward him, accusing him of supporting Israel.

NYPD officers needed to escort the actor. Baldwin had no problem shouting back at them but was quickly met with the ire of the protesters.

"Shut your f--king mouth, you have no f--king shame," one man shouted back at Baldwin.

"Go f--k yourself," the man yelled.

"You ask stupid questions," Baldwin could be heard telling one of the rabble-rousers. "Ask me a smart question, and I'll answer your question."

The crowd dispersed when Baldwin announced he would rehearse a scene from Dust and drew a 45 caliber Colt.

Tripp Whitbeck @trippwhitbeck

"Why'd you even come here?" the bozo asks Alec Baldwin.

It's a city of 8.5 million people... Protests don't "own" the block!

Ah but they do. They do.

Queers for Palestine finally interacted with genuine Palestinians.

Alec Baldwin really needs to get involved here. Their stupid shouting isn't as majestic as Alec Baldwin's stupid shouting.




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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:14 PM

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